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  1. I’d love to listen to a podcast by Luke! I hope you’ll announce once it’s up if he does it!

    1. Thank you I will! (He’s actually working on it now!! :)) yay…

  2. Mary Bacha says:

    Monica and Luke-Loved your podcast that you did together!!!! Sent it to both my kids! Thank you! Reading Raising Amazing (so good) now and looking forward to someday reading Luke’s book 🙂 Love listening to all your podcasts, Monica! Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer
    Mary Bacha

    1. Thank you so much! And Luke will love that comment 🙂 big hugs to you!

  3. Monica, I really enjoyed this podcast with Luke and found it so helpful! So impressed with his maturity and commitment to developing his mindset. I’m glad you decided not to cut anything out! You mentioned that Luke has read several books about sports psychology. Can you share what other ones he has found helpful?
    Thanks and look forward to future episodes with Luke! Would love to hear how he deals with disappointment during competitions.

    1. Hi Connie! Thank you so much. 🙂 I will ask Luke for a list of books and try to add to the post. ALSO!! Luke is working on things to start his own podcast soon perhaps so hopefully he’ll cover many of those topics there as well! :)Blessings to you- PS. IF we can add the links soon I’ll mention it in my Thursday Q and A on IG! But if you can check back by the end of the week that would be great!

  4. April Gomez says:

    Where do we find the resources/book titles, etc. That you talk about in the podcasts when you say, I’ll link them in the show notes? I can’t find them.

    1. I’m so sorry I think we spaced on including the link.
      I just added link to Finish First (by Scott Hamilton) If there’s another book we mentioned that you are thinking of please let me know. 😉 (such a long chat I forget now!) Here’s the amazon link if that works:
