Raising Sons with Boundaries and Freedoms {Podcast Episode 003 with Wendy Speake}
Hey Friends! Welcome to the third episode of the Boy Mom podcast!
This is a very special episode because I have my first guest on the show — Wendy Speake! And this isn’t so much an “interview” as it is a conversation between two friends… Two boy moms. In this and the next episode, Wendy and I are chatting about the topics from Chapter 3 of Boy Mom, “Training Ground”, which covers Boundaries, Freedoms, and Discipline. In today’s episode, we are covering “Boundaries and Freedoms” and in the next episode we’ll dive into “Discipline.”
It’s extra special for me to have Wendy on as my first guest here because Wendy wrote the FOREWARD TO BOY MOM! Yay! I know you’ll love how she set the scene for my book with her beautiful opening words…
Wendy is a boy mom, an incredible writer and speaker, and one of the wisest people I know.
A few notes about the episode:
1. Full disclosure: We literally just jumped on a call to record these conversations. I didn’t feel prepared, but knew I just needed to get started. When we were done, Wendy suggested that “as an act of surrender” (<– those were her words!) I just publish as it is. haha! Of course if I were solo I would have done twenty re-takes, but decided to take Wendy up on the challenge. So that’s what I’ve got for you!
2. Wendy and I just scratch the surface on this really big topic. Of course future episodes will go deeper into many of the things we talk about, AND the book will have a whole lot more to say as well.
3. I chose to name this The Boy Mom Podcast with Monica Swanson AND FRIENDS because I hope to have many boy-mom friends on the show in the future, and will quite likely even have guest hosts in days to come. This is all about building a big, supportive, boy mom community! (got a request for a future boy-mom conversation? Let me know in comments below!)
Listen here OR find this wherever you like to listen to podcasts! (there might be a little delay on some podcast platforms, but soon you should find it everywhere.
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Links mentioned in the Episode:
Triggers: Exchanging Parents’ Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses
Parenting Scripts: When What You’re Saying Isn’t Working, Say Something New
Wild at Heart Revised and Updated: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul
I’m so grateful for all of Wendy’s support in my life (she deserves an award.) Wendy inspires me in more ways than I can say, and if you aren’t familiar with her already, I hope you’ll find her wherever you hang out online…
^^ I love that Wendy had this picture from the day we met in real life about four years ago! 🙂
Wendy Speake is the mom of three boys (not to mention the wife of one man), and co-author of the popular parenting book, “Triggers: Exchanging Parents’ Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses.” Other books include Parenting Scripts and Life Creative. Wendy is also host of the annual “40 Day Sugar Fast.” Connect with Wendy online at Wendyspeake.com or on Facebook or Instagram.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WendyJSpeake/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wendy_speake/
I hope you enjoy this episode, and we’d love to hear from you in comments! Want to share about the boundaries and freedoms you use, with your kids? Have a question for Wendy or I? We’d love to hear from you!
Thank you for this podcast and for your book, which I am nearing the end of. I have been so blessed and encouraged. In a world with so many conflicting messages about parenting, it is so refreshing and relieving to hear how God’s word relates so practically to life as a mom. Thank you so much for your heart to build up and encourage moms and boys, can even apply so much to my daughters as well.
I thoroughly enjoyed this podcast. You and Wendy have great insights and suggestions. My only wish is, I had listened to this years ago. Although, I can pass on your wisdom to my children when they have their children. My favorite line is, “ With freedom comes responsibility.” . Also your analogy that children are like growing plants. They are each individuals and their needs happen at different times. Thanks again. Aloha!
Hey Liz, thank you so much…that is really an encouragement!! I am thrilled to have some “more experienced” moms listening and I love that you are already thinking about that next generation! (I bet you did a great job with your own children!!) 🙂 Blessings and thank you. XO