Fall Fashion (in my 50’s 😉) – with a Free People Giveaway!
Some fall fashion (in my 50’s) —
Which makes me simultaneously so excited (I love clothes!) and super uncomfortable. Read on…
Funny story: Many years ago, I was a new blogger trying to find my voice and my niche. I shared pictures of my kids, some recipes, and occasional lifestyle (including fashion) posts. I followed a lot of other bloggers who I learned from and admired. The only thing is, most of the women I followed were a good 10-15 years younger than me. One of the girls I followed (and was a personal friend of) did a lot of style posts, but as she started having kids she wrote about how she would be transitioning to other topics more. I’ll never forget one day when she wrote something like, “I mean, I don’t want to be 40 and still posting fashion shots…”
Gulp. (I was about 43 then.)
Of course she did not mean that to be rude in any way, she was just being honest and at that time, this 20-something year old thought 40 was soooo old!
Well, here I am, all of 51 and I still love clothes and fashion and though I haven’t done a style post in a long time, I thought I’d have fun with one. I got a few new items for my fall travels and am still wearing them all the time here in Hawaii, so I thought I’d share. 😉 I have a feeling even my old blogging friend would approve. Because by now she must be getting close to 40 and realizing how young that really is. (haha.)
So here goes. And…I’ll add…Even if only a handful of you enjoy this sort of thing, I’d be more than happy to do a style-post every season. I personally enjoy seeing what other women are wearing, so why not inspire one another!?
Things are mostly casual on our North Shore, but I still have fun with date nights or just feeling good in my errand-running (ie Costco) attire. As you’ll see, I mix a few fun – quality items with a lot of Target, surf-store finds, (usually on sale) and some old stuff that just keeps on giving.
One big-ish deal: I am finally getting comfortable with high waist pants!! 😲 And when I say “comfortable” I mean, I’m getting used to how they look on me (at a muscular almost- 5′ 4″, I honestly thought I could’t pull it off) but also — Dang they are actually really comfortable!!
So here are three outfits with as many purchase details as I can link to…
First…The cozy casual…
This is a Free People top that I found at Nordstroms (though can’t find it on their website) and I know I’ll wear a ton, especially on the mainland. I love the layered look (it’s all one shirt!) and the thumb openings. **I found a better price for this on Amazon here. I paired the top with leggings from Target (Colzie brand-similar to these.) and these boots which are my only purchase ever from H&M. I bought them during a cool, rainy season here last winter and have been shocked at how much I’ve worn them. (I can only find them in brown online.) SO comfortable and so easy to slip on without any buckles.
Next: My favorite fall fancy pants.
I found these pants at one of my favorite local surf shops. They are the Camille Rowe line by RVCA and I could live in them. They are a light, stretch corduroy, and seriously some of my most comfy pants ever. (I mentioned in my email to subscribers a few weeks ago that I am tempted to order this whole suit in the same line for special events. – Some of my email friends were not so sure…haha.)
With my fancy pants, I am wearing a tank from Target that I have in at least 4 colors. 😂 and shoes I’ve had (and worn too much) for years. (Sam Edelman, from Macy’s- these are similar wedge style)
I know a tank top isn’t practical in most places in the fall, but while I was on the mainland I wore these pants with a long-sleeve black shirt and boots (from first outfit, above) as well. A sweater over a tank also works.
I love the bird print on these pants…
Finally, the jeans I live in…
I swore I’d never wear jeans like these, but here I am, wearing them about every other day. They are Billabong, high waste, stretch. Seriously so much fun.
I still don’t think this style is the most flattering on me, but I’m kind of to the point that I don’t care. They feel so good on and I have fun in them.
With them I am wearing an older Roxy top (from the days Luke surfed for Quiksilver. 😉– that means it’s been a few years!) and also older shoes from Target.
I also wear these jeans with my favorite tennis shoes. They are Goldengoose but there’s no way I’d spend $500 on tennis shoes! — I got them on a crazy Instagram sale for $70! Best deal ever.
This red and white stripe shirt, by the way, is Treasure and Bond, from Nordstroms. Dave thinks I look like a sailor in this jean/stripe shirt combo, but whatever Dave.
I was actually dreaming of Christmastime when I got it. (In September 😉)
That’s it for now. I have a few other pieces that I did not squeeze into this photo shoot but might just post on IG over time. Keep in mind, I spend most of my time at home in sweatpants, but I could do a whole post on favorite sweats too, so feedback is appreciated! ❤️
Love you all and thank you for letting me still love (and share!) clothes, even here in my middle age season of life. 😉
GIVEAWAY!? (now closed!! :))
I’m giving away a $50 Free People gift card to one kind commenter!! Leave a comment below answering any of these questions:
1. Do you love clothes? What is your favorite brand or shop or style to shop from?
2. Has your style changed over time?
3. If you could live in one type of clothes (jeans, sweats, PJ’s… etc) every day, what would it be?
4. Do you enjoy style posts? What else would you like to see?
Note: If you tell me you shared this post on social media or emailed THIS POST to a friend, I’ll give you double entries!
I’ll choose a winner next week Friday, (November 12th) and email you directly.
(I’ll also post the winner’s name here in the post!)
Congratulations to Renee B. for being drawn as the winner!! (yay for a fellow “fashionable 50-something” winning! That was fun!) I’m reaching out via email to you directly!
Sending Aloha!
When I just my clothes from my “house clothes” also dubbed my “super moon clothes” by my sweet friend- my kids ask where I’m going- so sweatshirt, yoga pants, and flip flops it is.
I jumping trends a lot faster now in my mid-thirties than I ever did in my twenties! I think it’s actually thanks to social media accounts that give me ideas for working trends into age appropriate (I hope) outfits. My personal style is a lot less fitted than it used to be.
You are too cute! And I need all the style advice! I’m a almost 40 year old and tired of wearing leggings and tees. But I’m also a curvy girl, that high waist doesn’t flatter. I would love to see styles for different body types!
I adore and admire all your hard work! Good job momma, and keep sharing that good news and love!
I’m in my mid 30s and my style has definitely evolved! I like monochromatic looks with fun accessories (i.e. feather earrings). I also like high waisted pants and jeans that are comfortable (kind of over tight, low fitting skinny jeans). LOVE this post and would love to see more like it!
Hi Monica,
My style hasn’t really evolved too much on a daily basis since about right out of college…haha. I basically wear jeans with either a nice top and heels or boots if I’m at work at the physical office or going out on a date. Or I wear jeans (or capri jeans if it’s super hot) with a casual top and sneakers or flip flops if I am just running around town. The rest of the time I basically just wear sweats or my yoga clothes. I do yoga everyday and if I don’t have much going on I need to be “dressed” for I will wear those all day haha. I guess I’m not really that stylish. But I do consider it my own personal style of comfort and I do try and wear CUTE jeans/tops/yoga clothes…so I guess that’s something.
Hello Monica, I’m in my 30’s but honestly really enjoyed your style post and I hope you keep doing them. I do enjoy fashion but at affordable prices 😊 my favorite stores are Target, H&M and American Eagle. But I find lots of great deals at Marshall’s!!!! Or TJMaxx 😉 I would love to see posts of “a day in the life”, your grocery shopping trips(what you like to buy and cook with). Please do more style posts, I always pay attention to your outfits even when they’re not style posts 😉 I just love getting ideas from other women. And I’ve always liked your style.
But of course, as a work from home, homeschooling mom, I’m mostly in sweats so posts with ideas on those outfits would be highly appreciated as well 😄😁😃
1. I dont love clothes, except jackets
2. Not really. I am 5’9″ and very muscular, played college bball, and I struggle just to find something that will fit so I mainly wear the same things.
3. Jeans and a hoodie
4 . I like looking at style posts as its hard to find modest fashion these days.
This was a fun article.
I love clothes, too! I’m 44 and still wear all the surf brands and prefer laid back & comfortable (or at most elevated casual) – unless I have a fancy event:) Im a personal trainer so my favorite brands are typically the workout kind… but my ultimate favorite that I could live in all day, everyday (and often do!) are my Vuori joggers! Varley is another super soft, great brand I love.
Monica, you look FABULOUS! I wish I look healthy like you in my 50’s I’m 9 years younger & with a 2 year old toddler! Trying to reestablish this season of fashion, so this email inspired me! I’m after your leggings and billabong high waisted jeans 😍 I love fashion, actually is what I do! I work in the fashion industry, not in the design creative part, but in the development area. One of my favorite brands as of late is JCrew, I can’t seem to own enough of their cotton button down blouses! And lucky for me, I found a great alternative to full price brand items! My fav shop ssshhhh! POSHMARK ☺️ Gently used items! I rarely feel worthy of spending full price items for me, every time I go out and shop I end up coming home with cute items for any of my 3 kiddos! That’s what moms do! Love your podcast, I have shared with my friends almost weekly! Like the 4hr. Homeschool one #1 with my friends! Eye opening, and the latest snout not liking your boys girlfriend! Listening prayerfully 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Again & again! I have 17yr. Old in a military acadff Ed my coming out 12/18 & first thing he said he is getting a girlfriend! 🙏🏼 Sweet JESUS, help me 🧡😂 blessings!
I love style and fashion posts no matter what the age, and I’m in my mid 40’s. It’s so fun to see what others are wearing and get inspiration for my own closet. Some of my favorite places to shop are Madewell, Nordstrom’s Rack, Target, Old Navy.
I LOVED the jeans/stripped shirt outfit— and those sneakers 🤩 I do love clothes and am trying to buy/have fewer: a wardrobe of super versatile pieces that will last the test of time (or at least more than a season or two 🤪). Recently I’ve become obsessed with merino wool (Ibex, Ice Breakers, Smartwool…) because I can wear the different layers hiking and skiing or around town AND they’re so comfortable I want to wear them around the house AND some of them are cut cute enough for date night 😉
I love clothes. Secondhand Anthropologie is my love language. I started a style blog when I was in my 20’s, pre-kids. When my kids were babies my style got softer and quieter. Now I’m in my 40’s and my kids are in elementary and there’s been a return to the loud colors and FUN. But honestly? I could live in a pair of perfectly broken in jeans (high waisted, please) or overalls. I love style posts— especially from women older than 40. I miss blogging but what a gift social media has been — to be able to stay connected to bloggers like you!
Hey Indiana!! So fun to hear from you here…You were one of the bloggers I followed back in my early days! 🙂 (So extra special you would comment!) And you know who I was referring to in my story…? I think it’s a mutual friend of ours! ❤️ You’re darling and I love to see you on Social! XO
I love clothes and I love your posts. I am with you, I do feel like my style sense is changing. I am also 51 and want to look cute and with the time and style but also want to be comfortable. I have a 16 year old daughter – so that helps (sometimes) usually when she says ‘do not wear that’. But the struggle is real, I love your ideas and will try to build from them thanks. I’d love to try the jeans, but I am only 5’3 and not so muscular (yet) – but I am working on it. Blessings
This is the best! I am a getting-close-to-40 mom who doesn’t know what to wear or where to shop anymore. Just after I was done having kids covid hit so most of my 30s has been in sweats. Where do I shop now? Who do I follow to figure out how to not look like I am trying to be 20?
My style is….jeans and other than that I dont remember. haha. Thank you for this post!!
Yes, I love clothes and shopping. I like Title Nine, Athleta, and shopping on Backcountry website for casual clothes, and I like Banana Republic and Jcrew for work attire. Please keep these posts coming. I like links to outfits. Love your style!
