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  1. Thanks so much for your uplifting posts! This one was just what I needed to read today. 🙂

  2. What other podcasts do you recommend ?

    1. Hey Leeanne— Well, I do listen to a lot of podcasts that are related to writing, blogging, and online stuff, so if you are interested in those, let me know. 🙂 Otherwise I hop around to a lot of the Mom-blog type of podcasts mostly. My two favorites of course (because I’ve been interviewed on each, haha! :)) are God Centered Mom Podcast, and The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey! Let me know if you have any podcasts you love, as I always enjoy finding more.

  3. Thanks for the links to the bad lip reading and Dear Kitten you tube videos. Nice to have something funny AND kid appropriate!

  4. Such a great blend of ways to show love to yourself and the people in your life. I like the balance!
    And that is so cool about Rhonda Fleming!
    Happy Valentines to you all. 😘

    1. Thank you Danielle! Yes, who wouldd’a thunk we’d be related to a hollywood movie star, right? haha. 🙂
      XO To you!!