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  1. Bronwyn Hall says:

    I love that with God all things are possible! He is my God of miracles! He gave me my children when we were told we won’t have any! But I know that it was God who made it all happen in perfect timing! That is why I know if we believe our God is able to do what no one else can, He will give us all things for those who believe in Him!

  2. I am grateful that God is so patient!

  3. I am so grateful that God is quick to listen, slow to anger and abounding in mercy.

  4. Michelle Cramer says:

    I am grateful for God’s sovereignty. There are so many kinds outside of my control and yet God is always in control. I can trust that He knows what is best and will make it happen.

  5. I am grateful that God is patient. Sometimes I’m great at Momming and other times… not so much. But I know He is patient with me and will give me grace as I learn to be more like Him.

  6. Jessica Rodriguez says:

    He will never leave me nor forsake me.

  7. His love. Which means He will never leave me, He will always love me and He will always guide me

  8. So grateful for God’s immutability! His unchanging nature is SO reassuring. 💙