Setting the First Tracks: Talk to Your Kids about Everything
Final chapter of Raising Amazing with bonus resources and a book giveaway!
(*See very bottom of this post to enter the giveaway!)
Who do you want your kids to learn from about: sexuality and gender, cultural issues, politics…and all the rest? I think most of us would say that we — the parents — are the best people to lay a foundation for all of these topics. Yet, it is easy to put these (sometimes awkward!) conversations off. And when we do, our kids are likely to learn about them from their peers or the internet before we get to it. In today’s episode I am encouraging you to “Set the first tracks”; To talk about things before they are things!
This is the final in my year-long (month-end) series, going over topics from my book: Raising Amazing: Bringing up Kids Who Love God, Like Their Family, and Do the Dishes Without Being Asked! If you are new to the podcast, I encourage you to check the archives for all of the other episodes covering highlights and nuggets from each chapter of my book.
Below grab a downloadable list of 20 Conversations to Have with your kids before they launch. 💥
ALSO! — For this series finale, I am giving away THREE COPIES OF RAISING AMAZING! *See bottom of this post to comment and enter!
Get your copy of Raising Amazing HERE!
Download: “20 Conversations to have with your kids”
Books mentioned in the episode:
The Fallacy Detective
The Thinking Toolbox
Good Pictures Bad Pictures
Also mentioned:
My episode about kids and dating with JP Pokluda.
You can find The Monica Swanson Podcast on all of the podcast platforms…here are just a few of them:
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You can also WATCH this episode on my YouTube channel!
Thanks to this episode’s sponsor:
Looking for new math and science curriculum in the new year?
Looking for new science or math homeschool curriculum? All my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe Dr. Shormann’s classes prepared them well for their college degrees in engineering and data analytics! Go to to learn more!
The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit
Thanks for reading these show notes! If you found this podcast episode helpful, please share it using social media links below!
I’m grateful for my listeners and readers, and would love to connect with you! You can subscribe to receive my fun and resource packed weekly emails, say hi on Facebook , or find me on Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest.
You can NOW PREORDER my NEXT BOOK: Becoming Homeschoolers: Give Your Kids a Great Education, a Strong Family, and a Life They’ll Thank You for Later.
If you preorder now it will arrive at your home on the release day, MAY 7, 2024!
Learn more about it on Amazon.
My book, RAISING AMAZING, released on February 21, 2023! (Zondervan) In it you’ll find Biblical wisdom and practical advice for Moms and Dads to raise kids of character and faith, who embrace strong family connections. (A favorite feature: There is a “Word to the dads” at the end of each chapter written by my husband, Dave!) You can ORDER NOW!
My book, BOY MOM, was released in August of 2019 (Waterbrook Multnomah) and is full of practical advice and helpful resources for raising boys. It’s great for personal reading, or to use as a study for small groups!
Order it here: Boy Mom: What Your Son Needs Most from You
*Some of the products I share are affiliate links. Thank you so much!!
now for a GIVEAWAY!!! ——–
Leave a comment below sharing ONE topic you either have talked about, or want to be sure to talk to your kids about before they launch and you’ll be entered to win a copy of Raising Amazing. (if you already have one, this would be a great gift!)
I’ll choose 3 winners Sunday night and contact winners on Monday (April 1st!)
We talk a lot about how hard doesn’t mean bad! Lots of hard things are worth doing and even good.
Definitely about putting God first above anything else, especially sports!
Being a good steward of their money & serving others with their time & resources:)
We have talked about friendships and the importance of godly Christian friends and being a godly Christian friend!
I LOVE this!! And…your name was chosen to WIN a copy of Raising Amazing! Emailing you now! xo
I want to have the ongoing conversation with my son about his faith in Jesus and how to accept Him as Lord and Savior over his life! He is currently 4 years old and we try to talk, pray and/or sing about Jesus everyday. He sings Jesus Loves Me spontaneously now!
We continually discuss having good friends that are making wise choices.
I love this so much! And definitely want to talk to my kids about setting healthy boundaries. I learned this too late in life!
I received “Boy Mom” as a gift at Christmas, and have read it twice since then. It’s peppered with tabs and notes to help remind me of the conversations I want to have with my son, and exerpts that will come up along my parenting journey. I’ve recently began listening to your podcast, and I’m so grateful for your encouragement. Thank you for sharing so truthfully and transparently. Bless you and your family.
Than you so much Sherae! I love hearing this! Blessings to you and please keep in touch!
After reading Boymom, my husband and I talked to our 13yr old boys about being friends with a girl for a long time before ever considering dating. We will also be using the questions on maturity for dating to determine if they are ready when the time comes.
Oh I love this! Thank you so much for the encouraging comment!
Love this list – we have recently talked to our young kids about dating, but giving them thoughts to process before the culture does is what our dinner table is for 🙂
Before my boys launch, my husband and I want to continue to make sure they know their true identity in Christ by making it a common conversation in our home; how much they’re loved and adored and have been made with purpose on purpose. Also, how not to leave their socks all over the house.
Love this SO MUCH!! And also: Your name was chosen to win a copy of Raising Amazing!! Emailing you now. 🙂
Yay!! Can’t wait to read this book! Thank you!
Before my boys leave the house I will be sure to talk about sex with Biblical knowledge at the center! As a child my parents never, ever talked about it with me and my siblings and I wish they had no matter how awkward it would’ve been. I am raising up a generation that desperately needs to learn the truth in what God says about this topic.
I just have a toddler so I’m collecting all of this awesome info and tucking it away for natural conversations as time goes on. I definitely think talking about identity and sexuality are so important to discuss even at young ages so we have been intentional about noticing the differences between bodies and how God created girls/boys men/women different but specifically special for their own purposes. Prayerfully hoping these normal questions he asks with simple straightforward answers will help solidify his own identity as he grows into a strong man of God.
I want to talk more with my boys about character and the importance of having friends of strong character in their lives. And being mindful of who/what is influencing them. So many things!! Thank you, Monica, for all you are doing for parents and families!!!!
We are white parents raising AA boys. We spend a lot of time talking about how to handle racism with a Biblical foundation. Your resources have been so helpful! Thank you
I love this so much!! AND…your name was chosen to win a copy of Raising Amazing!! Emailing you now! xo
Talking about the purpose of life and how to continuously have that eternal perspective in mind wherever God leads us. We have started this conversation but I know we will have to continuously talk about this together to keep each other accountable as there are too many distractions in life!