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  1. Leonora Found says:

    Monica – sooooo loved your interview with Kari. Had a real giggle because as in my mind, Kari sounded like me (why? I have no idea. A South African. LOL!) and so listening to her was hilarious. LOVE her accent.

    Boys and Girls joined together in one podcast. GREAT idea! I loved the cross over and hope for a lot more. I think girl moms can give a load of insight to Boy moms and remind us what we need to be telling our boys about girl friendships and respect. Just love it.

    Her very last point was what hit home once again. Values. If I look back now, I think I spent way too much time when the kids were young focusing on discipline and doing things right. Yes, there is a place for this. But in a sense I believe instilling the values comes first and from this a fair amount of other things flow.

    A gazillion thumbs up to you!
    Love Leonora

    ps: Love the addition to your household. How is it that she looks so much like one of the Swansons? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Thank you Leonora!! So happy you enjoyed Kari and my talk — I adore her! (and I agree we can learn a lot from one another — all of us! :))
      Blessings to you — I always love hearing from you! XO PS YES! Isn’t Peyton adorable? I’m so grateful!