Women’s Life in our 40’s, Part 1: Hormones! with Dr. Dave.
Dr. Dave and I share a video about women’s hormones in our 40’s.
Aloha Friends,
So, here we are diving into our first video in the “Life in our 40’s” series. I’m not even sure how to begin this…Except to say: Who’s idea was this!? After making our announcement a few weeks ago, and getting alllll kinds of excited about this series, (and hearing from so many of you who are also looking forward to it!)…reality hit.
Now we actually have to talk about this stuff??
I was unsure on so many levels: How much do people already know about these topics? (do we start super basic or dive deep, quick?) How personal should I get? Do you want short and sweet or more chatty? Dave has been trying to guess how much medical information people are really interested in. Basically: This is complicated.
And I almost just called the whole thing off.
But no — we knew we just needed to do this thing. We’ll just have to learn as we go. (Dave said this is our beta test. :))
We decided to lay a foundation today with the one topic that affects almost every other topic: HORMONES. Hormones are behind our menstrual cycles (or lack thereof), our moods, our bodily changes, our skin, our sex life, and just about everything else. So we decided to start right there. With hormones.
I hope you can take a few minutes to watch Dave and my conversation, and then we welcome your feedback.
A few take home points from the video:
1. Hormones control almost everything in your body.
2. Hormones are like notes in the music of life….(or something.)
(and Dave is a poet. 🙂 )
3. The main hormones that affect us in our 40’s are Estrogen and Progesterone. They are made in our ovaries. Our ovaries “quiet down” in our 40’s and 50’s. Our levels of both hormones begin to drop then, which is called: “peri-menopause”.
4. The average age of menopause is 52; by the end of it our ovaries will no longer be producing estrogen or progesterone– at least in significant amounts. (Then we get old.) (and now I’m officially depressed. #kiddingnotkidding.)
4. If you get blood lab work done in your 40’s, they will check your FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) levels. A high level of FSH level will be a sign that your estrogen and progesterone are dropping. As Dave said, the FSH is basically “yelling” at your ovaries to produce more and they are not listening, thus the increased levels of FSH.
We Moms understand how the FSH feels.
5. Some things caused by decreased levels of estrogen and progesterone:
- Irregular periods. (usually less time in-between.) Lighter periods. (we didn’t mention it in the video, but sometimes women get heavier periods.) Irregular is the key.
- Mood changes: Decreased serotonin can affect the brain and cause anxiety, depression
- Sleep disturbances.
- appetite (and body composition) changes.
- bone density changes.
- Skin changes — drier skin, less collagen. i.e. wrinkles.
6. Exercise and a healthy diet are both important during peri-menopause and menopause.
Both of these will help you get through these years feeling as good as possible.
7. Future videos will further discuss specifics of menopause, as well as things you CAN DO to get through all of this as well as possible.
Sorry if this video is a bit long, and not full of rainbows and unicorns. Remember: We’re going through it with you! Thank you so much for watching! Happier topics are ahead…Like bladder leakage, osteoporosis, and dentures. (coupons for Depends may be included.)
COMMENT!? Did anything we discuss resonate with you? Have you had blood work done to check your hormones? Any signs that you, too, are at “the beginning of the end?” Other comments, topic suggestions, feedback or happy stories are always welcome here.
With Aloha,
Monica and Dave
Good information! Looking forward to the next video or post in this series. I am 44 and dealing with estrogen dominance caused by autoimmune disease. But I’ve dealt with all the symptoms, irregular cycles, lack of sleep, hot flashes, etc. I am fearful of menopause. LOL!
‘Thank you’ to both of you.
Sooo, I started menopause at age 39. I was not having regular periods. I thought possibly I was pregnant or had another ovarian cyst. Then I started having hot flashes, many hot flashes. My doctor ordered an FSH test that was very elevated. Yeah! I am going through menopause. I am on a low dose estrogen/progesterone birth control and this has stopped the hot flashes. Also, the doctor pointed out that menopause is related to genetics. So, this would be something to talk about with my daughter when she is older, she is only 8 years old now. Because, she should not wait until later in life to have children. Well-yes, menopause is depressing, and I think sometimes, if only I had one more child. But, I am blessed to have had normal pregnancies and healthy children. Thank you Monica for talking about this!! I love that your husband was involved in this discussion!
I’ve had bloodwork about a year ago but they claimed I was fine- however they didn’t have a baseline so maybe I should do it again. It’s super hard as I had a hysterectomy about 8 or 9 years ago but I still have my ovaries, so I don’t have my cycle to let me know what’s up. I DO know something is happening due to my skin pigmentation issues. Really looking forward to the rest of this series. Your face with atrophy was classic!
Very interesting Katie! Thank you for commenting. Yes, Dave says the baseline is really important as we all have different ‘normals.’ Hope this series is helpful to you! Much aloha- 🙂
Thanks so much for tackling this subject Monica and Dr Dave!! Never too much information, even though its personal to you Monica, it’s helpful to your viewers! The more the better. Looking forward to learning more as I am 44 now and have so much to look forward to, atrophy and all 😳😲😃
Thank you Janice! That means a lot and we will press and and share more…even if I’m cringing inside! haha. Blessings to you. Aloha-
Really helpful information! Looking forward to learning about good foods that help boost estrogen and other tips and tricks. Thanks, Monica and Dave!
Thank you Hema!! We are also looking forward to more (between cringing at ourselves on video! :)) Really appreciate the comment!
Thank you for introducing this series. I laughed out loud at the faces you made Monica when Dr. Dave started talking about atrophy.
