The Boy Mom Podcast is 100!! (Episodes! 😉) Let’s Celebrate! {Episode 100 with Clips and Giveaways!}
Hey Friends! Welcome to the 100th Episode of the Boy Mom Podcast! Today we celebrate!
I’m so grateful for all who have been a part of this journey thus far! Thank you God, most of all.
- Also thanks to my family for the love, support, and patience (not to mention technical help, interviews, and music for the podcast)
- Thanks to Christian Parenting Podcast Network for editing and producing episodes since last summer (thanks, Scott!) and all of the ways they support the podcast, help spread the word, and invite me to join them for exciting projects like the upcoming “Refocused, Refined, and Ready” digital event later this month! (thanks, Jill!) (Also: Tickets are now available so click here if you want to join this epic online conference!)
- Finally!! BIG MAHALO to all of you — for listening, leaving ratings and reviews, telling your friends about the podcast, and just being so kind to me on social media and everywhere! I am so very blessed.
I hope you enjoy today’s show. It was so much fun to put together! I am sharing clips from the 7 most downloaded episodes so far, and a giveaway to go along with most of them. (enter to win at the bottom of this post!) Find links to the people and books I am sharing below…
Episode #1: Introduction to the Podcast!
GIVING AWAY a copy of Boy Mom: What Your Son Needs Most from You!
Episode #4: Wendy Speake and I talking about Boys and Discipline.
Wendy Speake is offering a copy of Parenting Scripts: When What You’re Saying isn’t Working, Say Something New
Episode #5: My son Jonah and I talking about Raising a Son who Loves God.
Episode #27: Brooke McGlothlin sharing about Praying for our Sons
Brooke McGlothlin is giving away a copy of Praying for Boys: Asking God for the Things They Need Most
Episode 40: Drew Dyck talks about Self Control and Boys.
Drew Dyck is giving away a copy of Your Future Self Will Thank You: Secrets to Self Control from Brain Science and the Bible.
Episode 72: Sissy Goff talking about Helping our Kids Who Worry.
Episode 78/80: David Thomas talking about the Social and Emotional Milestones are Sons Should Reach.
Sissy and David are giving away a copy of Are My Kids on Track? The 12 Social, Emotional, and Spiritual Milestone Your Child Needs to Reach
You can find the Boy Mom Podcast on all of the podcast platforms…here are just a few of them:
iTunes (now called Apple Podcasts)
Or you can listen right here! 😀
Closed!! 🙂 Thank you so much for all of the comments and love!! I’ll be drawing randomly from ALL comments and will email winners which book they will receive! Be sure to comment with an email address I can contact you at. Giveaway ends on 4/12/21
QUESTION FOR GIVEAWAY: What is one thing you have learned or taken away from the Boy Mom Podcast that has helped you be a better #BOY MOM!?
Leave your response in comments and you will be entered to win one of the books mentioned! (Closed)
Thanks for reading these show notes! If you found this podcast episode helpful, please share it using social media links below!
I’m grateful for my listeners and readers, and would love to connect. You can subscribe to my blog for a weekly update on anything new I’ve published, say hi on Facebook , or find me on Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest.
My book, BOY MOM, was released in August of 2019 (Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers) and is full of practical advice and helpful resources for raising boys. It’s great for personal reading, or to use as a study for small groups!
Order it here: Boy Mom: What Your Son Needs Most from You
*I am an Amazon Affiliate and some of the products I share will benefit me if you click through and purchase. Thank you so much!!
Once again…Don’t miss the GIVEAWAY!!
QUESTION FOR GIVEAWAY: What is one thing you have learned or taken away from the Boy Mom Podcast that has helped you be a better #BOY MOM!?
Leave your response in comments and you will be entered to win one of the books mentioned!
Being a mom of 7 kids keeps me busy. I started listening during quarantine and was inspired by a family raising 4 boys to be godly young men. So much so I bought your book. I appreciated your thoughts on electronics and encouraging creativity.
I started following your blog several years ago because of a healthy recipe you shared on fb. At the time I had two toddler boys at home and felt hugely overwhelmed! I’ve since read and re-read many of your blog posts and look forward to your podcasts! I also have your book☺️ One the most impactful things I’ve learned from you and strive to continually focus on that I’m raising men not just taking care of boys. And that I want them to be men of character. Your tips about not taking things personally have also been super helpful, even as they are both older and one is a teenager. Thank you for sharing your life and for being real!
