What I’ve Been Reading {With a Favorite Book Giveaway!}
Hey, here’s something fun/different. Let’s talk books!
Are you a reader? Do you love books?
I love to read, but like a lot of busy people I know, I don’t get to read as much as I’d like to. And I think I get intimidated by the real readers out there…You know, people who are completely up to date on the latest books, and talk about reading a few books a week. (and still have a clean house and well-behaved children. What!?)
But I always have a stack of books by my favorite red reading chair. Some new, some old. And one of my favorite things is when I discover a book that I absolutely love that hasn’t hit the best sellers list, but I know it could. Then I feel like I found a treasure, and I want to share it with everyone!
And that’s exactly what brought me here today:
My Best Friend’s Funeral: A Memoir, by Roger Thompson.
You might remember me mentioning this book here, when I first started reading it. It was recommended to me by Bryan Jennings, of Walking on Water. Roger and I are both friends with Bryan, and have both worked with him over time (Roger has helped Bryan with his surf films, and I write for WOW.) Then I discovered that Roger and I actually have a lot in common: mutual friends, a passion for family, adventure, writing, and raising boys who surf and skate, just for starters.
So I took the book with me to California last summer, and I couldn’t put it down.
Guys. It’s so beautiful I don’t know how to do it justice here. He’s one of those writers that make me go “Why do I even try?”
As I began to read, I was quickly drawn into Roger’s story. I could see his childhood family home and I walked the streets of Ventura alongside Roger and his friend, Tim. I laughed out loud at their juvenile antics, and related only too well to the honest way Roger described the awkward and sometimes lonely years growing up. I cried when Roger carefully pulled back the curtain on the darkness that was overtaking his father. For a time I was right there, experiencing it all alongside Roger.
Sure, the book returns faithfully to Roger’s friendship with Tim, (who by midpoint in the book I also considered a best friend,) but the messages in the book run deep and wide. Roger takes you along on his journey, and in the most real and honest way delivers messages of life, loss, and hope.
I read and re-read some parts of the book, making my husband listen as I wiped tears. Finally one night, Dave took the book away from me and started reading for himself. I have gone back to re-read chapters of the book, each time gathering more lessons to apply to my own life.
I wish I had the eloquence to better describer My Best Friend’s Funeral, but you can find awesome endorsements from much bigger names than mine over at the book’s homepage. (which is also really beautiful.)
My husband especially loved the trailer (I wonder why…)
I was happy to get to meet Roger and his beautiful wife Melissa as the boys and I passed through Ventura, California last summer. We met at a coffee shop in the town that I had read about in the book – so cool to be there! (His wife even packed a bag FULL of travel goodies for the boys and I…with the best oatmeal chocolate chip bar cookies we’ve ever had!) Now I’m just gonna say — You guys would love this family. In fact, pause real quick and hop on your phone to find @roger_w_thompson on Instagram. Follow him and be inspired by his family and his adventurous spirit.
And now…Now! Roger has kindly offered to give 3 signed copies of his book to you guys! Just check the bottom this post to enter!
**Meanwhile, go ahead and order his book now. You’ll want to give a copy to a friend regardless. Here’s the quick Amazon link: My Best Friend’s Funeral: A Memoir
What else have I been reading?**
As for the other books that sit by my reading chair… (there is always a stack; anyone else terrible about reading six books at a time?) Here’ a quick list.
For the Love: Fighting for Grace in a World of Impossible Standards by Jen Hatmaker. Just started it, but as you can guess coming from Jen, it’s fabulous.
Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World by Bob Goff. Bite size chapters of pure whimsy and inspiration. (this book has been around for awhile and I’m so glad I finally read it this summer!) It has totally inspired our whole family!
Savor: Living Abundantly Where You Are, As You Are by Shauna Niequest. I’ve got her book “Bread and Wine” on my iPad, and it’s one of my favorites! Savor is done more like a daily devotion, also very sweet and honest.
