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  1. Hi Monica,
    I have been binge listening to your podcasts – Love them!! I’m so very grateful that a friend suggested them at just the right time in my parenting journey. In one of your podcasts, you mentioned a book that your son(s) read about music when you were getting them to more actively as teens. I can’t recall which podcast it was and don’t see it in the some of the show notes I’ve looked at. Would you mind sharing this book (if I’ve given you enough information to figure out which book it is 🙂 I have a 14 year old son that loved to read up until the last few years. I’m hoping to find him some interesting books that will rekindle his love of reading. Thanks!

    1. Hi Kristin!! Thank you so much for the kind words. So glad you’re here!
      I honestly cannot think of a book I gave my sons about music…goodness, not sure what that would have been. 🤔 The only thing I remember mentioning more recently was that with my 12 year old, I keep a couple books around that I read aloud to him over lunch, etc… One is about art and styles of art, another covers music genres and history of music, another is Aesops fables. haha. But as teenagers it is not unusual for boys to push back on reading until they find something that clicks. Keep trying! 🙂 You might need to motivate with a “reward” system for each book he reads, or make it a requirement before video games or…there are lots of ways to nudge him to read more. But usually once they find the type of books they love you won’t have to push as much. Adventure, sports, sci fi series…try a little of everything. (I’m sure you have.) Just keep up the good work! 🙂 xo