A Holiday Coffee Date! {with Giveaway 🎁} 2022
Hey Friends! Let’s have coffee and catch up!!
If you’ve been around for a while you know that I love to meet up here for seasonal coffee dates. These are typically titled “end of ______ (winter, spring, summer…) but since the end of fall is also Christmas season 🎄♥️ it’s way more fun to just dive into holiday mode, grab something extra sweet and whipped-creamy, and share the joy that is unique this time of the year. (Like a Hallmark movie… ☺️)
First I must ask: How are you feeling as you kick off December? Are you joyful and expectant or stressed and weary? (Or likely somewhere in the middle!). I’m right there with ya! (all of the above!). BTW: If you’re done shopping and have mailed all your Christmas cards, please don’t tell me. Remember, we are friends.
Next I’d tell you that after my packed end-of-summer coffee date post, I’m actually glad to report a more low-key fall around here. Somehow a coffee date usually includes me pulling out my phone to share photo-highlights, so next I’ll share 5 family-life highlights, iPhone-edition. 🙂 Then we’ll get on to a few updates related to BOOKS and the PODCAST! And, of course a GIVEAWAY, too!
So, as I grab my caramel brûlée latte (with that crunchy, sweet topping, pretty please!) here are my family fall highlights…
- LUKE RETURNED after nearly 4 months of surf-travel and we surprised him with a (belated) Graduation + welcome home party. He spent most of the summer in Indonesia, then traveled to Texas (wave pool in Waco), then on to Southern California, back to Indonesia, stopped through Seoul Korea (another wave pool) and then…finally, home. 😮💨 We love having him back for fall and winter when the waves are good here on the North Shore of Oahu. PS: If you haven’t checked out Luke’s instagram feed, he has some really fun videos of his surfing that you + your kids might enjoy.
View this post on Instagram/li>
Since Luke has been back these two have also spent a lot of time on the golf course together. I’m so grateful for their friendship. (which is not always peaceful, I promise. But it’s so so good.)
- In early October, Levi got baptized! And it doesn’t get much better than that. 🥰
- Mid-October Josiah, (23) came back from his summer of back-packing through Europe and started a REAL JOB working in his actual major (Data Analytics.) He is independent and adulting Santa Barbara! And he is very, very happy. Praise the Lord!
Also: Jonah is finishing up his Jr. year first semester at Westmont College, balancing some intimidating Engineering classes with being an RA for his dorm. I’m SO proud of him!! My sweet friend (and practically neighbor) Aunty Cora just sent me this photo as she is traveling and bumped into Jonah and his mentor from church at a coffee shop in Santa Barbara. I LOVE small world moments!!
- In early November I traveled across the ocean, then South and East to Tennessee, South and North Carolina to do some speaking (at a beautiful Silo!), attend a writing conference and then be part of a more intimate retreat with writing friends. I will cherish all that I learned and the sweet friendships forged for a lifetime!
- This last week has been a whirlwind with so many special guests in town! I’ve loved every minute of it, but for the future I hope to create a visitor sign-up form so I am not trying to pack so many people in to one week of the year ! 😜. We had a really sweet Thanksgiving with friends this year. (My folks won’t be coming until January this year, so we’re missing them…)
And now we decking the halls for Christmas and anxiously awaiting BOTH big boys coming home for the holiday!
Besides all of the holiday fun, this month I am working on a few big things!…
- RAISING AMAZING will release on February 21st! Leading up to that there is a lot to do! I cannot wait to share this book with you all. (I hope you love it!) My weekly emails will be where all of the launch excitement will be happening, so if you’re not signed up yet I invite you to CLICK here and join the fun!
(By the way…This is my favorite book photo so far…)
- I am rebranding the Podcast! Because my next book isn’t just for boy moms I plan to rebrand the podcast to officially welcome all parents! (I know a lot of girl moms already listened, so we might as well make it official!).
Choosing the new name has been such a big decision…I mentioned the upcoming change earlier this fall and many of you took a survey to help me decide! (thank you!) Then, after meetings with my podcast producers at Christian Parenting, and my book publishers at Zondervan, the consensus has been to rebrand the podcast to be called…The Monica Swanson Podcast!
I’ll add a tagline soon– possibly “Raising Amazing Kids and Growing Strong Families”, but we decided that keeping the name simple will allow the podcast to grow with me, and with all of you! ☺️. Let me know what you think in comments! (but be nice because this was a hard choice! haha). The truth is, the topics and heart of the podcast will hardly change! The new name was mostly allow me to broaden my reach a bit and potentially touch on subjects besides just parenting if I ever exhaust all of the parenting topics (as if, haha!)
- I am also working on a WEBSITE update! This won’t affect anything, but it’s always fun to start the new year with a fresh, new look! Lots of work to do to prepare for that, but I am really excited!
As we finish our first cup of coffee and consider splitting a little baked good (because it is the holidays after all!) (and I’ll take the gingerbread cookie please!) I will finally quit talking and ask you to fill me in! How was fall? What sports are the kids doing? How’s your family? What plans do you have for the holidays? Also: I love to hear about Christmas traditions! Can you share a favorite?