Congratulations on 100 episodes! I don’t think I can say any one thing I have learned – I just so enjoy your podcast. I feel validated when I listen, I feel challenged, and I feel inspired. Thank you for being a great example and teacher!
I always love the podcasts where you talk with your sons. I can hear that you have a good relationship with each of them. They trust you and respect you. That is what I want to have with my boys.
Thank you for your time, Monica and to share your wisdom with us.
I have been so blessed to have this book as a guide in my boy mom journey with my 3 little boys! One of my favorite take-away’s is remembering that my husband and I are not on this journey alone but it’s only with my Father’s guidance that I can truly raise my kids well! Thank you for your amazing guidance and encouragement!
Congrats on 100! I have been listening from the beginning and love all you have offered so far. Hard to pick just one thing I’ve learned but the first that comes to mind is to learn my son’s currency which at 3 years old I feel like his loves and interests change so rapidly!
While late to the BoyMom podcast, I have enjoyed so many of your podcasts. I think the biggest take away for me is the emphasis on parenting with the end in mind. Focussing on the character I want my sons (and daughters) to have when they enter adulthood. Thank you Monica and team (your family) for making this podcast have such gut wrenching conviction but given in a graceful manner. God Bless and Happy 100.
The biggest takeaway from the Boy Mom Podcast if I had to pick one is one of authenticity. Monica..I am so glad I happened upon your podcast back many months ago. Your authenticity and ways that you relate to your audience are like no other. Thank you for showing us vulnerability, and thank you for providing the steps we can take to
move forward in raising our sometimes crazy, but sweet boys!!!
One thing it helped me to listen from Boy mom podcast is the importance of having family devotions with our sons.
I appreciate Monica’s parenting wisdom so much and her honest and transparent approach to navigating the toughest job in the world. My biggest takeaway is that being intentional about nurturing my children’s spiritual growth and seeking to reach their hearts is the #1 thing I can do to set them on the road to success in life. Thanks Monica, and keep the podcasts coming!
I started following your blog just a little while after you started it. I think my son was in the middle school years. He’s now almost 22!
You’ve come a long way since then! 😊. Congratulations!
First of all congratulations! I found your podcast out of desperation after I had 4 boys 5 and under. I felt like I was drowning, and your podcast helped me get thru that difficult season. We are now expecting boy #5. Probably the biggest thing I’ve learned is how to listen to and lean more on God to parent each child the way they need to be.
I have been a listener since your very first episode and have definitely learned many things – the importance of modeling a relationship with God, encouraging them to have adventures, sharing great books together (reading is my happy place!)
I have learned to Surrender to God’s purpose for my life as a boy mom and have Grace for my mistakes in the past. I do enjoy this podcast, thank you for 100 episodes and congratulations
The biggest thing I’ve learned from the Boy Mom podcast is to approach discipline as forming my boys into the men I want them to become one day – not just focusing on the present, but on the future. I love this approach and hopefully can remind myself of this before reacting emotionally in tough situations.
I have been listening to the boy mom podcast for a while now. I am the mom of two boys (ages 6 and 4) and two girls (ages 8 and 2) with baby #5 on the way. I learn something each episode, but I think the things that stand out are to be intentional, to be a student of our kids, and to remember the big picture and think of the warriors we are raising for the kingdom of God. I also love it when your boys jump on the podcast as well. Congratulations on 100 episodes and I look forward to many more!
Oh my goodness I don’t know what is the 1 thing I have learned the most because I have learned A GREAT DEAL! I absolutely love all the speakers & resources you give us. But, I would have to say I have learned the most about my own heart through all of this. So many times as humans we want to blame others & think our way is the right way. I have been reminded that parenting is my job & its my boys job’s to challenge or test boundries and to figure out WHO they were created to be. Listening to your podcast, reading your book & hearing from so many others has really helped me to think about the end result. Most importantly it has helped me realize I am not in this alone. I love the phrase you use “up stream parenting.” It reminds me it isn’t easy, but the work is worth it! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your ministry! It has been life changing for me!
Your words teach me so much! You have reminded me to keep the end in sight, to offer grace to my boys as well as myself, and to persevere and stay in the word. Thank you for all that you do – you bless me with your podcast, blog and book 🙂 Congratulations on your 100th episode!
I’ve learned that each child is so different and needs different care, but also that I don’t have to get it right because God will take care of them ultimately!
