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  1. I’m grateful for God’s unconditional love – it is unlike anything else this world has to offer.

  2. I am glad that God is merciful! We have all fallen short and need God’s mercy. I’m so glad that we have the gospel, the best free gift!

  3. My relatability and empathic nature.😊

  4. Thankful for God’s graces and His amazing creation❤️

  5. Bronwyn Hall says:

    I love that with God all things are possible! He is my God of miracles! He gave me my children when we were told we won’t have any! But I know that it was God who made it all happen in perfect timing! That is why I know if we believe our God is able to do what no one else can, He will give us all things for those who believe in Him!

  6. I am grateful that God is merciful!

  7. I am grateful that God is so patient!

  8. I’m grateful for God’s unconditional love – it’s unlike anything else this world has to offer.

  9. I’m thankful for God’s STEADFAST LOVE because I disappoint myself so often. I’ve made so many terrible mistakes that have long consequences, and He still/ always loves me.

  10. I am grateful for God’s grace and mercy. He sees me always and continues to call me closer despite my human nature to sin. He always reminds me who I am and WHOSE I am in every season of my life.

  11. I’m grateful that his mercies are new every morning.

  12. Melissa Lockington says:

    Thankful for access to Gods peace and comfort in seasons of stress and struggle.

  13. I am grateful God listens to me no matter the day or time.

  14. Debi Krug says:

    God’s faithfulness

  15. I am so grateful that God is quick to listen, slow to anger and abounding in mercy.

  16. Michelle Cramer says:

    I am grateful for God’s sovereignty. There are so many kinds outside of my control and yet God is always in control. I can trust that He knows what is best and will make it happen.

  17. When I was a little girl I remembered memorizing so many verses that now in my adulthood I still remember, now that I have 3 children I feel the time in a day is gone, I tried doing devotions with my kids, but they want to play and most of the time I am please listen and be quiet. This encourages me, even though they are not listening, they are hearing and I need to make more effort for them to repeat the verses. I know will remain in their hearts, the same they are in mine. Thanks for sharing.

  18. I am grateful that God is patient. Sometimes I’m great at Momming and other times… not so much. But I know He is patient with me and will give me grace as I learn to be more like Him.

  19. Grateful for his grace. Wholly needed in this season of motherhood.

  20. Abundant giver of grace

  21. Jessica Rodriguez says:

    He will never leave me nor forsake me.

  22. Darcey Zahaykevich says:

    He is faithful.

  23. Catherine R says:

    His mercy: not giving/allowing certain things I thought I wanted.

  24. Caroline H says:

    God’s strength – I can always lean on Him when I’m feeling weak.

  25. I’m so grateful for God’s peace when I have anxiety because He is the only one who can calm me.🩷

  26. Heather Doyle says:

    God is all-knowing or omniscient. I can rest in the knowledge that he knows everything and that he knows me (and still loves me!) and knows what lies ahead of me.

  27. Christina says:

    I’m grateful for God’s grace.

  28. His love. Which means He will never leave me, He will always love me and He will always guide me

  29. Amy Tucker says:

    So thankful for God’s faithfulness… no matter where we are, He.Is.Faithful❤️

  30. Karina Coloma says:

    Hello, I’m grateful for a heart of compassion. God deeply moves me with compassion.

  31. Meghan DeForest says:

    He is sovereign.

  32. So grateful for God’s immutability! His unchanging nature is SO reassuring. 💙