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  1. Will this work with an egg replacer like applesauce?

    1. I have not tried that but I imagine it would be one! If you try it please let me know how it works! 🙂 XO

  2. I can’t wait to try this!! I was not fond of ginger as a child, but started liking it in college when I first tried sushi (I have been known to steal everyone’s pickled ginger and ask for more). I am a big coffee drinker, too, who can’t drink it when I’m sick. A few weeks ago when I had a cold a neighbor gave us a recipe for a hot ginger drink with lime juice and honey that helped a lot with my sore throat.

    I have noticed my tastes changing-I used to never like things like sauerkraut, but now love it.

    Anyhow, love your blog, and thank you for sharing the recipe 🙂

  3. 5 stars

    It’s totally normal for your tastebuds to change, even as an adult! I’ve heard that you develop new buds about every 7 years, which makes sense when you think about how many times you eat in a day! That’s why we always make our kids try things again, cause you never know when they’ll develop a liking to it 🙂
    As for the cravings, I think sometimes the body craves what it needs (not all the time…I don’t think I need as much chocolate as I crave ;)) It’s your brain’s way of telling your body that it may be deficient in something and sometimes that craving doesn’t go away until you give your body what it needs, like salty snacks to raise blood pressure or sugary snacks to increase insulin.
    My fav vegetable right now is brussels sprouts! Try offering that to me 10 years ago and I would’ve turned my nose up at the thought of it 😛 My hubby makes them with shallots, olive oil and bacon…yummm

  4. Welcome to the ginger-club! I’ve always had a little affair on the side with Mr. Ginger, but over the past week I’ve been on a molasses kick (try it in iced coffee….trust me), too. Needless to say, this looks like a perfect match and I will have to whip up a batch this week!

  5. OMG…I have had the same epiphany with ginger!!! Thanks…can’t wait to try this! I’m the same way when I’m sick-want tea; coffee doesn’t do the trick.

  6. I am in love, and I haven’t even met these gingerbread-oatmeal bars in person! These look (and sound) superb! Thank you for sharing your creative food endeavors with us, Monica! 😀