Diet and Body Image: How Changing my Thinking Changed my Life. Part II {a VLOG}
OK…So here I am with a follow-up video from last week.
But really THIS ONE…is for EVERYONE.
I think you’ll agree that the concepts that I am talking about here can be applied to pretty much any area of life. It’s useful stuff, and I hope you’ll take the time to watch it!
It was a challenge for me to wrap up so many thoughts and ideas into a short video. Obviously when I finish my writing project, you will have a chance to read a more detailed and expanded version…There is truly so much I want to share along these lines! I tried my hardest to keep this one short.
And still, it’s eleven minutes.
Sorry…but not sorry, because in all honesty, I think the time will cruise by because the things I speak on affect each of our lives in such a real way that I think (i hope!) you’ll find it both practical and inspirational.
OK–I’ll go get busy in the other room while you give it a watch! (a few notes to follow.)
1. If some of this still seems conceptual, I promise that my writing will make it very practical for you as well. I have enough stories and examples to make this topic extremely easy to apply to your own life.
2. For those of you who NEED NEED NEED (or even just think you need–) a plan to follow, the good news is that I will actually be sharing a plan in the book. It is very much different from what you might be used to if you are a dieter, but I think you’ll find it refreshing, and I think you’ll love it. So hang in there.
3. In the video I mention a quote. I actually just happened upon it recently, and I was like “Whoa–He stole MY quote!” 🙂 It is by Cary Grant, the famous Hollywood actor from my Grandparen’ts era! I don’t know a single thing about this guy, except what I found on Wikipedia, which told me he had a very sad upbringing, yet an extremely successful career. (also a bad track record in marriages–but that’s another story.)
I think he had something figured out here:
“I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be until finally I became that person. Or he became me.” ~Cary Grant
Profound, right?
4. I mentioned some questions I asked myself as I began to QUIT the DIET GAME and began LIVING to become who I wanted to be. There are many in my long-list, but some examples to begin with:
A. What do I want to look like? (Considering the obvious realities like my height, natural build, etc.)
B. How do I want to behave? When I am with others? When I am alone? (I think of things like: “self-controlled,” “preoccupied with doing productive things,” “consistent and balanced.”…etc.)
C. How do I want to workout? (think realistic, and think LONG-TERM realistic. Hard-core exercise routines rarely last. Steady and consistent are a healthy motto.)
D. What do I want to model to my kids and close friends? (healthy habits, a free mind.)
There are many more of course! I hope you can apply this technique to other areas of life. You can experiment by making up your own set of questions for anything you might be challenged with. (consider job, relationship, sport, hobby….)
5. I could go on and on wanting to fill in a little more on this point or that…(Did I mention that this was challenging for me to summarize in a short video? It was!) But I hope and pray that there is a nugget or two in there that might kick-start you to better thinking, and better living!
NOW…This is your chance to let me know if you’d be interested in reading more in an ebook…and any other questions or comments that might strike you after watching the video.
ALOHA and thank you so much for being here!
PS IF this has blessed you, please consider sharing it with friends and through social media! Thank you!
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I recently came across your blog. I LOVE it! It is exactly what I’ve been needing to hear/read. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for what you’re saying! I would love to hear more on this topic of health and exercise especially how you overcame Negative thoughts and an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise.
I find everything else I’ve read on your blog delightful and inspiring as well. I am the mother of 5 living in Salt Lake City Utah….. so your blog is like a breath of “tropical fresh air,” and I’m so grateful I’ve found it.
This is such an encouragement to me, Monica! I’m an all or nothing girl who is now diagnosed with two autoimmune diseases. The need for consistent. Balance. Realistic. Healthy. It’s a real need for me. No more quick diet and work out crazies. I need to do my best and let God heal from the inside out. Be nice to my body and think nutrition and health over obsession with pants size. Please write your ebook! I think it would be extremely encouraging!
I happened upon your blog after reading your post about a mom’s relationship with her teenage son. I love these V logs on our relationships with food and eating. I can relate to everything that you have said in these two videos. In fact, I would love to know when you may be releasing your ebook. Thanks for being willing to share your story!
Will this “plan” involve “Meal Delivery”? Where you each week you mail us all the amazing fresh tropical fruit we will need to eat healthy all week. Cause I mean I would be the first one signed up. Oh or the recipe for that taco salad you made when I was there. It was super yummy and I can’t remember what was in it.
Hi Monica, i read your blog since over a year now. At first looking for some Aloha spirit and island life. Back in Paris after 5 year in the Caribbean i was craving the island feeling.