* also I shared on social media 😊
Thank you!! xoxo
I realized that the very thing I hated as a child to get for a birthday or Christmas is all I really want now! After having kids the most important thing for me is where style meets comfort! Its a self expression that I think I really enjoy in mother hood as so much of your time is spent serving and caring for others in this season. At 5’10 it’s also tricky to get clothes that are long enough for me so I have to do a lot of internet browsing to find things that are made longer to accommodate this Amazon woman 😆. Thanks for sharing your lovely thoughts on fashion and I hope to be as cute as you in my 50s!
Wow Brittany, I’d love to have your height!! ENJOY! 😉 Thank you for commenting!
Hi Monica!!
This was way cool to see you step out on the ‘driveway’. You look fabulous!
1) I like fashion only if it’s comfortable. I can’t stand accessories, so I gotta keep it simple.
2) my friends of old have told me I used to teach them about fashion (I still can’t recall), but yes, I live in athleisure wear, so I guess my style has evolved (44, here).
3) my favorite items are solid colored, and I love details like thumb holes, and of course comfy.
4). Yes, an occasional fashion post from you would be welcome in my inbox!
Thank you so much, Autumn! Love your comment and fun to hear from you! xo
I love this post! Each outfit is adorable and looks comfortable, which is a must for me! My style is definitely evolving – especially in my mid forties. Cute and comfy are key! I would live in soft jeans- a pair from each style, please! And- How did you score 70.00 golden goose shoes? Amazing!
Thank you Cheryl! And haha, I still can’t figure out how I scored those shoes. I was hardly familiar with the brand when the ad came up. Since then I’ve realized how rare that was. It was literally a “70% off” sale. I had to go over to their website to double check it wasn’t a scam. I doubt I’ll ever get that chance again! 🙂 Big hugs to you!
This post was great, I love how versatile your wardrobe is even with living on the north shore! My go to outfit is always shorts, a plain t shirt and vans. Simple, easy and cute! My style has definitely gotten much simpler which I am grateful for, because I don’t really stress about my outfits anymore, 😂🤷🏼♀️
Your post was fun! I am 50 and enjoy learning and growing in my own style. I like classic style with an edge. I like to shop at Nordstrom, madewell amd JCrew, and Everlane. I follow some 40/50 plus fashion / beauty influencers who have some great content on taking care of yourself but it is a slippery slope. There is a lot of noise out there for middle aged woman to look younger. I have to remind myself that Jesus is my influencer.
I think the challenge for me as a Christian is not to get sucked into the narratives of the world and to find in my identity in Christ. It is hard to find that line sometimes. I like taking care of myself as an act of worship but I really have to guard against falling into striving which I am prone to do.
BTW, I like your boots in outfit number 1 and outfit number 2 and outfit number 3 look modern and current.
My fashion goals are not to be too trendy or young but to look current which helps me to feel fun and alive! I would like to see more fashion and beauty posts but please include more about the struggles of getting older and how your faith informs your approach to fashion/beauty.
Monica you are beautiful in all you wear!!!
I love your confidence in just being YOU!!
1. Do you love clothes? What is your favorite brand or shop or style to shop from?
I love clothes! I always shop on a budget, but love Anthropologie and free people! I love flowy things and dresses.
2. Has your style changed over time? Yes and no! Always have deep down similar taste, but try to keep up with trends
3. If you could live in one type of clothes (jeans, sweats, PJ’s… etc) every day, what would it be? For sure yoga pants and a tank top of our and pjs at home! Simple and cozy is best!
4. Do you enjoy style posts? What else would you like to see? I love them and like getting cute ideas!
I sent this post to my sweet friend Melanie who also loves free people 🙂
Thanks for spreading light and joy!
