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  1. I am really loving this series! I have 1 girl and 3 boys so I am anticipating many of these talks in the coming years.

    1. so glad to hear that Jamie! You are wise to look ahead, and that is also a sign you’ll do great! 😉 Much aloha-

  2. Would like to visit you in your home. 🙂
    Are you open to that? 😉

    We’re from Canada, and also have 4 boys. Plus one girl.
    I really enjoy your articles! I can relate although mine are younger.

    1. Hey Helen–thank you so much, you are sweet. 😉 And yay for four boys (and a little jealous of the girl in there!!) So happy to hear you enjoy my articles. Bless you!

  3. Christina says:

    Thank you for your continued Godly and mature wisdom. Everything you write is so helpful, esp with the example a you give of how you do it. Thank you!

    1. Oh thank you so much Christina! Glad the examples help…Much aloha to you and your family! 🙂