Health or Weight-Loss Goals in the New Year? Something for Everyone Here!
Aloha! I hope the first weeks of 2019 are treating you well.
I’m so excited to be back with some of the updates I hinted at in last week’s post. Whether you’re up and running, crushing some bold, new goals, OR facing the sad reality that the resolutions which sounded so inspiring a week ago are actually really, really, hard…today’s post is for you. I can say with confidence that there is something in here for everyone.
Most of you know that the most common New Year’s goals each year are related to health and fitness…and weight loss is always at the top of the list. If you’d like to lose a few pounds (or maybe more than a few!) I have 2 new resources I think you’re going to like!
But first, a little background (especially for new readers!), and a giveaway: I wrote a little book 3 years ago called The Secret of Your Naturally Skinny Friends. The concepts shared in that book have helped thousands of people lose weight, make lifestyle changes (that actually stick) and give up dieting, forever. It’s a short read, and the 2nd half of the book is called the “30 Day Thought Diet.” The Thought Diet is a collection of 3 daily affirmations, quotes, words of encouragement, and a daily Bible verse. The idea is to turn from a dependency on diet plans (which only make us focus MORE on food) to a “diet” for our thoughts. Aaaand, the good news is: it works! I have heard from so many readers who told me that the Thought Diet was absolutely life-changing. YAY!! **Note: I’ll be giving away TWO copies of my book to readers who comment at the bottom of this post!
Next: 2 New resources to help you crush your weight-loss goals!
- Starting next Monday (January 14th) you are invited to join a private “Skinny Friends” Facebook group!! This is a first, and I’m so excited about it! This group will focus on living out the principles from The Secret of Your Naturally Skinny Friends by going through the 30 Thought Diet together each day, as well as offering encouragement, community support, and accountability. The group will be led by my online friend Cassie, who is a personal trainer, fitness professional, and the most energetic fun-loving girl ever! (She also blogs over at Habitude Fitness!) I’ll be stopping in to leave some encouragement, answer questions, or celebrate your progress with you! I am SO EXCITED to be a part of this group! Click HERE TO JOIN us! (and you’ll want to have a copy of the book first so order the digital or paperback version here –> The Secret of Your Naturally Skinny Friends: a simple path to your best body and a healthy mind
________________________________________________________________ - Brand New! THE THOUGHT DIET 2 is available now!
If you’ve already gone through the book and “graduated” from the 30 Day Thought Diet, this is for you! This 2nd Edition of the Thought Diet was written in response to so many women who finished the book (and original Thought Diet) and then asked “What’s next!?” I am so proud of how the Thought Diet 2 turned out. It is beautifully designed, and easy to download, print out, and turn to for motivation every day! So, kick off the new year reviewing the concepts from my book and filling your mind with positive reminders, quotes and daily Scriptures put into prayers. I think you’ll love it! Check out The Thought Diet 2 product page here, or just click below to purchase it!(***It’s just $2.99)
[add_to_cart id=”48994″ show_price=”false”]
3. Just want to get HEALTHY? I don’t know about you, but the older I get, the less I’m thinking about numbers on the scale and the more I’m concerned with other numbers…like HDLs and LDLs, and diastolic and systolic blood pressure and all of the other indicators of health. As it turns out, adulting is serious stuff.
And let’s face it — there’s a whole lot of confusing information out there about what is and isn’t good for you. If you’re like me and just want some sound wisdom when it comes to health and nutrition, I’m thrilled to share the Lifestyle Steps Website, a brand new site that my brother-in-law, Ted Nyquist has put together. Ted is a Lifestyle Medicine Certified Family Practice Doctor who lives in Oregon. (remember Dr. Ted from this recipe or this post?) Dr. Ted offers nutrition facts and simple, actionable steps for anyone ready to start moving towards a healthier future — whether you want to quit smoking, lower your cholesterol, become more connected to people, or avoid dying younger than necessary, (no joke!) Dr. Ted can help. **Be sure to subscribe over at his site so he can update you when he finds the cure for the common cold or (hopefully!) the fountain of youth.