I have learned a TON… one of my anchor take always though is from Boy Mom when Monica talks about having our sons’ trust. It is a new filter that I will aim to preserve—I have also learned to just laugh more with my boys—- embrace boy momming and be more light hearted.
Hi Regan! I just drew names for the book giveaway and your name was chosen…However the email I sent came back to me as undeliverable. Could you give me a good email to use and I’ll reach out to you there!? Thank you so much and thank you for the very kind comment!! XOXOO
Your podcasts strengthen my faith and truly make me a better mom. I am grateful for your book, your podcast and your walk because I am learning so much. It’s hard to give one take away when there are so many nuggets of knowledge I walk away with but taking the emotion out of my responses has been so helpful to be intentional in raising my boys. Thank you so much! Congrats on 100 and I hope and pray for many more to come!
I don’t know if i can choose just one thing I’ve learned. 😂. The first thing that comes to mind is intentional parenting. With my older girls there was a lot of survival and you are helping me raise my son better than that!
I love your podcast and look forward to learning something new each episode.
I was recommended by a friend to listen to your podcast and have ALMOST listened to ALL 100 episodes now! And in turn, I have recommended this podcast to almost every boy mom I know! Congrats on 100 episodes!!
I have learned so many things from you and your guests. From being students of my sons, learning how to prepare them for launch, having many great conversations with them and most importantly to pray and let God do His work in them. Thanks for all the hours you put in to be an amazing resource and for pointing us to so many other Godly men and women. Congratulations on 100 episodes!
Wow, I’ve learned so much, but I think the biggest thing I’ve learned is how to talk and respond to my boys when the are misbehaving. I still have a long way to go, but my first response was to yell at them instead of use it as a teaching lesson.
Give your kids grave- think the best, but be realistic. Give yourself grace too- ask forgive quickly and forgive just as quickly
LOL GRACE!! Grace not the grave 🙄😂
I’ve been listening to Boy Mom podcast from the beginning and I love it! It’s always encouraging an full of wisdom and resources to help me be a better “#boy mom”. One thing in particular that I’ve learned is to give my boys freedom to embrace and encourage their spirit of adventure. This is hard to do at times! Thank you Monica for all the work you do and being an example for younger moms!
Listening about the importance of giving my boys the words and tools for their emotions has been huge for me. I don’t do it well but when I try I see a big shift in how they process a hard moment instead of going right to anger.
Also, the importance of letting them play and be adventurous boys!
oh goodness, that’s so hard to pick just one thing?! 😉
but for the sake of not writing a page long comment– I’d have to say it was the perspective shift from raising boys to “raising young men.” Realizing that and really internalizing it has been an immense means of grace in my daily life. It reminds me that right here, in the middle of all the mess, noise, and sinful attitudes there is a work God has called me to, in shaping the young men that my boys will grow up to be. Thank you so much, Monica!
oh goodness, just one thing?! 😉
Well, I’d have to say it was the perspective shift from raising boys to “raising young men.” Realizing that and really internalizing it has been an immense means of grace in my daily life. It reminds me that right here, in the middle of all the mess, noise, and sinful attitudes there is a work God has called me to, in shaping the young men that my boys will grow up to be. Praise Jesus!
Ways to communicate with and discipline effectively with my son. Also, how to help guide their spiritual growth. I have my Mother Son Prayer devotional from Christie Thomas coming today 🙂 [email protected]
I started listening when I was pregnant with my second son who’s now a few weeks old 🙂 your podcast has helped me so much to start to form a vision for motherhood and how to raise sons with strong character. Thank you for what you do!
Hard to just pick one thing but definitely how to be an INTENTIONAL parent, partner, person and Christian everyday. It is not always easy but worth it.
Thank you Monica.
I have learned so much from this podcast, in bite sized chunks. I have learned how to talk to God directly about what I’m struggling with as a #boymom
One thing I have learned from your podcast is to keep the big picture in mind while still being intentional with my boys. Trusting God’s sovereignty and His help available through His word and Holy Spirit but being intentional and consistent about big-picture character points that matter to our family. Congrats on 100 episodes! I have faithfully listened since the beginning. ❤️ Thank you for taking the time to do this podcast! May God bless you!
Just one thing?! I have taken so many things away from your book and podcast! I think being intentional is the biggest take away. I have loved all of your guests and topics over the 100 episodes! Thank you!