Thank you so much Heather! Great responses!! 🙂 And thank you for passing this on — I hope Melanie enjoys too! xo
I used to love clothes and shopping for new outfits/pieces. Since having kids I don’t spend as much time on myself. It feels like all of my energy goes into what they are wearing, their hygiene, etc that by the time I get to myself I just throw on what is clean and matches! So for now I wear mostly yoga/athletic wear. It’s just the season of life we are in 🙂
Amanda — I totally get it. I remember a few years feeling that way too and one day feeling like I came out of a fog when I could give myself a bit of attention. Be sure to take care of yourself while you’re taking care of everyone else! But well done keeping your priorities in order for now. “This too shall pass!” 🙂 Big hugs to you-
I do love clothes. My style has changed over time from school then marriage then kids. Now that I am 50 I like to have comfy clothes.
comfort is king! haha. I’m with ya! xo
I loved this post so much! and I love clothes! My style has definitely changed over the years! Comfy is my biggest requirement! 😉
Your jeans, red striped shirt and tennis shoes are so my jam! We have 5 boys and life is active to say the least! But if I could live in anything it would probably be workout clothes! It’s typically what I grab most days so I love stuff I can work out in and then throw on a layer and run errands! But jeans is my next go to! Although I find myself drawn to dressier things! I don’t wear them as much but just love getting dressed in something nice on occasion!
So yes I’d love more posts like this and I love seeing versatile pieces and just how to style them different ways! I’m seriously about to purge my closet because my style has changed and I just don’t wear as much variety! So I love seeing ideas!
Thanks for sharing! Such a fun post!
Thank you so much, Ashley! Love this comment and so glad you enjoy this type of posts! I’m ready to purge my closet too– It feels so good when you finally do it! 😉 Big hugs to you!
1. Yes, I like clothes – especially the cute ones I find ON SALE!
2. I’ve always had a classic style … not trendy…but I did just get my first pair of high waisted jeans!
3. I’d like to live in yoga pants and sweatshirts.
4. I do like an occasional style post!
Thanks for sharing your favorite things and for this giveaway!
I do love clothes but not so much shopping for them! 😆 Especially being a shorty (5′ 1″), it’s hard to find clothes that fit well.
My style has mostly stayed the same. In my forties and I still like ripped jeans shorts/pants haha.
You look great in those picks, Monica! I would never have guessed those super cute bird design pants were corduroy. 😍
Thank you so much, Roxie! (I love your name!!) Ripped jeans are always good in my book! much love
They are cords? I totally missed that and would have never guessed!!
haha, yes they are! The softest, comfiest! 🙂 XO
I love clothes and reading about the style. I, however, am far from stylish. I am not a shopper and never seem to have extra cash for fun things for me.
Yes, I do love clothes. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed on how to put outfits together.
My favorite place to shop is Nordstrom or Nordstrom rack.
My style has remained mostly the same but I have developed more style as I’ve gotten older.
I would dress in jeans or joggers all day everyday.
I do love fashion posts because I do find it helpful on putting pieces together. I would love food/recipe posts, lifestyle, decorating or fitness things.
I truly enjoyed your fashion post. As an older mom, I want to look fashionable (in an appropriate way) and casual. I have a teenager. Most importantly I want to be comfortable when I am out at school events and sports gatherings. These are great outfits and have inspired me to step out of my comfort zone a little.
Thank you for your honesty and real ideas for everyday events.
Cindy– I love this! Thank you so much and yay for stepping out of the comfort zone. (clothes are a fun way to do that!) Big hugs to you
Love fashion and fashion posts! And definitely enjoy Free People and their bohemian look. Thanks for the inspiration! Always fun to get new ideas and see try ons.
Style posts – yes, please! You are about 13 years older than me, Monica, and it is so fun seeing you do this and looking awesome. I mean it – we non-20s can look like we love to look good!
P.s. I love sweat pants. Casual/lounge/athletic gear would be awesome, especially for warm places.
Thank you so much! What a sweet comment! And yay for sweats and casuals…I see a cozy winter style post ahead!😉 Big hugs to you!
I do indeed love clothes, but I do not love physically shopping for them. I get overwhelmed & worn out! I’m no fun! 🤣 I’d do online shopping more but then, #returns. Loved your look in those high-waisted billabong jeans. May have to try those. 😁
I’m 46 now and my style has definitely changed to longer “Bermuda style” shorts b/c #varicoseveins 🤣 and I try to dress more modestly all the time now as I’ve grown in my Christian walk (I became a believer around age 30.