I thought you did a wonderful job talking about peri menopause and hormones. I’m 43, have had lots of changes already, plus I struggle with PMDD so I look forward to the future discussions of symptom relief and attempting to grown old gracefully.
Thank you Monica and Dr. Dave!
Erin–Thank you! Haha, really, “Atrophy” seemed a bit intense, right!? 🙂 I appreciate the kind words…I’ve been cringing since posting that video b/c it is definitely outside both of our comfort zones! 🙂 I think Dave and I will get onto the symptoms and relief very soon, so keep an eye out for that! Much aloha–
I am a new follower and 46 years. I am a physical therapist and teach a whole lecture on osteoporosis. First while Calcium is important it doesn’t increase bone density it just helps minimize loss. There are a whole host of other vitamins so crucial like K and D and Bs. Etc. so yes diet! Also not just pounding exercise but weight bearing exercise is the key. This includes Weight training. This is the number one way to INCREASE bone density. Can’t wait to learn more.
Thank you Clover! 🙂 About calcium- yes, Dave is trying to summarize so much in such a short video–its nearly impossible, but we’re learning…Good points though. And as for exercise–“weight bearing” is exactly the words I was looking for, haha! I might go back and add that to notes. Thank you so much and appreciate you taking the time to watch the video and comment! aloha-
Hi Monica, Thank you for both being so open and honest with a difficult subject in a public platform. I am 43 and I have seen a few signs of perimenopause. I have been trying to eat healthy, drink a lot of water, exercise regularly. But I would like to do more walking, sleep better, release stress and work on my mood swings and desires. I have started being irregular in my monthly cycle which I honestly will not miss at all. But I’m sure it will affect my body in other ways. I picked up a book awhile back by Dr. Christiane Northrup called The Wisdom of Menopause. It looks like it has some good ideas. Looking forward to more in the series.
Shonda–Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! So helpful to hear what other women are going through! I’d love to hear how you like the book and any nuggets you get that you think would be helpful to our series! Thanks again and much aloha to you-
Thank you Monica & Dave for doing this! I’m 42 & experiencing some of these symptoms: irregular periods, hot flashes, increased irritability & depression, decreased sex drive 😳, etc. Thanks for making me laugh at what seems not so laughable!! I have NOT seen my Dr to get my levels check but plan on it. I look forward to more videos ~ would love to hear ways to help combat all these symptoms!!! (I’m a homeschool mom to 3 boys & have been following you for a few years 😁)
Thank you!!
Thank you Shannon! So glad this topic is on target for you. Yes, we plan a follow-up with exactly those suggestions! 🙂 Hang in there, we’ll get through this! (Thank you for being a loyal blog -reader, that means so much!) XO
Great talk! I’m 52, and my periods stopped 3 years ago. I think that one thing my cousin and I talked about was our mothers’ lack of knowledge. I think that maybe doctors gave hysterectomies much more frequently than they do now. Both of our mom’s had had one, and really had no advice for us!
One app that I started using when “the change” started happening was Period Tracker. I think that it might be more for younger women wanting to get pregnant, but it was great to be able to log in the day I started (which got crazy for awhile). It also had a section for notes, like for headaches or heavy or light period…. you could record these things. It was great bc I always had my phone, and I could then have the info right at my fingertips for both keeping track and communicating with my doctor.
Thank you Melanie! Love hearing from you! I agree about our mothers and hysterectomies…My mom had one at 40 also, (and decided to “skip” menopause because of that, haha…she’s very strong mentally!) I’m so glad you mentioned that app. I will check it out and recommend it in a future episode! So cool. Much aloha and please keep contributing here–it’s super helpful!
Thanks for sharing all this info! I just turned 40 and have had a few changes. I can relate to what you said about sleep/anxiety. I’ve also noticed thinning hair over the last couple years. Heavier periods (which seem better if I am more active). Just to name a few. I have had some relief with homeopathic remedies.
Thank you so much for doing this series. I am 46 and have been dealing with perimenopause for the last year. It has been AWFUL! I was diagnosed with breast cancer three days before my 42nd birthday and that was rough, but this is really putting me through the ringer: crazy mood swings, extreme fatigue, insomnia, hot flashes, bloating, closer spaced/heavier periods, off the charts PMS, food cravings, body changes, etc. I work out 5-6 days a week and eat pretty well but I’m still tired ALL the time. I homeschool my two boys (ages 10 and 12) and by the end of the day I just want to collapse in bed. It helps to know that I’m not alone. As you can imagine, I’m really looking forward to the next video! 🙂
I enjoyed you frank discussion. I’ve been on the slow train, I am 56-1/2 years old and I guess it’s official for me, as it has been 8 mos now since my last (slowly dwindling) cycle. I feel like I have slipped into an abyss of constant tiredness, followed by impatience, stiff and achy joints, sagging skin.. all more pronounced within these past 12 months. Acceptance? I am NOT a happy camper!.. I have always had an athletic build, not thin, (muscular physique) good posture, able to eat without worrying about every calorie.. I had a good run, and I have been one of the luckier ones. But I am disappointed with the aging process and now that I have no choice, I will dwell in the body I have come to not recognize. (If I could afford plastic surgery, I would have no hesitation) haha!
Pamela— thank you so much for your honest comment. Dang, that’s a lot to accept, isn’t it? I’ll put Dave on the job and see what kind of game plan we can come up with for all of us. There has to be hope! 😊👍🏼 Much aloha and again, I really appreciate you sharing. ❤️