One thing that I am so grateful to have taken away from your podcast/book is to parent the little MEN that I hope to launch into the world in years to come and not to simply parent the little kids here in the present. It has really changed my perspective and has helped me to think through what character traits I want to train into them now and over these ‘few’ years I have with them under my care.
(I have also really appreciated the idea of practicing things as a way to teach appropriate behavior in the here and now like how to get our attention when we are speaking to another grown up, how to leave a place well, etc.)
I think I have learned to be more intentional about parenting my children. I have learned to slow down, be more observant of them (“a student of your son” as you like to say). I’ve also learned that it’s ok for our family to look different than other families and to be confident in the choices we make as parents.
Hi Monica!
I have valued your podcast greatly. I come from a house of girls and one brother so when I had boys I wasn’t sure what to expect. Intentionally parenting has stuck with me and that our roll is to be their parent and guide them. I hope to instill in them the Godly values you express and advice you give each and every podcast. It’s also comforting to hear that my boys are “normal” and can relate to your experiences.
Because of you (and your sons), I have hope that I can help raise sons who love God! Even in this broken, corrupt world, it is possible to raise strong children who aren’t afraid to lead instead of follow and be proudly Christian at the same time. I keep Boy Mom on my nightstand for frequent reference!
Monica, you have really inspired me to stay strong in my desire to teach Christian values to my sons. It is hard and so counter culture in today’s world. Since starting to listen to you about a year ago, I’ve used many of your tools to step up how much we focus on our Christian beliefs in our family. God bless you. Keep up the good work and congratulations on producing 100 podcasts. That’s a lot of work!
Teaching about character. How they act when no one is looking is just as important as when others are around. Love Boy Mom!
You have helped to give me vision to the future of my kids by encouraging me to be INTENTIONAL today as a parent. There are at least 101 different tools you have shared through your emails, podcasts, and book to make it a reality.
I am a mom of the most adorable little four year old boy(we’re all biased to our own kids, right?) but he doesn’t always act adorable. We hit a stage where his temper would reach an overwhelmingly high point over something so small it seemed. To me anyway. It gotten to a point where it made me start to lose my cool with him. I started acting just as ugly as he was. I didn’t know how to handle him/the situation I thought. But what I really wanted was to be able to control my own self in order to better control situations where he would act out in anger. That lead me to the boy mom podcast. It took me two days to catch up listening to all 80 something episodes that I missed. I was addicted. Still am. I have grew so much as a mom simply from applying what I have learned from Boy Mom and praying over him. This has allowed a much better relationship between kaeman and me. I have been able to control my own actions and help teach my toddler to better control his. When he is feeling angry or upset we always sit down together, take a couple breaths and I let him tell me what he is upset about and why. It’s amazing how much a four year old will open up and express what he is feeling by how I approach him. Thanks Boy Mom!!
I love how you give practical ideas of walking in faith through their friendships and school and hobbies and how you are authentic to talk about ups and downs with different personalities and how you are always so encouraging to not make us feel bad we aren’t doing things but encourage us to move forward in where we are!
Congrats on your 100th episodes! My husband and I both enjoy your podcast so much! A few things that stood out to me, I don’t remember which episodes. The first was teaching kids to acknowledge guests when they arrive to your home- I love that. The other was having kids place a hand on your arm when they would like to speak to you instead of interrupting. I’ve loved all of your episodes, those were just 2 of my favourite nuggets ☺️
I have learned to be present and pay attention to what my boy loves/ is interested in. Being a young working mom is challenging thank you for providing advice and people to look up to!
I have learned to be present and take the time to learn my child and take time to learn what they love/like to do.
Hey Monica! I’ve been subscribed for just about 2 years. I love hearing your boys on your podcast – I hope to raise my son to be as godly as they are! I also really like when you add recipes you love.
I have learned how to work with my sons’ individual personalities and how to strategize how best to connect and parent them. Also, how to incorporate faith into parenting and use birth order to understand my boys.
I absolutely love the Boy Mom Podcast! It is one of my favorites to listen to. I have two boys and this podcast has given me inspiration for the way I parent them and help them grow in their faith. Congratulations on 100 episodes! May God bless you and your family!
This episode was just what i needed today. I am going back to revisit all these episodes. Thank you 🙏🏻
Love your podcast so much! Thank you for your encouragement and wisdom. Looking forward to hearing about your next book!