Raising Boys to Value Learning and Discover Passions {Podcast Episode 016 with Amber Lia}
Aloha Friends!
I’m super excited to share today’s podcast episode with you. We are spring-boarding off of chapter 9 of Boy Mom as we talk about Inspiring Young Minds: Boys: learning, and discovering passions. This is such a fun topic!!!
I invited my friend Amber Lia on for today’s episode because she’s a four-boy momma who has a background in education, and she’s a lot of fun to chat with! I knew she’d have a lot of great ideas on this topic. And I was right!! Amber is passionate about kids and learning. She is creative, intuitive, and super smart! I think you’re going to love this conversation!
As usual, Amber and I only scratch the surface on this topic, and there is a whole bunch more in the book chapter. I also want to remind you that every chapter of the book has a free resource at the end — and Chapter nine has a list of “Growth Mindset” conversation starters which will be really helpful for dinner or bedtime convos with your kids!
I hope you enjoy this episode and as always, please share with friends, leave your ratings and reviews wherever you listen, and feel free to leave a comment below to contribute your own thoughts, experience, or to ask a question. (This is a topic we’ll return to and narrow in on in future episodes!)
A few notes and links from the episode:
Amber’s website: https://www.motherofknights.com/
Amber’s new book (with her husband Guy): Marriage Triggers: Exchanging Spouses’ Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses (I’m SO EXCITED about this one!!)
We both love this book: The Read-Aloud Family: Making Meaningful and Lasting Connections with Your Kids (And the Read Aloud Revival Website.)
One of my favorite take-aways from Amber: “Kids don’t have to be motivated to do their work. But they do have to be disciplined.” (Isn’t that a great life lesson!?)
Amber’s Boy-Mom Necessity: Plastic cups to hang on fridge
Amber’s terrible/hilarious story about the biggest boy-mom mess…This wins the prize! (And look at that face!!)
You can find the Boy Mom Podcast on all of the podcast platforms…here are just a few of them:
iTunes (now called Apple Podcasts)
Or you can listen right here! 🙂
A little more about Amber:
A former high school English teacher, Amber is a work-at-home mom of four little boys ranging from 2 to 12. She is the best-selling co-author of Triggers: Exchanging Parents’ Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responsesand Parenting Scripts: When What You’re Saying Isn’t Working, say Something New. She and her husband Guy own Storehouse Media Group, a faith-friendly and family-friendly TV and Film production company in Los Angeles, CA. Their book, Marriage Triggers,will be available in February 2020. When she’s not building sand castles with her boys on the beach, or searching for Nerf darts all over her house, you can find Amber writing to encourage families on her blog at Mother of Knights (www.motherofknights.com).
Social Media Links for Amber Lia:
Blog: https://www.motherofknights.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MotherOfKnights/
Video Resources for Triggers and Parenting Scripts: https://amberandwendy.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/motherofknights/
Thank you guys so much for listening and stopping in here!
Big hugs and see you back here again soon!
Thank you for having me! I’m so thankful for your wisdom!