27 Ways to Finish the School Year Strong {Episode 54 with Robert Bortins}
Well, May is flying by and though we may not be out of quarantine yet, most of us are starting to see the FINISH LINE for our school year…And that is a good feeling!
To help us get to the finish line, today I have Robert Bortins, the CEO of Classical Conversations, on with me to share 27 Tips for ending the school year strong. I love this list and know that a lot of you will be encouraged by it as well!
In the past couple of months I have been asked more than ever about homeschooling…especially about my thoughts on various curriculums. One that I get asked about a lot is Classical Conversations. (CC) Though I haven’t used CC myself, I always say that I have heard nothing but excellent reports from friends who use it. I wish I lived near a CC community group because I think it would be a great fit for Levi. (who knows, maybe it will still happen. 😉 )
Because of this I am so happy to share this interview with Robert Bortins. Robert tells us what it means to use a Classical model of education, and a little about CC approach — which, I think you’ll agree is pretty awesome! Classical Conversations combines community learning (various-size groups which meet all over the world) with home education. It is such a great balance! I love it. More about the curriculum and the downloadable list in notes below!
The Classical Conversations Website (with links to finding CC communities wherever you live!)
Classical Conversations on Facebook
Classical Conversations on Instagram
DOWNLOAD THE 27 Tips for Ending the School Year Strong here by clicking below:
Classical Conversations_27 Tips
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Thank you to Classical Conversations for sponsoring this podcast episode!!
More about Robert:
Chief Executive Officer of Classical Conversations is a job that Robert Bortins was born into, literally. Dissatisfied with the education options she found as a new mom, Leigh Bortins decided first to homeschool her four sons, then develop her own curriculum with Robert, her oldest son, as her pupil in 1997. Robert earned a B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from Clemson University in 2006. in 2011, after seeing in the corporate sector, he returned to the family business to develop a marketing program for Classical Conversations and was appointed CEO in 2012.
In the years since Robert Bortins became CEO, the company has grown by 300 percent to become the world’s largest classical homeschooling organization, serving more than 125,000 students in 42 countries, and has been named a Certified Best Christian Workplace by BCWI four years in a row.Robert and his wife, April, live in North Caroline with their three children.
Thanks for reading these show notes! If you found this podcast episode helpful, please share it using social media links below!
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My book, BOY MOM, was released in August of 2019 (Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers) and is full of practical advice and helpful resources for raising boys. It’s a great study for small groups!
Order it here: Boy Mom: What Your Son Needs Most from You
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