Blogging in the New Year. My Thoughts…Your Feedback?
You know, it takes me the entire month of January to process the New Year. In fact, am I getting old (don’t answer that) or do you agree that we need to slow down all of the holiday madness, and make it last a bit longer?…Here’s my idea: Let’s move Thanksgiving to mid-October…Then start the Christmas hoopla as soon as Thanksgiving is over. We can take our time. Don’t rush Christmas. Then, when Christmas is over, let’s give it a good three or four weeks before the New Year. Take down the tree, make the lists, and be in the moment. The New Year deserves a bit of time and thought.
Of course that would require an entire rearranging of the calendar, but I do think I’m on to something…
Anyone with me?
Well, all of that to say, don’t be surprised if I’m just now beginning to think about New Year’s hopes and dreams and goals and all of that.
Because I am.
And though I don’t exactly have a set plan at the moment, I thought I would at least tell you what I’m thinking about when it comes to the blog-front. Then you can give me some feedback on those ideas, and we’ll take it from there.
Before I go on, I should mention that it is always good fun to read my end of the year report from the internet fairies, who tell me which blog posts were my biggest hits in 2014 (no surprise–The “Teenage boy” post, followed by the “Anger-Lecture Habit in Parenting,” post, and then “No Regrets.”) I also learned that my biggest week brought me 1.5 million visits, and I have had visitors from 210 countries this year! (wow!) I’m so grateful for ALL OF THE GOODNESS.
But see–I can’t dwell on all of that, because the calendar tells me that it’s a new year, and I need to get in the rat race and start cranking out another year. (see what I’m saying?)
Why can’t we all just lie down in the foamy water and enjoy life a bit more?
So with that in mind, here’s a little list of blogging ideas, hoping you’ll give me some feedback in comments below.
1. Get back to some V-logs. Family Vlogs? Topical? A series? I’m thinking about it.
2. What about podcasts? Who’s into them? (Speak now or forever hold your peace!)
3. A fresh health/fitness series…OR maybe thinking more seriously about publishing that ebook. (or not.)
4. A little series targeting younger women…Sort of like a mentoring series!? I have a surprisingly high number of young women–teenagers to twenties who follow this blog, and I would love to target that age range…I want to talk about everything from meeting the right man, to making career choices, to surviving the early married years and first baby years…Wouldn’t that be fun!? (Let me know!)
5. Some posts for the guys! (With Dave’s help.) I also have a good number of male subscribers–(So glad you’re here guys. I’m seriously honored!) And I’d love to give you some more food for thought. On parenting? Marriage? Lifestyle/health? (and yes, I promised the whole “What a teenage boy needs most from his DAD” and Dave and I need to wrap that one up!)
6. More parenting posts: Very soon I’ll be addressing those pesky wonderful toddlers. I pretty much always have parenting posts on my mind.
7. Recipes: Plenty more already lined up.
8. Home and country. Oh my goodness. Lots and lots of things to share.
First of all-We are finally…really and truly–building THE SKATE BOWL in front of our home this month. My feelings might be described as mixed, at best. Come back soon to follow the drama, complete with three construction workers who will be staying (in our home!) while they build the skate bowl, along with sneak peaks of Monica losing her mind, Dave working heavy machinery, and kids not doing school.
9. My blog journey. Thinking it might be fun to share a bit about the four years I have spent growing this little site…Lessons I’ve learned, obstacles I have encountered, making a little income from a blog, etc. I thought other bloggers, or those considering a writing career might be interested? LMK!
Final notes: Over the holidays I took a few minutes and added a little menu tab titled “Also find me…” which links you to other places where I do some writing or have been featured. I also updated both my North Shore Favorites tab, and my “contact/work with me” page. Click around!
OK. That’s it for now friends!
I do hope that you’re way ahead of me on this whole New Year’s thing.
Go strong, and I promise I’ll catch up with you eventually!
By the way: Most of the amazing beach photos in this post are compliments of Hannah, a fellow Oahu Mom who I’ve never met but just Facebook messaged me with these photos this weekend! Three pictures are of my own boys, and she just happened to take them last spring, and then later recognized that they were my kids! (Crazy, right?) And the awesome picture of the kids in the dreamy foam is of Hannah’s own kids. LOVE THEM ALL!
I’d love to learn more about lessons learned while you started and made successful your blog as you juggled family relationships, homeschooling, daily chores, etc. Technical tips, setting things up, how to fine tune content, time management, etc.
Thank you for all you do!