(also on my iPad –)Scary Close: Dropping the Act and Finding True Intimacy by Donald Miller. I just love his writing style.
Smart Money Smart Kids: Raising the Next Generation to Win with Money I’m a Dave Ramsey fan, and I absolutely admire and respect what he teaches. This book is co-authored by Dave’s daughter Rachel Cruze, who is applying all of the wisdom of her father, to raising money-smart kids. Oh it’s good.
Hope for the Weary Mom: Let God Meet You in the Mess By Stacey Thacker and Brooke McGlothlin, who is co-founder of the MOB (Mother of Boy) Society where I am a team-writer. This book has touched me in just the right place on just the right days. A must read for all weary moms (which is all moms, at some point!)
Praying God’s Word Day by Day by Beth Moore. Oh this I just keep out year-round. Solid, and powerful. Love it. (and love Beth!)
AS FOR THE KIDS.…I plan to come back and share a list of what my boys are reading next! I get a lot of requests for that, so I decided to dedicate a whole post to that.
Meanwhile, time to enter to win a copy of MY BEST FRIEND’S FUNERAL!
First, please hop over to Roger’s website and subscribe to his email list: (scroll to bottom of his site to leave your email address.) FYI: He doesn’t send emails out regularly, and no possibility of Spam. This just makes sure you’ll know when his future writing projects come out!
Then tell us here: What do you look for in a book? Entertainment? Inspiration? To be pulled in to another place? Do you read to solve problems, find information….Let us know what kind of things you love to read. Your name will be entered to win a signed copy of the book! I’ll choose a name on Sunday night, and announce it in my next post!
(Also keep up with Roger on Facebook, here.)
PS **Some links in this post are affiliate links. Your price is the same. As an Amazon affiliate, I simply get rewarded with a few cents for each purchase made through my site. 🙂 Mahalo!
I usually read non-fiction… looking for both information AND inspiration!
I look for a book that touches my heart. It can be sad or funny, as long as it makes me feel something other than anger or fear.
I love reading. I want to get to know characters as if they were real. It can become an escape and a little mental candy if the book is made with real butter and patiently stirred…
I love books that make me think. I love a good story and I know I have found a true gem when I mourn when my time is done with its characters. That they have become so real, I miss them.
I want to escape when I read a book. I need to feel as if I really know the characters. They become part of my life so I completely see where your mom is coming from 😉
Honestly, i love to read anything and everything. Most recently its been not so much “me” books in the sense of reading for pleasure but more of how to make “me” a better mom to my currently very trying 4 year old!! Nothing beats a good book, whether you get lost in its pages, learn anything new, or just get a good laugh!
i love cozy mysteries or books that take place in a small town
I loooooove reading all different books and how it transports me to a million different places! I love being able to paint my own picture & vision based off the words on the pages. Especially like it when I can apply parts of the book to my own life as another idea, different way of thinking or how to handle certain situations. And yes I too have a stack on my night stand of books to read or in progress. And I’ve tried using my Kindle, but I much rather have a good old fashion hard copy of the book! I love being able to physically turn the pages, see my progress and then close it when done with complete satisfaction!!!
I am intrigued by historical non-fiction or historical fiction!
Looks like a great and inspirational book! I like to read books to solve problems and find information.
wow, monica another great insightful blog entry . I look forward every week to what you have to share. This book looks intriguing. I love true stories that have real life meaning, changing people’s lives.
I love books that I can use as a lesson, to learn from real life experience.
Because we will all, at some point or another, need something to pull from.
I love reading books that other recommend. That gives me a large range.
I can’t wait to read this book! I like to read books that have a redemptive story in them (fiction or biographical)…about people who have overcome challenges.
This looks like such an inspiring story. I’m hopeful I can apply his wisdom in areas of my life.
Thanks for your list! Streams In The Desert is always on my bedside table. Incredibly powerful classic devotional writing that I start my day with.