4. ARE YOU AN ADDICT? I’m talking Sugar Addict here. Or maybe you’ve become aware that carbs, candy, soda or daily alcohol consumption has a stronghold in your life. If this is you, and you want to turn to God for your cravings instead of whatever currently has a grip on you, then you will find my friend Wendy Speake’s 40-day Sugar Fast group the best place to dive in. Join thousands of women who are walking through this journey together right here — > 40 Day Sugar Fast Group.
5. Do you need to make fitness a priority in the New Year? This topic, of course, could easily be its own blog post (or book) but if I could give you ONE PIECE OF ADVICE for making fitness a priority in 2019 it would be to START SMALL, BUT STAY CONSISTENT….all year long. I don’t recommend you get crazy and start doing hard workouts 7 days a week, but instead try a shorter workout 3-5 times a week. Then commit to doing it ALL YEAR LONG. No excuses. (You’re way more likely to keep it up if it is reasonable and not torturous.)
And though there’s nothing wrong with joining a gym or buying a piece of equipment, I’m a big fan of simple workout apps that you can use from the comfort of your home or a neighborhood. I tried a 30 day free trial of Aaptiv a few summers ago, and have been a big fan ever since. Here’s a link if you want to give it a try: Squeeze in a killer workout anywhere, anytime Start 30 day free Aaptiv trial
(I’m an Aaptiv affiliate)
5. Just need someone to talk to? Whether you’re trying to figure out what is getting in your way of losing weight, or how to balance family and work (and sleep, and workouts…and lions and tigers and…well, you get it)…or maybe you are trying to figure out how to parent well without being a helicopter mom, or how to rekindle the romance in your marriage…If you want to talk to someone about growing in your faith this year, or finding some hobbies and passions of your own, I would love to hop on the phone for a coaching call with you! Check out my coaching page here!
OK….This little list was packed with options. I hope you’ll choose one and act on it now!
COMMENT AND ENTER TO WIN A BOOK! (giveaway closed.)
Would you share in comments? What are some of your health goals this year? Are you signing up for any of the Private Facebook groups? Which one! Share which action step you are ready to take and let’s cheer each other on to the best New Year ever!
Congrats to Cynthia and Cindy! You each won a copy of my book! 🙂 **On Sunday night, January 13th I’ll draw two names from the comments and send you each a copy of my book, The Secret of Your Naturally Skinny Friends! (If you already have it, I’ll offer you the Thought Diet 2 as an option!)
See you around soon!
PS Don’t forget my “11 Lies that Might be Keeping you Fat” download is FREE as well. It’s a super enlightening list, and it also offers the “11 Truths to replace the lies with!” So, if you haven’t already, be sure to grab that one HERE.
Monica, thank you! I’ve gained so much wisdom from you and confidence during our coaching calls. My goal is to transform my thinking about food and my body — your book has also been a great resource.
Thank you so much, Deb! Love hearing that and have absolutely enjoyed getting to know you. You do so much for so many people, you inspire me! 😉 Aloha-
Thanks so much for all these amazing support options! One of my goals for this year is “done with diets – lifestyle instead” which fits in nicely with your book!
I would sincerely love to read your book, Monica! Thank you!
Have followed you for years! As a professional in parent education, I find your insight and knowledge useful when adding to my strategy toolbox.
I am a great example of do as I say, not as I do when it comes to talking to families about self care… sigh.
Keep up the great work and good luck with the new adventures!
Love this idea! I always take time out to read your insightful and encouraging posts. Thank you.
Hi Monica! I don’t need a book- already have my copy! Just want to say thanks for this and Happy New Year!
PS-Any speaking engagements in the Chicago area coming up?
I’d love to win! Thank you!
Love all the resources you share in this post. I’m definitely interested in lowering my cholesterol (which has been “high” all my life) and could stand to drop 15-20 pounds. I’m definitely heading over to join the Skinny Friends fb page and checking out your brother-in-law’s website also.