Love your style & love following you!
Thank you so much, Shannon! Such a great comments…You should try these jeans– they are so comfy! And the varicose veins run in my family…so far I’ve got lots of spider veins and just waiting to see what’s coming. haha. (The joys of aging!) Love a classy, modest look — that is awesome!! xo
Favorite store to purchase clothes from is Duluth!! Love their firehose flex pants, no yank tanks, armachillo tops. Perfect for working in the garden or a casual day out. And you have a year to return items!
1. Do you love clothes? What is your favorite brand or shop or style to shop from? YES! Many brands; the more comfortable the better!
2. Has your style changed over time? YES! I always liked casual, but working, I liked looking more than just casual; now that I’m “semi” retired and was working remotely for over a year – casual has become the definite go to (even p.j. at home – ha); now I look at all my “fancier” clothes wondering where I could wear them!
3. If you could live in one type of clothes (jeans, sweats, PJ’s… etc) every day, what would it be? Love sweatshirts of all kinds; team (Mariners and Seahawks come to mind), VS hoodies, UU hoodies, etc; t-shirt under in case of heat wave (here in WA?) with leggings or jeans.
4. Do you enjoy style posts? What else would you like to see? Love style posts – especially love that brand you acquainted us all with recently; especially your new bird print pants! I think I need a pair!
Oh I loved this post – so much fun! I love your genuine and authentic way of sharing from so many areas of your life! Me, I’m a jeans girl; all day every day!! Easy to dress up to dress down a little 🙂
Thanks again for sharing!
P.S. I forwarded your post to another mom friend of mine!
Thank you, Kyra!! That means so much to me. And thank you for sharing! Big hugs!
This is such a fun post. Practical, trendy, and age appropriate. I love that you can mix pieces from Target to Golden Goose. My go to shop is Anthropologie. It’s comfortable, flattering, and versatile. Their stuff always goes on sale, too.
I LOVE Anthro!! Especially their sales! 😉 And thank you for the kinds words! ❤️
LOL Sharon I can relate to the all black seasonal wardrobe! Black goes with everything. I’m really happy with my KUT jeans. I hate to shop so have signed up for StitchFix with mixed results. Shoes: I love my Adidas COSTCO flipflops.
I do love clothes and fashion, although it hasn’t been much of a focus with 4 littles. I am hoping as my kids get older I can actually think about making cute outfits again, because I realized it really does bring me joy and God created me to be creative in this way. A favorite place to shop is target and also an online Botique, flaunt botique. Such a fun post and those pants look awesome on you!
I totally get the season you are in, Charity! I remember well almost “coming out of a fog” at one point, and rediscovering my love for clothes! 😉 Yes to Target! And I’ve never heard of Flaunt so I’ll check that out!
Without ever really planning it, I have reached the point where I change out my all black summer wardrobe for my all black winter wardrobe. Keeps it simple, and part of the reason is that I’ve found exactly what I like for all seasons, so I stick with it. 🙂
Love love love your bird-print pants! Bonus: They’re black!
hehe, that is so fun! Black is the best go-to for sure!! big hugs
Hugs backatcha lady!
Now see you can pull those vintage pants off! They look great on you! I like clothes probably a bit too much and Costco definitely had been my go to for a long time but since Covid my husband had went all the time so I don’t browse. I get ALOT of great stuff from garage sales oddly enough. Because I do I feel bette about spending on Zyia brand….I might have a current obsession with all things joggers 😳. If you browse them the Peak are really the best IMO.