I mostly read to be swept away to another place. I love being immersed in a great book with vivid descriptions and imagery.
This seems like an amazing book – after watching the trailer my husband even wants to read it! He tends to be a bit resistant to things faith-based as he doesn’t care for organized church so I am saying a prayer that this book will further strengthen and enrich him.
As for what I read! My favorites are things that either help me to be a better person or inspire me- whether it is exercise, home tips, nutrition or spiritual. I have limited time but love to read so I look to things that make me happy.
Oh so glad you both watched the trailer! And yes, I have a feeling you would both enjoy this book! 😉 Much aloha–
I read to escape, dream and see what others see through their words.
We are also trying to cultivate a love for reading in our 15-year-old son. A nice series to look out for is Bear Grylls’ ‘Mission: Survival’ series. Lots of adventure and really practical survival/first aid tips in an easy-to-read format.
Thanks for your posts – always interesting and so relevant!
Love from South Africa
I love to read. Mostly non fiction or books to help me learn something. Lately it’s been books about war. Unbroken was an amazing book. Couldn’t put it down!
Sounds like a wonderful book! I enjoy books with positive meaning that give strength to my person. Thanks for the boy-book suggestions, too!
I think the think I love the most about the books from my favorite author is that they have everything. Love, adventure, a hero, faith and most importantly there is always a question from one of the lead characters that makes me think. Makes me think about my relationships, make me think about how I treat myself, and makes me think about my faith.
I’m a reader, who now (with 2 under 2) laments not having enough time to read. 😉 I mostly enjoy fiction but that stack you have up there of non-fiction looks wonderful! I am adding a few to my list right now, including My Best Friends Funeral. Thank you for sharing!
This is on my book list! I like book that are love stories, parenting/marriage or take me to a new place…but really I don’t care! I always have my nose in a book:)
I cried at the trailer! What I look for in a book is something that will transcend me out my own life into anothers so I can learn a new form of empathy. You learn so much from others’ lives thus the reason we read blogs and even make blogs is to connect and learn. My favorite books to read are historical but like you am a busy mom. I run a preschool and have a blended family of 6 kids. Aloha from Oregon 🙂
all signed up for emails 🙂
oh, I love to read! for fun, for entertainment, relaxation, inspiration, sometimes….just to breathe!
My husband’s best friend of 25 years died suddenly a couple of weeks ago. He needs this book. We both do.
Oh ouch. I’m so so sorry. Yes, the book would be super good for you both. Prayers for you all…
I love to read books where I can be in another place like the last book I read
THE IRRESISTIBLE BLUEBERRY BAKESHOP & CAFE from Mary Simes. She talks about such a lovely story in an area I could imagine to life too : Connecticut.
And if I read it should be a ‘real’ book. We have iPads in our home, but a book is so much more fun to hold in hand and read. Big hugs from Switzerland, sandra
Because I am a mom to little ones, I find myself reading a lot of “season of life” books. Books that encourage me in this stage of life, but I try to mix in a novel or four per year because I love a good read that keeps me up at night.
Oh how I LOVE to read!!!! I’ll often find myself reading little nothings/advertisements, just because I’m somewhere and there’s nothing else to read 😋 But when I read I look for inspiration; inspiration to become a better wife, mother, sister, daughter, a better person. There are so many people who are walking through life at a further place than I am and I crave to know what they know, to discover what they’ve already discovered and to learn from them. Reading is often an escape from reality for me but mostly it’s a way to learn and advance in this place in life that I am at so I can later help guide others in this same way. Thank you for sharing what you are reading! I am always on the lookout for new awesomeness to dive into!!!
I LOVE to read, but I honestly don’t get to do enough of it! I try to read for at least 15-20 minutes each night, but there are some nights I have to make myself put the book down and go to sleep!
