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  1. Farleyagain says:

    I think it is the Zulu who greet one another with “I see you.” I love that and it is the same thing. Acknowledged, affirmed, accepted.

    1. Oh my goodness! Thet is awesome. I need to look into the further. Thank you for sharing. 🙂 Aloha-

  2. That IS gold… nice discovery, and thanks for sharing. I’ve written that down on the whiteboard in my kitchen so I don’t forget to try it out. (And only a very few quotes get that place of honor on my over-flowing whiteboard 🙂 )


    1. Wow Corinna–I’m honored!! 🙂 Much aloha and let me know how it goes–

  3. Once I read I know you heard me, but I don’t know that you understood what I ment.

  4. This is right on, Monica! Guys naturally want to make our world better…”to fix it”. As you have noted, most women want to be heard, known, and feel connected. A few years ago, my husband came up with the acronym ~ LUV: LISTEN – UNDERSTAND – VALIDATE. Although this tool sometimes remains in the toolbox, I thought it worthy of sharing. Blessings!

  5. I know you might not be confident that this is meaningful… But, I want you to know that it might be EPIC!

  6. This is so true! I remember when I was pregnant and emotional and my husband asked me how he could help. I told him, “I just want you to tell me you hear me, and you understand.” And…he did! And it worked!!!! And he still says that to me these days even when I am not pregnant. It really makes all the difference, doesn’t it?

  7. Yes. You just put into words what I have thought so many times…”Just let me know you are thinking of me.”
    I really love it. Passing it on for sure!

  8. This makes me so happy. Connecting deeply is so important to me yet so hard to communicate in a way that makes sense to my husband. And this tool is such an easy way for him to remember. I think he’ll appreciate it! Thank you thank you

  9. Pure brilliance. Yes. You nailed it. I can’t wait to try it!

  10. So right Monica,everybody needs this.