Thanks again for sharing the resources and so much of your life and thoughts with us. ☺️
(Love your book The Secret of Your Naturally Skinny Friends and am very interested in the Thought Diet too. Thanks for offering the giveaway in addition to sharing all these resources.)
This all sounds so wonderful! My goal is to be consistent in moving everyday, even if it’s just a quick walk around the neighborhood with the kiddos! I feel SO much better when I’m active and I have let that slip a bit.
You are awesome! I would love to read your book. Always appreciate your insight and inspiration! Happy 2019 to you and your beautiful family!
I have a weight loss goal for the new year. First, I just want to pull off the extra “Holidays” weight, but I would like to lose some additional weight off of that to help increase my confidence and maybe even get back into the dating game. Hope everyone has a happy new year!
Ive been wanting to read your book for sometime now, but have been so busy caring for my family that I’ve still not purchased it. Need to shed the extra pounds I’ve put on during menopause so I can keep up with my Grandbabies!!
Hi friend,
You are anninspiration to so many. Keep up the great work.
Really looking forward to join the FB group and learn more!
Thanks for all the great ideas and support. Ironically, one of my “changes” (instead of resolution, seems more attainable if I call it that) this year is to pray more and turn to God for strength, encouragement and support. The “30 Day Thought Diet” sounds just like what I need. Thanks for your continued words of wisdom 😉
Looking forward to the facebook group challenge starting on Monday. Thanks for all your good advice and wisdom!
Thank you, Monica for the honest and relevant content. I would love to read your book. 🙂
So excited to join this group and have a healthier new year!
I feel like I’ve hit a “rut” with my routine of trying to loss weigh. I’m exploring new ideas to make 2019 my year to get into better shape!! I’m looking forward learning more about your “Secrets of Your Naturally Skinny Friends” that incorporates both spiritual and healthy ways to help do this! Thank you!
Thank you for all your great information! The older I get (upper 40’s), the more I see a direct correlation between the sugar I eat and the weight I gain. The weight is creeping up and I need to be more proactive at keeping the sugar (and weight) away. 😊
Wow, Monica, sounds like you’ve been busy! I would like to join the secrets of your skinny friends group. I have read my e copy three or four times now. It’s very inspiring! Right now my husband and I are doing the Daniel fast with our church. That is building all kinds of character here! And I am continuing my goals of 12,000 steps or more a day!
I’m focusing on overall health and balance. 1) Spiritually 2) Physically 3) Relationally 4) Financially 5) Emotionally
Making it a lifestyle.
I cant wait to read your book so hopefully I’ll be a winner – haha
I struggle with daily food choices and find myself always thinking of food as a punishment but instead I want to focus on other things so I can enjoy the right foods and not stress over them daily and show my family that food is fun and yummy and healthy. I joined your Facebook group and CANT WAIT as I think this will be a HUGE turn in the right direction for me that I have been searching for:) I have followed you for awhile and love getting your emails as you inspire and motivate me as I have 2 boys so I LOVE your advice and struggles as they are real for all of us. THANKS again for all you give and inspire as being a mom, wife, provider and friend isn’t always easy. Cant wait to read your book!!
Turning 50 this year 😳 and i’ve Found my weight creeping up the last two years. I don’t need to be skinny, but am working towards healthier and stronger. I’m trying to lean into God, knowing I can’t do this by myself, and truly want to honor Him by taking better care of the body He gave me.
Hi Monica!
Some of my health goals this year consist of continuing my steady journey with weight loss and toning. I just turned 50 in December and have been doing a little exercise every night/day, eating smaller portions, very little cheese, and drinking half my body weight, in ounces, of water.
So far I have gone down 10lbs.
I did request to join the Skinny Friends Study group and then realized that you need the book to do the group. I do not have the book.
I really enjoy reading your newsletter, Monica. Myself, I have one teenaged boy – 14. His name is Mattux and I can honestly say that I have gained wisdom and insight into the life of a teenage boy and mothering one through your writings.
Thank you!
Renee Marcacci
Great info! Thank you!
Worthy pursuits !