How to Love Your Actual Christmas {Episode 85 with Alexandra Kuykendall}
Friends, welcome to the smack-middle of December. (woah, really!?)
True confession: This is about the exact week when I typically find myself morphing from the happy, care-free, “I love Christmas everything!!!!” Mom, to the stressed out, feeling behind, “I just want to get Christmas over with” Mom. Yep. Anyone with me? As much as I love (truly, adore!) this season, I have learned that Christmas can bring up all kinds of hard emotions and dashed expectations, leaving us moms weary and worn. (especially in 2020, amiright ?)
If you relate to this a little or a lot, today’s episode is for you.
When I started reading Alexandra Kuykendall’s book, “Loving My Actual Christmas” I wanted to fly across the ocean to give her a hug. The opening chapter made me feel so understood. 🥰 I wanted to share the beautiful heart behind this book with all of you, so I reached out to invite Alex onto the podcast with me. And I’m so glad she made the time!
Whether this Christmas finds you with joy and plenty, or grief and struggle (or any combination of things in between,) I think Alex’s words will will be refreshing to your soul.
Show notes:
The Open-door Sisterhood Website
The Open-door Sisterhood Podcast
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More about Alex…
A trusted voice for Christian women, Alexandra Kuykendall speaks on issues of how faith impacts everyday life. From church basements to Good Morning America, Alex encourages people to listen well and communicate with generosity and kindness. She has authored four books: Loving My Actual Life, Loving My Actual Christmas, The Artist’s Daughter: A Memoir, and her newest Loving My Actual Neighbor. Alex lives in the shadows of downtown Denver with her husband Derek and their four daughters. You can connect with her at
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My book, BOY MOM, was released in August of 2019 (Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers) and is full of practical advice and helpful resources for raising boys. It’s a great study for small groups!
Order it here: Boy Mom: What Your Son Needs Most from You
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