Health and Fitness: Spot Reduction is a Myth. And the Truth about Losing Body Fat.
Hey friends!
So…I’m working on a couple fitness posts, where I plan to share some of the exercises I do in addition to my minimalist running routine. 🙂
Because remember, I don’t do a lot, but what I do, I do consistently…
But then, before I could finish my first post about arm exercises, a fact hit me:
A lot of people out there still believe in a little myth called Spot Reduction. Or, even if they say they don’t believe in it, they workout as if they did.
And I just felt like I ought to address the whole concept before I go on. (and of course not everyone does this–but I think enough people to make it worth addressing.)
If you aren’t familiar with the term Spot Reduction, it is the idea that you can workout a certain area of the body and you will burn fat specifically in the area that you are working.
What? Did you think that worked?
Not at all.
Body fat is one of those frustrating things that simply goes where it wants to on each of our bodies. It is unique to each of us. We do not get to decide if we’ll hold on to our last extra ten pounds on our thighs, around our waist, or in our boobs. It just is what it is.
That is why, if you are working to burn extra body fat, you might be disappointed to find that you first lose fat from your face…then your chest…then your ankles…haha…Seriously though–it can be really frustrating to find that your “trouble spot” is like the very very very very last place to give it up and get on the thin train.
Yes, I know this can be really sad news. Please don’t cry.
As a personal trainer, I found this a really challenging concept to get people to grasp. Everyone seemed to want to “just fix this area,” and feel frustrated when I suggested it wasn’t quite that simple.
This is also why when I have a thin friend, who tells me “I just need to lose the last of my fat right here,” as she pinches the one final inch of fat on the back of her arm, I give an empathetic sigh, and say, “Hope you don’t care too much about food then.” Because really, for most of us to get to that very last bit of fat…the part that holds on for dear life…usually (not always, but yes pretty much always,) we will have to decide what is more important: Getting rid of the fat, or your general happiness.
I’ve chosen general happiness.
Even though this may not be new information, it is pretty clear that a whole lot of people are still living with the false hope that spot reduction works. And if you don’t believe me, go to your nearest gym and check out what the women are doing: You know those leg machines where you sit and move your knees in and out and in and out? The ones with lines of women waiting to use them? Do you think all of those women are really wanting to STRENGTHEN their abductor and adductor muscles? Ha! No. These women are hoping that by moving their knees in and out and in and out they will be burning fat off of their inner and outer thighs.
But no.
But we still see women making their way to the gym, especially for machines like these. They are thinking, hoping–(even if subconsciously,) that it might just work for them this time. And I have friends who go to hour long abdominal classes every single week. (I can hardly take five minutes of abs!) I ask them WHY? They say because the last of their fat is on their abs.
But it doesn’t work that way. Sure, they’ll have some seriously strong abs (which has plenty of benefits, which we’ll get to in a few weeks,) but it won’t remove the fat off their middle.
I have heard it said that if spot reduction worked, then compulsive overeaters would have the thinnest faces around.
Kinda funny, but indeed–true.
So…what is the solution to all of this? And is there even good reason to do resistance work?
First, there is only ONE WAY to lose body fat. My husband simply refers to it as 1st law of Thermodynamics: And it all boils down to “energy in, energy out.” in other words, to lose body fat we must burn more energy than we take in.
The best way to do this is to burn calories through cardiovascular exercise, and eat less food.
One of my favorite analogies is to compare losing body fat to emptying water out of a pool…One bucket at a time. Keep working and eventually you’ll hit that trouble spot.
Second, yes–there is reason to do resistance work! Resistance work strengthens muscles, which is important both practically (we need them for the rest of our life!) and because muscles are like little fat burning machines. More muscle means a higher metabolism, (and here’s the key–) this happens around the clock! So, even though you burn a lot of calories when you do a cardiovascular workout, that will peak at the time of your workout, and then levels off a couple hours later. But muscles actually burn fat around the clock, even as you sleep…and the stronger the muscles, the more they will burn. (GOOD NEWS!)
The other reason we should do resistance work is because as you lose body fat you will begin to SEE the muscles that are underneath the fat. So…if you happen to carry your body fat around your middle, and you spend time strengthening your abs, you will eventually see some nicely defined muscles. A six pack? Sure! Or, if you lose your leg fat, and you’ve been doing that in out in out in and out machine at the gym, you will eventually see toned abductor and adductor muscles.
Now that I got that off my chest, I can get back to writing about my favorite exercises that you can do at home, in under ten minutes.
I hope you’ll come back to check them out soon.
Meanwhile: Just to review: (Say it with me:) Spot reduction is a myth.
But just for the sake of fun conversation–if you could target one “trouble spot,” which area would it be? Wondering how much variety we represent here!
Now go have a great weekend!
And if this topic is of interest to you, I am pretty sure you’ll enjoy my book: The Secret of Your Naturally Skinny Friends. (Read all about it– and order it if you like–HERE!)
Oddly enough, despite the fact that I have lots of weight to lose and it will hopefully come from everywhere hopefully relatively evenly, maybe even a little from the boobs, if I could target one particular area….it would be my calves.
It’s bad enough that currently I have to shop in special areas of the store to find clothes that fit me and usually end up having to pay a little extra for the extra fabric, but to not have boots fit either. Seriously, do you know how hard it is to find wide-calf boots in a store without having to pay $120 dollars online plus shipping to find out you don’t like them.
