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  1. Corrie Shroyer says:

    Best advice ever:
    Never say never

    Ex. “I will never let my child scream in the market like that” 😂😂😂

    Love your podcast, I so frequently send the link to friends to listen who are also boy moms ❤ You give me such a sense of hope. All my friends are girl moms – and let’s be real – girls and boys are polar opposite. Having someone to relate to my life with boys and helping me navigate the boy mom life is beyond appreciated ❤

  2. Michelle A says:

    Some great advice I received was when my preteen son entered the teen world and had lots of physical changes happening. Things had gotten a little weird/distant between us where he wasn’t really wanting any physical touch and I didn’t want to make him feel awkward. I was told to just make it routine and always request a hug in the morning when he wakes up and before bedtime at night. It has made a big difference in belong us feel connected with eachother again.

    I don’t have Boy Mom yet but it’s on my wishlist and I’m hoping to get it very soon!!

  3. Carrie Smaligo says:

    One of the best pieces of advice I’ve been given is to teach your kids how to deal with their emotions- and that they are allowed to have bad days, just like we do. GRACE is key.

    One of my favorite quotes from your book was ‘it’s easier to build strong children than to repair broken men’. How true this is and can be seen in the men of today’s culture. I want to raise my son to be different from today’s men we see. I want him to be a world changer in the best way.

    Thank you Monica!!

  4. Mandy Perdue says:

    One of the best pieces of advice I have been given is that my little boys are adults in training. It has helped me gain vision to guide and direct them in the ways of the Lord, to be strong men of courage, and that they were born for such a time as this.

  5. Karen McElroy says:

    Best advise I’ve been given is too embrace the noise and choas because it won’t last forever. It used to stress me out but once I learned to let it be we have had a lot more joy.
    From the book Boy Mom we implemented a chore system and it is working amazingly. Not only is there more peace at bed time but I feel my 5 y.o. is really embracing responsibility.

    1. I love that advice so much, and yay for a chore system that works!! 🙂 (it took us forever!) Thanks for commenting! xo

  6. Elizabeth Phipps says:

    WHAT IS THE BEST PARENTING ADVICE YOU’VE BEEN GIVEN? Parenting seemed to come easy for me until these past few months. Sure it has had challenges, but they haven’t been too hard for me personally until lately. I’m going to say that seeking help, asking questions and being authentic/vulnerable has been the best advice for me in this season. I loved today when they said your first kid gives you confidence and your second keeps you humble and now that I’m expecting my 3rd little boy…. well it’s really all in God’s hands and I need him! 🙂
    And bonus entry for…
    Sharing a favorite takeaway from reading the BOY MOM BOOK! 😀
    I’ve not read the book yet! I just found this podcast when I was seeking help and other people to relate to me and my soon to be three little boys.

    1. Such good advice!! Thank you Elizabeth! Hope you can read Boy Mom soon too! Happy you found the podcast and this awesome community of like-minded parents! xo

  7. Marie Park says:

    The best parenting advice I received is to express my love to kids in a straightforward way! Very simple but not practised often. Say love you and give them hugs often. We often assume kids would know we do things for them because we love them. But love needs to be directly expressed. As kids grow older, we express our love less. Give love to kids like newborns! X

  8. Samantha Brown says:

    The best parenting advice I’ve been given is to not wish away the hard moments. To be present in these moments may seem like a huge wave crashing down (pun for you Monica!), but these are the moments where God is “in the storm” and can be instrumental in shaping our kid’s (and our) lives and character!

    1. beautiful!! I love it (pun included! 😃) Thank you!! xo

  9. Charlotte says:

    I really enjoyed this episode! Motherhood is such a special journey and so much fun to celebrate. One piece of my favourite parenting advice is having parenting mentor/friends in your life. Finding a couple who is in the next season, we are in the toddler & baby stage and have some friends with teenagers. They’ve been through these parenting stages and can provide a lot of wise council, they also have teenagers who can entertain your young children at dinners/gatherings

    1. Love this so much!! I totally agree!! Thank you for sharing!! So glad you enjoyed this episode! xo Aloha

  10. Stephanie Swanson says:

    This was such a great episode!! I think the best parenting advice I’ve ever received is “the days are long but the years are short.” Everyone says it, but that’s because we need the reminder often! ☺️

  11. Hello! The best parenting advice I’ve gotten is that there is grace to receive and to give EVERY DAY. His mercies are new every morning.