thank you Rachel! I will def. check those out!! xo
You are so so cute!! Love your outfits combos, specially the “sailor” one 😆 (my personal uniform!)…I think it’s a great idea to continue inspiring each other with fuss-free clothing 🙂 it’s definitely a balance as a Christian woman…wanting to look presentable for others (maybe even a little sexy—gasp!—for husband) and feel good in our skin takes at least a little bit of time and effort. I’ve definitely wrung my hands over my appearance and “what I shall wear” in the past, and really never want to return to that much preoccupation (hello, HS & college days!), but I think if the end goal is that we can serve our kids, husband, friends, and others better than if we always felt frumpy, well then that’s exactly how Jesus would have wanted us to treat fashion 🙂 and of course there are seasons for yoga pants, messy buns, and bathrobes 😅 I’m 34 and expecting our 4th babe, trying gear up for that nesting season of staying present with baby and being patient with my body! Cheers to your bold fashion post, and thank you for your encouraging and faithfully edifying content! XO from Spokane, WA.
Oh I just love so much about your comment, Katie! Thank you so much. You nailed many good points in there — and yay for baby #4!! Enjoy the rest of fall in Wa! big hugs!
I live in leggings (with side pockets!) everyday, so I’m always looking for fun tops to pair with them. I’d love to hear about your favorite sweatpants!
Forget sweatpants…go for joggers!! 🤪 comfy but usually can dress up or down depending on shirt and shoe choice. Did I mention comfy….and flattering?
Hey Kristen!! Aren’t side-pocket leggings the most genius!!? I sweatpant/legging post would be my pleasure! 😉 Big hugs to you my friend!
Also Kristen– I haven’t caught up with you for a long time but tell me you have a cookbook coming out soon!? I’ve always waited for that! 🙂
1-I love clothes! I’m 57. I don’t have a favorite brand but I love classics paired with trendy fun casual things. Love Free People but can’t buy much bc it’s so pricey
2-I’m sure my style has changed some but I’ve always been kinda like you- mixing up nicer more expensive things with good staples from Target or Macy’s
3-Sweats all the time!
4-I do love style posts and would like to see cute jeans, shoes, tops, and island wear too for when I go to Aruba in Jan.
Yay Renee! Thank you so much for the fun comment. And go Team 50’s!! woot woot! 🙂 Aruba sounds dreamy!!! Big hugs
So adorable!!!! Thanks for sharing!
Awe thank you Tricia!!
I enjoy your posts, including the style posts. I like to see what other moms wear, as my style has definitely changed over the years. I like comfy and cute styles❤️
I absolutely love clothes! Most of my clothes are from Old Navy and Costco. I’m mostly a jeans and tshirt type of mom but I live in leggings and comfy long sleeve shirts throughout the winter.
I love clothes. My favorite companies are Grace and Lace and Carly Jean Los Angeles. Both have super comfy clothes.
Oh fun — I’ll have to check them out! 🙂 Thanks!
Absolutely loved the wide leg jeans! I’d totally wear and think they look great on you!
Personally, I love and would choose denim everyday if I could! This usually shocks people. I prefer 99-100% cotton jeans as I feel that these overtime mold into my body. Gap and vintage Levis are a favorite!
Love it!! Some jeans are definitely more comfortable than others! xo
I love this style post! And I really love the layered Free People top. Keep these posts coming! I’m sad that bloggers these days tend to do less of these kind of posts about fashion, recipes and family. I’m in my early 40s so I appreciate how real you are, being comfortable with style and trend but nothing weird or too trendy, like a 20s blogger. I hope that makes sense. I love clothes, but only comfortable ones these days. I’m in the greater Seattle area. We are still being cautious about shopping because of covid and having little ones at home, so most of my clothing comes from Costco, from online, which probably doesn’t count as fashion forward option, except I did find a Free People tunic in the last year. I was a teacher before I stayed home so I don’t think my style has changed much through the years. I want to feel cute but I want to be comfortable, especially after having a baby at 40–jeans and a comfortable but cute top is my go-to from here on out, forever and ever, amen.
Thank you Nicole!! I totally agree and your style sounds a lot like mine! Big hugs and thanks for taking time to chat! xo
I live in my jeans and Costco plaid shirt for the whole winter. I wish I was more stylish! 😃