Warmest regards,
Thank you Karen! Are you a blogger? I’d be happy to answer any questions or suggest resources. 🙂 Much aloha-monic
I don’t yet have a blog but am wanting to begin the process and am starting from scratch. A new adventure. 🙂
I’m up for ALL OF THE ABOVE!!! I’m a huge fan and think you’re on point with your blog focus….it seems very genuine for you yet helpful for everyone else! Keep up the good work and keep ENJOYING what you’re doing!
Thank you Susanna! That is so encouraging! Much aloha to you!
All great ideas, but I would love more podcast shows on the topics you cover on your blog!
Enjoy your blog! Thanks for sharing and taking the time to encourage!
Happy New Year, Monica!! 🙂 We always enjoy your posts, so, anything you write will be well-received. All of those topics sound interesting. If I had to be choosy, though, at this season in my life I am interested in #9 about your blog journey. Particularly, about your writing and your blog but maybe also how it might be a broader topic about how Moms can take something that they love to do and turn it into something that they can share with others and even, as you mention, earn a bit of income. And of course we all love to see those photos of your beautiful home and Hawaii!
Keep doing your parenting posts you have great advice. I think reading about your journey would be fun. And I would like to hear from your hub, I’m always sending my husband links to your blog to read anyway. Last I’d love to hear more about your homeschooling experience. Basically just keep doing what you do, I’m so happy I found your blog this year, you always motivate me and I leave your blog feeling uplifted and encouraged. Mahalo! Happy New Year!
Oh what an encouragement–seriously, thank you! Bless you and Happy New Year!
Thank you for your insight, I appreciate each and every post. I personally relate most to the “mom of boys” subjects, which is what brought me to you. I feel that pod casts are an appointment that we all would have to make, whereas, each of us can read and view your posts at a convenient, quiet time that we manage to squeeze in to our days. Often times, I am catching up and reading more than one post from you in one sitting. I also feel that any new parent, (or parent of boys 12 and 14), could benefit from your parenting posts…whether related to toddlers or adolescents…they’re all good and positive! New parents are willing to read anything to make sure that they feel they are doing the right thing. They want some guidance, I know that I did and still do. Just my two cents. Happy New Year and THANK YOU Monica!
Thank you so much Jana! I appreciate all of that so much! Happy New Year to you sending Aloha! 🙂
Love the mentoring to young women idea. I know how easily your blog could be applied to young women but I think they might need it written specifically to them
Thank you Sue! I appreciate that and I’m so excited to do a little of that! Aloha!
I’ve been married 26 years and have 2 daughters. (13 and 16) I wish we could go to lunch together…my treat:) We are soooo similar. Age, exercise, discipline, “working on having more self-control with anger”, hard working handsome husbands, and loving the LORD. I think our most similarity is the intentional devotion we put towards our children. One thing I have recently discovered is the order of my importance of my children has been….well…a bit off:( GOD is first, my children have been 2nd, and my husband 3rd. Not proud of that. My husband has always said I am a great mom and should write a book. I would tend to agree…humbly said….but I have not been the submissive, gentle, spirited wife. Don’t want to go on and on…..I would love to practice more of “loving my husband before my children”. You on board?
Haha, GaLa, you had me laughing–Really fun hearing from you, thank you! Sounds like you have a good plan for the New Year, and I do hope we both keep heading in the right direction with the right priorities! Much aloha–
Happy New Year! Which is already flying past too quickly so I’m with you on the slowing down….. LOVE everything you post you are such an inspiration to me and always seem to have the most timely advice for my own 3 boys. Would also LOVE to hear a bit of pod casting so I can hear you and do bit of multi-tasking while folding the washing!
x Gena
Awesome Gena, Thank you!! Happy new Year!
Happy New Year, Monica! Lovely pictures that your friend shared with you! I’m always so happy to see your emails pop up saying there’s a new post. I love all your goals and aspirations for the blog especially #4 since I know that it would pertain a lot to me in my current life stage. Can’t wait to see what 2015 holds for you and your family. God bless you!
I love the ideas of 1,2,3,4,7,8,9. Pretty much 5 and 6 I don’t fall in the “target audience”, but I do know plenty of people who fall in those categories so I would still repost. I don’t listen to many podcasts, but if you had one, I totally would.
Hi Monica-
I’m afraid I am not much help, I think the entire list looks interesting and important! I don’t listen to podcasts, but do enjoy your vlogs. I wonder what your boys would say in a vlog about a happy childhood or giving kids responsibility? I’d be really excited to read more about health and fitness and about your blog journey. How did you go from a mom who wanted to document and share your family’s story to a blogger with 1.5 million views in a single week? Unbelievable!!! Of course, I am a sucker for all posts about Hawaii. My honest feeling is that you should write about what is on your mind and in your heart and it’ll be meaningful and interesting to you and your readers. Aloha and many thanks for all that you do! And, yes, an extended holiday season sounds lovely.
