Seven Things to do this (and every) weekend
How many times have you been going through your Monday and someone asks you, “So, how was your weekend?” only to have your mind go completely blank.
How was my weekend? What did I even do last weekend?
I know I’ve done that a ton. But I don’t want my weekends to be a blur!…Too hectic to even remember, or just a big string of catch-ups from a too-busy-week before. I want my weekends to be full and fun and all about making memories.
And yet like most things in life, a good, solid, balanced weekend requires…(wait for it…)
(did you know that was coming?)
It’s kind of my theme in life, because pretty much every good thing requires intention, doesn’t it? Intention with a bit of forethought, and some genuine effort.
So I’ve come up with a little checklist…it’s really just been a mental checklist in my own head for quite a while…Until now…When I decided to write it down, and share it with you too! 🙂
So join me, would you? Make this (and every!) weekend count by checking each of these seven things off your list!
- Tackle ONE project.
I hate to start off in task-master mode, but I guarantee you’ll feel so good on Monday if you tackle even one project over the weekend. This has honestly become one of my favorite parts of the weekend. Whether it is cleaning out a junk drawer, or an entire pantry, taking the time to accomplish something that’s been bugging you is a great way to make the most of a weekend. (Last weekend Dave and I tackled our huge pantry…and it took about four hours…but I’ll have to save that story for a future marriage post, haha!) - REST
You don’t necessarily have to sleep in on weekends (experts actually recommend you get up about the same time all week-long — though those experts might not be as tired as I am…:) ) but you do need to rest. Rest can come in many forms…from an afternoon snooze, to a movie night on the couch, or anything in between. REST is super important, and it is something we deprive ourselves of most of the time. Get intentional about it. Plan it, schedule it, and make it a priority this weekend! - LAUGH
Life can be so busy and so serious….it’s kind of sad that we even need to be intentional about laughter. But we should be! You’ve probably noticed that kids don’t have to TRY to laugh…they laugh all the stinking day long. So let’s take notes from kids and just lighten up and laugh a little more. Make it your goal to find yourself on Monday morning quietly giggling as you remember a good laugh from the weekend. (Need some ideas? This post shared a bunch of resources to get you and your whole family laughing more!) - CONNECT
Don’t let the weekend go by without connecting with SOMEONE — below surface level. If you’re single, go hang out with a good friend or visit a relative. If you’re married, shoot for a date night (or just an after-kids-are-in-bed-date night!) You might grab your kid and sit down (or go for a walk) for fifteen minutes and just connect. If nothing else, make a phone call to a friend you haven’t talked to in a while…Weekends are a great time to connect. - Worship
We were created for worship. And we all worship something, don’t we? Even if someone doesn’t consider themselves spiritual, they’ll still end up worshiping something: a person or a trend or a philosophy or something. It’s just how we are wired. It goes to reason then that if we were created to worship, we are most happy and satisfied when we do what we were created to do! A highlight of my every weekend is going to church where I can sing my heart out (even though I have a terrible voice!) and just worship God — the One who has given me breath and life, and the very weekend I am enjoying. Worship also gives me perspective before I face another busy week ahead! - Exercise
If you look forward to the weekend as a time to veg out, this may not be your favorite, but I promise every weekend is better with a bit of exercise. It doesn’t have to be a trip to the gym or a long run, just find some kind of activity (outdoors is best!) and move your body. Family hikes or bike rides are awesome on weekends! One thing I can promise: You’ll never find yourself on Monday regretting that you took time to exercise over the weekend! 😉 - Prepare for the upcoming week
Getting mentally prepared for the week ahead is super helpful on weekends. This of course can look very different for different people. While some people create family schedules and prepare meals for the week ahead (way to go!!!), others (like me) might feel quite accomplished just by jotting a to-do list, or getting ahead on laundry. Whatever it takes to make you feel like a #boss on Monday morning!
Which of these seven things is hardest for you to do? What would you add to the list? I’d love it if you would share in comments below! (also thank you for sharing this post with your friends using the social media share buttons below!)
Now go have a great weekend!
See you soon.
Love and hugs!
PS THIS weekend, I’ll be on Maui to watch Luke compete in two surf contests! I love Maui (and we’re staying right in Lahaina! yay!) I hope you’ll follow our adventures on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK! XO
We love working in the garden in the weekend, especially since we built our home and so are creating gardens from scratch. This weekend we finally got some plants in we bought a while ago. I love watching the garden become more established. Weekends are also long run times, so 10 plus km as a rule. I really love my weekends and wish I had three days, not two!
These are all great ideas for the weekends. I even bookmarked the post about laughter which is something I personally need to relearn I think. I take life too seriously at times.
I do think that whoever stated that we should get up around the same time as we do the rest of the week, obviously sleeps well at night and/or doesn’t have to get their teenage daughter up before 5:30am and on the bus by 6:20 for school One of my goals on Saturdays is to sleep until at least 9-9:30. Sundays are for church & family but Saturday mornings mean extra pillow bonding for me.
Have a great week & God Bless!
Great ideas! I would add “unplugging” from social media, emails, texts, etc to the Rest Category for at least a few hours on the weekend. We try to “unplug” all afternoon on Sundays and it has made a huge difference in our rest and relaxation time! 🙂
Oh I love that Nancy! Great way to do it too–Everyone unplug at once for Sunday afternoons! Great idea. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for this weeks post. I just finished a two week vacation (yay me). Now I must pace myself week to week while working and going to school. I must remember to set aside time for myself and the Lord, but as you mentioned in the seven things, take time for one project. My stress is created when I try to get too much done in a weekend. I walk away thinking I did not accomplish much. Fact is doing one thing (and saving time for the other 6 things) keeps a person from over doing it. Everything in moderation, right?
Amen Kevin! Yes to all of that! Thanks so much for commenting. And hope you have a great end of the weekend and week ahead! Aloha-
I think my biggest challenge is to be intentional about relaxing and having fun. I’m a single mom and work full time and am very active at church. So I feel like every extra minute I use to clean house and do laundry. You would think my house is clean but it’s not, and feel so inadequate and frustrated with myself. I very seldom plan to have fun. I know how important it is for me to have fun with my so . But it rarely happens.
One thing, one important thing I usually forget to do is find time for ‘self-care’. Giving myself just a few hours to lay about, take a long bath, give myself a facial, do my nails or watch a romantic movie. I attempt to do it weekly, but only have been able to squeeze it in once every other month or so.