On Friendships, Lonely Seasons, and Making Wise Choices. {Podcast Episode 019 with my Son, Luke}
Hey Friends! Happy Aloha Friday! 🙂
Today my 15 year-old son, Luke, joins me for a short interview about friendships. I hope your kids can join you to hear Luke share from his experience and a bit of wisdom from the Bible (and George Washington! :))
I also share a quick Q & A about helping busy boys organize their time in the midst of school, sports, and other activities. (Hint: I’m not a pro, but shared one thing that has been helping me a lot lately!)
Verses Luke shared:
- Proverbs 13:20 “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”
- 1 Corinthians 15:33: “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character.”
- George Washington: “It’s better to be alone than in bad company.”
Luke shares suggestions for what to do while you wait for a friend who has good character:
- Be patient. You can hang out with lots of friends but be careful who you trust with more time and meaningful things.
- Hang out with older people who are wise and teach you things. 🙂 (They’ve been in your shoes before!)
- Learn to enjoy being alone. Luke thinks he’s developed a lot of character in his alone time.
- PRAY! God will answer your prayers in time.
FIND LUKE on INSTAGRAM at: @lukeswanson_
Teens and Peers: What they need most and how you can help
Talking to Your Teens about Peer Pressure. (this is a video chat with one of my sons.)
(a personal favorite) 3 Genius Responses to Peer Pressure.
You can find the Boy Mom Podcast on all of the podcast platforms…here are just a few of them:
iTunes (now called Apple Podcasts)
Or you can listen right here! 🙂
Hope this conversation might inspire some good chats with your family this weekend. As always feel free to leave a comment, a question or just a quick ALOHA in comments!