One more thought on the younger women, I wish I could share with them that worry truly is a wasted emotion. Everything really works out the way it is meant to in its’ own time. What I would give to have the time I wasted worrying about the course of my life in my 20’s!
Thank you Shannon! I always love to hear from you…and great idea about putting my boys in a vlog–that could be very interesting…:)
You’re a huge encouragement to me, and I also appreciate your thought for the younger women on worry…What an important reminder! (I may need some consulting from other wise women as i move forward–you’ll be on my mind! :))
Aloha and Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Monica! What I have loved about this last year of your blogs is that I never know what you’re going to address next, and I’ve loved the surprise that comes with finding something different each time: one week might give me everything from a recipe, a soul searching reminder on approach to parenting, or just some beautiful photos with a reminder to enjoy “just being”! Instead of trying to be uber organized about the blogs, why don’t you put all your ideas (as they strike you) into a hat, and just draw at random when it’s time for another blog??? This may be over simplifying the whole process, the main thing is just to keep em coming! Thanks for all your efforts xxxx
Thanks Ali–And great idea with the putting the ideas all in a hat, haha…It sounds kind of like how I do things now! 🙂 I do love the freedom of having my own blog and I truly do go with whatever is happening or on my mind. Thanks for the encouragement!! Happy New Year and thanks so much!
I LOVE ideas 1, 2, & 4. I love podcasts! So excited to see what happens in 2014 on your blog.
All great ideas, but a huge yes on #4 and #9. I’m in youth ministry with young teenage girls and would love to have more writings to share with them regarding choosing boys and relationships, especially from a Godly perspective. And this is the year I’ve finally committed to building my website and writing. It will be great no matter what topics you do. 🙂
I am a young twenties new mom who would love more posts on the early years! My husband is just finishing up his 4th year clinical rotations and we find out in February where we will be for his residency and then all of that fun begins. I have been following your blog for a few months now and absolutely adore all of your pieces on homeschooling and family life! Thank you for doing what you do!
Jessica–So glad to hear from you! Wow, I have such memories of the season you’re in! I’d love to encourage you in any way I can. 🙂 Thanks so much for commenting–it means a lot. XO Aloha!
Love this blog. Would love to see some posts on marriage. That’s my goal this year is to really focus on my marriage. How to balance attention on kids vs attention on hubby. How to make sure he feels he’s more important. Maybe some cheap date ideas for a fluffier piece? Also would love to keep reading about your approach to health and fitness in the midst of homeschool and running around like a crazy person with your awesome boys and their activities. How to get boys on board with health and fitness. How to push nutrition, without being pushy about nutrition? Loved the V-logs that I’ve seen and I do a lot of podcasts in my car driving to and from work. Its going to be a great year!
awesome, Paige! Love your feedback, thank you so much. Happy new year to you. With Aloha!
Happy new year Monica! I am still trying to get into the new year myself. Being of Portuguese heritage we don’t take down our decorations until January 7 (3 kings day) so my house still looks festive and hard to believe it’s time to get back to the grind! I love your list! Looking forward to the great blogs to read…especially the health and fitness and recipes. I also look forward to some posts aimed at the men in our lives 🙂
great Tania–And those Portuguese have something figured out I Think! I love it. 🙂 Happy New year and thank you for the feedback!
Hey Monica,
Just wanted to say thanks for all the posts and sharing your life with us! I would be excited to see some posts targeted toward young women, it is always nice to see how other Moms have survived the early years and what we have to look forward to as kids get older. I think some posts for the male readers would be fun too, I am sure my husband would read them. Again, thanks for sharing your life with us, I have enjoyed following along.
Have a blessed new year!
Yes to slowing down the holidays and to #4! I am one of your early-20’s readers. You are such an inspiration of the kind of woman/mother/wife I want to someday be.
Warm Regards,
Happy New Year Monica! I am looking forward to whatever you come up with in the new year. =) Your list looks great. I LOVE podcasts. I listen to them when I work out. (Revive our Hearts, Rachel Shultz) You could even record your current and future videos and just put the audio on podcast. Vlogs are fun too! Maybe a day in the life of a homeschool mom? We’re all just dying to live in Hawaii so your sure to get some hits on that =) lol. love your blog. You are one of my favorites!!!