    1. Oh isn’t the the truth!!? I’m so grateful!! 🙂 much love to you!

  12. I am pregnant with my first baby— a boy! The best advice I’ve been given is to release my expectations, and give this journey to God. Especially expectations of how my labor, delivery, and breastfeeding or not may look. No matter the means, I’ll choose to do the best I can within the given circumstances, and let go of the rest! <3

    1. Yay Sydney! SO excited for you and that is some solid advice!! Please stick around and keep us posted as that sweet boy comes into the world! xo

  13. Courtney Mize says:

    Don’t nag for a change, pray for a change! About parenting and marriage as well!

    Also my favorite boy mom item is painters tape! I use it all the time from games, to learning, to hanging art.

  14. Virginia Newell says:

    Hi! I am a mom of 3 boys, Joshua (6), Jonathan (4) and Matthew (2).
    The best parenting advice I’ve been given has been to focus on and reinforce the positive behaviors that I want to see in my kids. My mom always says that you have to give kids 10 positive comments/encouragements for each correction that you give to balance the scales. I’m really good at giving corrections, but that tends to make me kind of reactive in my parenting, rather than calling out and reinforcing the amazing, wonderful things they do! And I find that the more I praise (and focus on) the good behavior, the more they do it! So that’s always been really helpful advice.
    I am a huge fan of your book, and one of the things that I love most about it is that each chapter gives room for growth as my kids ages and stages change. It is helpful now, yet I can read it for years to come, and it also gives me something to strive toward in the parenting of today. My favorite chapter is the chapter on Noble Character – and sort of in the same light as what I wrote above, I love how you tell us to name the character traits we want to see in them. It calls them to a high standard and even teaches them the Biblical terminology of what we are wanting them to learn. (I also LOVE the character list at the end of the chapter!) It’s so so good, Monica. Thanks for the way this book has impacted my life and my parenting!

    1. Wow, Virginia!! Thank you so much for this comment. I love your advice so much and truly appreciate the specific feedback on Boy Mom! Bless you!! Happy Mothers’ Day and keep in touch. xo

  15. Gina Winn says:

    Hello Monica! Enjoyed today’s episode.
    Best parenting advice I’ve been given…. to look them in the eye every day and find something to compliment them on, even if it’s their eye color. This was given to me when I had a tough teenager (13-14 year old) and I said to someone it felt like all I did was reprimand them. So image what they felt like. I had to back it up and choose to say something nice!
    I like wish I had something to comment on from your book but I haven’t read it yet. I’ve been waiting for it to go on sale somewhere 😂

    1. Gina! This is such good advice! And I do hope you can get the book soon (win it/find a sale, or something! :)) Maybe your family can treat you for Mothers’ Day! big hugs to you and thanks for taking the time to comment! aloha-

  16. Hi! I am a mom of four boys 😬. Gustavo (8), Guillermo (5), Gerardo (2), and Genaro (1)… One of the best advice I have received is “Do the hard work now, so you won’t have to work as much later.” It’s been a tad-bit hard for me because my husband works so much and being a stay at home mom with four boys seems at times, impossible! I am hoping I can get my hands on your book by winning it thru here! (I will get my hands on it regardless😏😁) I just ordered ‘Triggers’ by Wendy Speake and Amber Lie, because I am in fact, getting triggered more than I would like to admit. For sure, your book is on my list! ❤️

    1. Cecili! Oh wow– bless you. I adore your heart, and your sons’ names too! 🙂 That is some of the best advice ever — keep it up! And thank you for taking time to comment! xo

  17. The best advice we’ve been given has been to embrace the mess, soak in the snuggles, and to be present!

  18. Heather Johnson says:

    The best parenting advice I received was from my grandmother who was dying of brain cancer, when my oldest was born 3.5 months premature. She told me to “just love” my children. I now have three beautiful healthy kids (two boys with a girl in between) and even in those tough parenting moments, I think of my grandmother and remember to “just love” them.

    Thank you Monica for these great podcasts! I’ve just “found you” and I’ve been binge listening! Lots of prayers for your family, especially your mother in law!


  19. Nicole likens says:

    I am a fairly new mom with a 8 month old boy. The best advice I have gotten is to enjoy every moment. I work full time so when I am with my son I try to have no distractions. I don’t want to miss a thing, when he looks up at me and smiles I want to not be distracted and smile right back

  20. Jamie Walker says:

    Some of my favorite parenting tips have been things you mentioned: choose our battles, and give ourselves grace. But one of my other favorite parenting advisories was to remember that my husband won’t do everything the way I would do it…..and it’s ok. (Aka, let go of those control issues, Mama!) Daddies are blessings, and I’m fortunate to have an amazing husband who is the best parenting partner I could imagine. We are a team, and even if we don’t do every detail the same way, we come together in unity in the important things, and our little Levi (4) is gaining goodness and learning from both of us! 🙂

  21. Christina says:

    Best advice – take a nap when you can 😂

    From boy mom – be consistent!