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  1. It feels great to read this. We all need time to pause and reflect so we can find the strength to move forward and be grateful.

  2. Yes. Just yes. Everything about this post is why I love reading your blog. (And I’m so, so thankful Heather introduced me to it!)

  3. Well – you are now one of those “real bloggers” that newbies like me are looking at and feeling like you used to feel! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I keep hearing the saying: “Whatever you do, be all the way there.”
    I feel like that’s really how you (and your family) live your lives. And that’s why I love your blogging (or any kind of sharing with you!). I feel encouraged and inspired to just live daily life – – with a little more LIFE to it!
    Oh – and I hope you are never like the other bloggers out there! Be yourself – even if imperfect or unsure at the moment. There’s waaay enough of the others out there…
    Love you much!

  4. Love your blog, love your posts, love your kids, love YOU!!!!!! Although, I am a teensy-weensy bit jealous that you get to wear those fabulous clothes outside in December without needing any “outerwear”!! But that’s just another one of the reasons why I love visiting your blog!!! You give us, your readers, a sneak peek into what it’s like to live in paradise!!! And yes, we can relate to the everyday ups-and-downs you face–butI can imagine it doesn’t hurt that they happen on the edge of the beautiful ocean, nestled among palm trees and tropical fruit and wildlife!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Keep up the great work–congrats on 3 years!!!!

  5. Ok, obviously I am not a wife or a mother…lol. I truly enjoy reading what you have to say because I can picture each of you as you say it, it helps having known you for a few years now, but with the way you write I believe anyone reading your blog would feel the same way. You have gift neighbor, keep up the great work and God Bless you and the ohana.

    With much aloha,

    1. “a” gift…typos…rrgggg

    2. thank you Kendallโ€ฆReally, it means even more since you know me in real life. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you guys make it back over here before too long!! aloha

  6. Melissa K says:

    I agree with Amber that your blog is your unique niche. It’s like Reality TV but its reality blogging. haha! And we all know how successful reality tv is! You (through your blog) are very relate-able. Is that even a word? People can easily relate to you. (that sounds better.) ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love that you make me laugh. You’ve got a great sense of humor! Love and miss you my dear friend!!

  7. Wow-me too! I write my posts an hour before I share them-usually. I’m a regular reader, Monica. I LOVE your blog posts and your unique niche is like no other. Keep doing just what you are doing, friend! To God be the glory!!

  8. Darlene Davis says:


    I love your blog. It is from the heart. It is real and honest. I love that you share your life as it is happening. You are doing a fabulous job with the blog and you are, in my opininion, a “big fish” in the blog world.
    Thank you for sharing your life with all of us!!

    Many Blessings!
    Darlene Davis

  9. My sentimental thoughts from my christmas card (which you are getting a sneak peak of):

    It has been a year of leaving
    comfort zones and allowing
    God to bless me beyond all
    measure. May 2014 see you
    welcoming the blessings that
    leaving your comfort zones
    can bring.

    1. Oh and no worries, the Swansons are on the Christmas card list! I can’t remember off the top of my head (it’s 1:30 in the morning) but certain members of the swansons might be on my Christmas card. If you didn’t make the final print know that you were in the group of pictures being used to make the card.

  10. This post is why I love your blog so much. You are real and genuine, and that is what makes a good blogger. Thanks for being willing to share your love of life, your family, your faith, your joy, and your style – you are an inspiration! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you so much Brooke! I really appreciate that. Much aloha to you–

  11. I absolutely love your mix of posts. It is exciting to see what’s next. Keep up your honest and love filled writing. I appreciate that your life is full of simple and grand pleasures that you equally appreciate.

    Looking at Christmas ornaments as we decorate the tree always makes me sentimental. Seeing the handmade ornaments with photos of my kids, ornaments from my childhood, and those from my grandmother’s tree pull at my heart strings. I miss my grandma and wish my babies could be babies for just one more day…

  12. I love the thought of blogging being life as it happens. That’s what keeps people coming back after all – the idea of being part of our lives, knowing what’s going on as it happens! You’re amazing girl. The end ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. I love that your blog is a running journal of your day to dayโ€ฆ.I think that comes across so beautifully! And it is lovely to peek in on life in somewhere so gorgeous!!