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  1. As a fellow homeschooling mom of boys, I love this post SO MUCH! I never in a million years thought that I’d homeschool our kids, so when I kept feeling the “nudge” I practically ran screaming in the opposite direction. *I* didn’t fit the homeschool stereotype! (Or the one I had lodged in my head, anyway.) It was only through meeting mom’s like you through our blogs that I felt confident that YES! I could do this, and I should do this.

    Thank you for always being such a great source of encouragement, friend.

  2. “If bullying, cussing, and talking about sex at eight and nine years old is being “socialized,” then I’ll pick nerd-status, any day.” Amen!

  3. Really appreciate this one Mon. Today I found myself threatening to send Axel to public school (AWFUL, TERRIBLE moment on my part I know.) He just wasn’t staying on task. AT ALL. Distracted by the tiniest thing & everything. Would just flat out get up from his desk go outside & shoot pucks on the lanai. I was pulling my thinning hair out! Reading what you said about public schools & the socialization the kids get there was a blessing & an eye opener I really needed today! Mahalo.

  4. I LOVE how you found what works best for you and your family in EVERY season… 🙂

  5. This was great, Monica!

    We started homeschooling after we moved to Hawaii for an assortment of reasons. In the past my kids have also gone to public school and private school, so I feel like we’ve had opportunity to taste the best and worst of several different schooling methods. We aren’t sure if this is what we’ll be doing for the long haul, but it’s what has worked best for my family during this season of our lives.

    1. I think one of the biggest myths I’ve encountered is that all homeschool moms think everyone everywhere should homeschool. Although there may be some people who hold that position, I don’t believe education is one size fits all. I don’t judge my friends who don’t homeschool and I hope they don’t judge me because I do.

      This world is becoming a harder and harder place to raise children and I wish moms would support one another even if we don’t always do things exactly the same way.

      Deciding to homeschool was a personal decision of what works best for my family in this season, but it’s not my way of making a political or values statement.

      1. what a GREAT point!! You’re right…I’ll keep that in my head for future discussions on this topic! 🙂
        thank you, and keep up the great work!

  6. I was nodding my head emphatically as I read your post. As someone who was also homeschooled all the way through 7th grade, I can attest to all 5 points you make about how people would stereotype homeschoolers especially back in the 90s. We have a few years yet until we have to make a solid decision with our son, but I’m so glad that things are lots different these days for kids. Thanks for sharing with us! 🙂

  7. Awesome post, Monica! As a public school teacher and mom, I have always been fascinated by how home schooling “works”. Current thought in education pushes for time for kids to “tinker” with thoughts, ideas, tools, etc.; and to follow individual passions. Sounds like there is plenty of time to meet those goals in your boys’ lives.
    If a parent’s goal is to raise well rounded, polite children who are educated in the skills neeed to become competent,independent adults; I’d say you are succeeding and then some!

  8. Love this post!

    I’ve been reading your blog for a few months, and I’d been wondering which curriculum your family used. One thing I love about your blog is that your life doesn’t seem to have been completely taken over by homeschooling, so it’s helpful to hear a little about how you balance everything. I’m a single parent, homeschooling my two boys in Maui, and I’m still working out how to give my kids both a great education and a great childhood.


  9. Monica, I found this post fascinating! Thanks for sharing your insights. I have often wondered how homeschooling works, thanks for providing an “insider’s view” from your family’s experience. I really love the way that you describe the freedom this gives you. And the Internet really is such a vast resource. I love those TedTalks programs! I believe that each person learns in their own unique way. It sounds like you’ve found a way that works very well for your family! Thanks again for sharing.

  10. I went to public school through 6th grade, private Christian school in 7th and was homeschooled through graduation. I have three children and am homeschooling them. I was just thinking how do you do it! Thanks for reading my mind and answering some of my questions! 🙂 appreciate your perspective and how to manage it during your busy day. I love that you take care of yourself and leave the frock to someone else. I am sure your husband does as well. I have heard Hawaii isn’t as homeschool friendly as other states, is that an issue?

    I am really enjoying you, your blog and reading about your life. I have some catching up to do. Glad I found you through Hawaii Five 0! I saw your boys and commented to my husband that is what our son would look like if we lived in Hawaii. Very tan and bleached from the sun blond. 🙂 What good looking boys! Then you guest blogged right after on MOB on facebook. What an interesting world we live in.

    Thanks for sharing!

  11. Dear Monica, thank you for sharing! You are such an encouragement to me. As homeschool became God’s own plan for our family I truly found myself questioning so much about how can I possibly be called to teach my kids. I am still learning English myself, English grammar, spelling? I never heard about homeschool until 5 years ago. In Brasil is illegal such thing. My mom asks me when are you going to let the kids go to a real school? I still don’t have all the answers and actually since July last year I began to have more questions than answers about homeschooling. I heard all those five myths and lots of more comments but I thought I didn’t planned on it so I will receive HIS instructions. I prayed and we finally made a decision to by our first curriculum. I probably won’t follow it again next school year but I confess I needed to start right there with abc, 123 and all because after all teaching a 3 years old boy & another 5 years old boy is lots of fun! There was few times where I wanted to call you Monica and ask you how to do this thing called homeschool. But today you answered a lot of them. You are always being so positive and full of life. I know it’s by the Grace of The Lord. It’s a gift to be able to watch and learn together with our kids. Thank you Monica for who you are! Much aloha!

  12. You make me so happy with this post. As a Home-School “Graduate” whose mom started home-schooling me in second grade I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have heard one or more of these “myths”.

    I think the biggest one is that after so many years of being home-schooled, especially starting at such a young age, many expect me to be “socially awkward/backward”. But you are so right. Not being confined to a classroom for hours upon hours with people your exact same age gives you so much freedom to be around people and experiences you would never experience when stuck in a classroom. When I was about the age of your oldest two I started volunteering in the nursing home near our house.

    And I um, have seen way to many of the frumpy home-school mom wearing the shapeless frock. Which I am really proud of you for making points 3 and 4 separate points, cause remember your supposed to make that frock yourself. Oh and your daughters are supposed to have matching ones. And not cut their hair. And NEVER are you supposed to wear pants (unless it’s plain black leggings under that shapeless frock/jumper). Can you tell that a vast majority of the home-schoolers we knew up here were part of the reasons why those myths exist. And that I didn’t fit in even there, I was an “outcast among the outcasts”.