I’m sorry Sandy, that is a tough one! 🙁 But honestly, I’m a much bigger fan of ankle boots anyways. 🙂 (Not sure if that helps any, haha.) You just keep pressing on. I believe in you!!
A few weeks ago I started a lifestyle change, which hopefully includes weight loss. I’ve put on 25 pounds since having my two kids, and I finally decided I was ready to take my health seriously and change some things. Eating less crap. Eating better quality food. Eating appropriate portions. Getting active.
I’ve lost a few pounds, and of course the exercise is helping me feel much better–I actually jogged (slowly) a total of four miles last week, which is way better than zero–but the Lose 50 Pounds in Two Weeks! mindset of our culture frequently threatens my slow and steady mantra.
Lisa TerKeurst’s book “Made to Crave” has been helpful in re-framing my attitude toward exercise and nutrition, and so have your posts. Thank you!!!
Awesome Erin! So glad to hear from you. Keep up the awesome work, and keep me posted! 🙂
I love this Article.. I will go easy on my thighs and ABS workout and keep my Pilates class ans Zumba. Like you say one day maybe one day I will see those muscles again. By the way I lost 54 lbs by going to the gym and cutting Sugars and Process foods out of my life oh and the Soda:)
Awesome job Juana!! That is a huge accomplishment! 😉 And way to do it the right way! 🙂 Keep up the great work!
Monica, thank you so much for this reminder. I’ve definitely found spot reduction to be a myth, regardless of the workout. But isn’t it awesome that you get whole-body benefits?! I think that’s much cooler than the concept of spot reduction. 🙂
The coolness of whole-body benefits and the sketchiness of spot reduction became most apparent to me last year, when I was participating in CrossFit (a big deal for many reasons). Over the course of ~six months, my body slowly but steadily transformed. The best payoff was being able to open almost any jar (seriously, this was My #1 Goal!). I squatted and lifted and repped and ran. I figuratively worked my butt off…
…and my hips remained squishy. Perpetual Muffin-Top* was like, “Hey, girl, whatchu doin’? Let’s hang out all the time and be BFFs like we have been your entire life.” (*PMT makes itself more or less apparent depending upon the clothing worn, of course.)
If I’d still been under the influence of the spot-reduction myth, this may have been intensely disheartening. If spot-reduction methods worked, then I would have the most sculpted hips in all the land! I mean, come on, Perpetual Muffin-Top, did you even see how many squats I just threw down?
But that was just it. Despite Perpetual Muffin-Top’s dryer-sheet clinginess, I was reaching my fitness goals. Overall, I was more toned, and I was much stronger, which was the really exciting part. Perpetual Muffin-Top, my constant companion since my single-digit years (!), was not preventing me from accomplishing things. 🙂
Yes, my hips and their accompanying stretchmarks will always make it look like I carried multiple sets of twins to term (although I have been pregnant exactly zero times). Yes, that non-stretch pair of jeans shall cause Perpetual Muffin-Top to rise again. But that “trouble spot” doesn’t define my success as an exerciser, much less as a human being.
Now I like to focus on all the things I can do instead of the, like, one body “flaw.” As Sarah Silverman is credited with stating, “Mother Teresa didn’t walk around complaining about her thighs—she had [stuff] to do”! (I’m probably taking her quote out of context, but it’s applicable as a standalone comment. 🙂 )
And as nice as having picturesque hips would be, my hips ain’t ever gonna open a jar of salsa. 😉
As always, laughed out loud and nodded all the way through your comment. Thank you Rennie! But if I ever write that book, I think I’ll have to quote that last line: “My hips ain’t never gonna open a jar of salsa.” CLASSIC LINE!! Love it, and love you!
So excited and inspired by this topic!! I’ve just had my second little boy and exersizes that can be done at home in 10minutes would be amazing as I just don’t have much time with two kids under two right now 🙁
Gonna have to say it’s the tummy region that i would love to improve on but happy to tone up all over with a workout guide that I can stick to and that’s realistic with my limited time.
I do get to walk a lot pushing a stroller around and carrying the little one in a carrier but sadly that’s it right now 🙁
Looking forward to future posts!
Thanks Monica for picking me up again today xx
Monica! I can personally confirm that you are absolutely right! About a year ago I started working out with a personal trainer and my biggest fear was getting big and bulky muscles. I had also contemplated a tummy tuck! (I’ve had four kids). I’m happy to say my body was transformed. It was amazing. No bulk and I don’t even need a tummy tuck any more! It took time but the result is better than I could have imagined.
I wish I could say the same thing I have had 3 kids and I work out in a circut boot camp class 4 times a week and I also run. I am not a slacker and I work hard in class. I eat well. I just can’t get rid of my muffin top!! I am thinking of a tummy tuck or something. I feel I look great everywhere else my whole body looks fit. But then I look at tummy and it is jelly and wrinkly from having kids. Never goes away no Mander how much I work out. Any suggestions!!
I’ve got one word: Preach!
(And on a side note, those adductor/abductor machines are SO awkward when you accidentally make eye contact with anyone while using them. Yikes.)
haha–I know! Have you heard Jim Gaffigan talk about that? I should really find it and include…XO