But this video (and the previous) is very inspirational.
I’ve been struggling with my weight since ever and i start to realize that the struggle is more with myself than anything else.
So thank you and keep them coming.
Thank YOU Caroline! I so appreciate your comment, and am thrilled to hear that my video encouraged you to find the source of your struggles. I hope you continue to work through things until it is no longer a struggle at all! 🙂 Happy to have you around–much aloha!
I cannot wait for your ebook. Thank you for sharing a wonderful way to become who I want to be, both through thought and practice. My mind is my worst enemy. 🙂 changing how I think is one of the most positive ways to impact.
Love this Vlog! Great advise, you are a natural on camera! Can’t wait till the next one. 😉
What a terrific video!! Thank you. While watching, the phrase “living with intention” kept going through my mind. Liberation from those old coping mechanisms/skills/habits that we may have developed as a way of dealing with a life circumstance from the past. I recently shed some emotional baggage that I had been unnecessarily carrying around with me for a few years now. And within a week after doing so, I broke through my “weight plateau” and have been shedding pounds. It’s really amazing and such a free-ing feeling! Thanks again for this terrific video–I look forward to reading more! 🙂
You are awesome. Thanks for sharing! I love how you put it: make a profile of who you want to be and make sure it’s realistic for the long-term. I couldn’t agree more! I’m definitely looking forward to reading your e-book on this topic. 🙂
Thank you. YOU are awesome. 🙂
HI Monica-
I’ve really been thinking. On my list are things like:
*I want to eat very little processed foods; not as a punishment, but because I truly enjoy fresh items and know they contain valuable nutrition.
*I want to continue to cook homemade meals for my family and keep restaurants for celebrations and “when push comes to shove” because I like being in charge of meal planning for my family and want to model healthy habits to my kids.
*I want to be the type of person who enjoys the treats of a party or special occasions but stops when full and limits the celebration to that specific day-not taking home leftovers and indulging over and over.
*I want to avoid snacking during meal prep because then I will appreciate the meal more and my calorie total will be healthier.
*I want to be consistent with my eating so that I don’t have to spend mental energy gearing up to start or stay on a diet. I just want to make healthy choices that eliminate no foods or food groups, but limits less healthy choices.
Am I on the right track, in your opinion?
Shannon–Are you kidding!? you are SO on-track. I love every idea, and they are all very practical and realistic. Love love love your list! Thanks for sharing.
So thankful for you Monica….that was just awesome. And yes, I would totally be interested in your ebook.
Great job, Monica! You didn’t mention that you made these changes quietly, not talking about it (even to your mother ;). Probably the best way to do it–it certainly worked! You’re alot more fun now that you’ll eat dessert with me!!
Teddi, I can’t tell you how much something like that means. I need someone to eat dessert with me too.
Thank you for sharing. This is such a positive and empowering message. I look forward to reading/ hearing more.
P.s. your necklace is gorgeous! Can I ask where you got it?
This was amazing! You are such an encouragement and a beautiful woman of God. Thanks for doing these videos and working on your eBook!
Love the video! I felt like it was just for me and can’t wait to share it with others. I’ve been battling my weight the past 5 years since I found out I was pregnant and continued to gain even after he was born. I sat down after your video and did my first “rough draft” in my head of who I want to become. I won’t share all but one thing… I want to be a person that stops obsessing with how I think other people see me. I hate to be in public and out afraid I’ll run into someone from pre pregnancy or afraid to get in the pool with my son after his swim class and worry what people are thinking when see me in a swim suit. My fear/ worry of what others perceive me as now that I’m overweight prevents me from living my life. Even now that I’ve been going back to the gym I’m still worrying what others think as they see me struggling on the elliptical lol. I want to experience freedom in that area of my life. I want to go out and live and smile and be the fun loving girl I once was. I want my son to see the real me and not the person I’ve allowed myself to become. I used to be confident and now have the lowest self esteem ever. I’m more than ready to start living the way I want to become. Excited to read more!
I am SO glad Katie! I’ll be writing w/ your story on my mind! I encourage you to begin to step out in confidence, beginning now, and walk as if you were already there. Blessings to you!
Thanks, Monica, for such tangible advice. I’ll give it a try.
Your quote is far more eloquent than “Fake it until you make it! ” which is advice I’ve heard in regards to transforming major areas of your life.
I was happily distracted by the reflection in the window behind you. The natural beauty of Hawaii never fails to amaze.