Wow. Where to begin? Where to end? I LOVE BOOKS. All kinds of books. History, biographies, philosophy, theology, informational. Poetry – so much poetry. Fiction – so much fiction. Autobiographies. And Scripture. Books for children and young people, illustrated books, fantasy books. Do I have a favorite genre? Usually the one I am presently reading. What I don’t like so much are formula books, most pulp romantic fiction, and a good amount of the self help section of bookstores and libraries. I do not like poorly written or sloppily edited books. Ah well, I love books.
Book sounds great!
I love to read mysteries and other peoples struggles. I’m always trying to find a book that helps me in my daily struggle to raise two boys in today’s society. I’m an “older” mom and run out of steam too easily. I love to read books that let me travel to other places that I know I’ll never get to visit. I’ve always been a reader since I was a little girl…never enough hours in the day for all the books I want to read!
Im like you Monica, I love to read, but have little time. So I too have a stack of amazing books on my little table. I love that book “Love Does”…so inspiring….I did finish that one. Im currently reading Pride and Prejudice, and Never say No: Raising Big-Picture kids by my pastor and his wife, Mark and Jan Foreman….parents of Jon and Tim Foreman of Switchfoot.
I love to read books about real life stories, testimony of God working in someone’s like through their struggles. Stories of inspiration, coorageousness, fighting the good fight of this journey we are on. Stories of hope and victory!
Thank you!
Sorry for the misspelled words it’s early in the morning lol
I love to read inspirational “feel good” books or books that make me think. : )
I love books but with two boys (5 and 3), it’s hard! I love books that inspire and make me think about the big and little picture of life. My favorite part is after I finish a really good book, I can still think about it a week afterwards. It stays with me, in the best possible way. I feel as if I can’t pick up another story until a great one sticks with me for awhile.
I’d love to read this book since I lived in Ventura for three years! Then we moved to PA but Ventura will always be in our heart.
Oh my. At first all I needed to see was the picture of surfing to draw me in, then I watched the trailer and the tears flowed, just from that little bit.
What do I look for when I read a book? Depends on my mood. Sometimes it’s just to escape my crazy life of three kids, two of whom are autistic & other times it’s to learn about those who have gone though some journey & I hope to feed off some morsels of it & benefit & grow from their experience.
I read to travel to new places, to escape the daily grind, to believe in magic & reconnect with myself.
I mostly read books about parenting & about God for inspiration, instruction & reassurance that it gets better, that I’m not alone & that I’m doing the right things.
Love your writing.
I love a book that inspires and encourages me. I want to get lost in it and feel as if I was apart of the story. I love to read people’s experiences and see how God works in them and through them!
Wasn’t sure how to sign up for the book giveaway that I’m sure interested. The book sounds great!
Thank you Mark. You’re entered just by commenting! 🙂 aloha-
I read mostly fiction, leaning heavy on the historical fiction side. I really need to start reading more non fiction.
I just LOVE books. I’ve tried to read on the Kindle and iPad but nothing feels as good as a real paper book. I genearlly love fiction, but will read almost anything someone says is great. Current book is a fun one…I Am Pilgrim. Next up… A Man Called Ove. Favorite of all time….The Namesake.
Awesome Lisa. And I’m with you, I don’t think I’ll ever quit loving a real book in my hands. As handy as a Kindle or iPad may be… 😉 Much Aloha-
I like reading real life stories, people searching for meaning and sharing meanings they have found. My husband passed away after 13 years of pain suffering due to cancers/side effects, he fought every day to stay with us… We have a 13 year old son and boy/girl twins that are 11. Recently I read The Shack which I highly recommend now reading Being Mortal and Proof of Heaven.
I love to read books that inspire. I love stories that dive into people and their lives, their struggles and how they come out on the other end. I love stories that make me think, that challenge me. Thank you for the suggestions above. Can’t wait to check them out.
I like to read about other’s struggles and their ability to overcome. And sometimes a good mystery in a tropical locale so I can escape for a few hours!
I love to read books on the joys of motherhood and mysteries.
I love to read books about people’s stories. I just finished reading Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. For me, books like that are hard to put down.