For the past few years we have started the tradition of trying to carve out time at least a few times a week to go through an Advent devotional. Since it is still early in December, I thought I’d share a few of the devotionals we have enjoyed the most!
- Ruth Chou Simons just released her stunning “Emmanual: An Invitation to Prepare Him Room at Christmas and Always.” (Catch Ruth’s recent podcast interview with me HERE!)
- Asheritah Ciuciu’s “Unwrapping the Names of Jesus” is so good. Asheritah also just published a children’s book by the same name, and SHE will be on the Boy Mom Podcast with me next week! (I love our conversation so so much!)
- Tama Fortner published the beautiful and refreshing “Simply Christmas: A Busy Mom’s Guide to Reclaiming the Peace of the Holidays” last year. Find my great chat with her on this episode of the podcast! 🙂 “
I also play Christmas music pretty much constantly for the month of December, so we could chat great Christmas music! In last week’s email to subscribers, I shared two Christmas playlists and got good feedback, so here they are, as well as a couple more we love!
- Hawaiian Slack Key Christmas (SO good!)
- This is our Christmas Album by Switchfoot.
- A Drummer Boy Christmas by For King and Country
- Adore: Christmas Songs of Worship by Chris Tomlin
- This weekend our family went to a live Christmas concert with ZEO Worship. They include Hawaiian language in their worship and it is spectacular! Also they are darling and so funny! You can check out their beautiful music HERE.
BOOKS FOR KIDS!? If you don’t have it already, I would highly recommend you get Jotham’s Journey for a great Advent read-aloud for elementary/middle school kids! (Kids will seriously beg you to keep reading as every chapter ends with a cliff-hanger! :))
Also, I just ordered 3 books off this list of 5 books for December! 🙂
KEEP in mind, in every Wednesday email to my amazing group of subscribers I include great links, helpful resources, and other surprises! If you enjoy this sort of thing be sure to SIGN UP TO JOIN THE LIST! Next week I’ll be sending all subscribers my DECEMBER MEMORY VERSE LIST which I started doing each month this fall. It’s been so good as Levi and I are working hard on the memory verses so we love knowing there is a whole community out there working on the same verses!! (December is a good one, don’t miss it!)
Please respond to any (or all!) of the following questions to be entered to win one of TWO, $50 AMAZON cards! (because between books and Christmas shopping, we can all use that, right?)
1. Share a Christmas tradition you love (either from your family of origin, or in your current family.)
2. Share a favorite Advent devotional or Christmas playlist!
3. (I hope you’ll all answer this one!) –->> As I’m working on a special project related to my upcoming parenting book, I’d LOVE for you to share any topics, themes, or questions you would enjoy hearing each of my boys chat about in a special interview! I threw this question out on Instagram and got some great responses, so I’d love to gather even more!!
If you’re an email subscriber let me know and I’ll give you double entry! I will choose the winners next Friday and post them here!
Thank you so much for being here! Please make sure we’re connected on Instagram and Facebook, and keep in touch this holiday season! I’m savoring every minute, but no doubt I’m extra looking forward to the new year and so many good things ahead!
XO Blessings,
PS NO pressure, but this is truth:
A fun family Christmas tradition we have is making lasagna on Christmas eve! We are doing chocolate advents and reading a chapter of Luke in the Bible each day…..and love Ella Fitzgerald Christmas music. I’d love to learn how to encourage teens to read their Bible, how to build bonds and play less video games??? Thank you!!
Favorite playlist right now for Christmas: Phil Wickhams Christmas album 🙂
And I’d love to hear any wisdom on the 8-11 year old life. Where they’re not super tiny anymore, and they’re not preteen. But definitely their own human in a new way.
Hi Monica! I’m always so excited to read your weekly emails! You’re coffee date emails are a special treat.
My grandma gave me a beautiful porcelain advent wreath several years ago. I enjoy finding a simple family devotion, usually a freebie download on the internet, that we do as a family and read each Sunday. My seven year old is reading now and it’s fun to listen to him sound out the words as he reads. And since there is fire involved with lighting the candles, my boys get extra excited about that 😆
I think my favorite advent devotion I’ve read thus far is Ann Voskamps book 1,000 Gifts. Her poet writing speaks to my nostalgic nature. I listen to your podcasts with Ruth Cho Simons and ordered her book advent book after I listened. Such a good podcasts and it has me focusing more this year on the joy after Christmas also. I am enjoying the book very much!
I would love to bear anything your fine fellows have to say on honoring parents even when it’s not easy. I think your Levi and my Jax, who will be 12 next month could be fast friends!
I’ve just loved your podcasts so much recently, and always, and I look forward to listening to more!! Thank for all of the Kingdom work that you do!
We had so many traditions growing up. Making homemade italian biscotti and ravioli for Christmas dinner. My great Grandmother always had an open house Christmas eve party and ALLL of our many relatives showed up. We would spend the week prior prepping food and decorations for the big party. Christmas music was always a must during the prep times.
We had so many traditions growing up. Making homemade italian biscotti and ravioli for Christmas dinner. My great Grandmother always had an open house Christmas eve party and ALLL of our many relatives showed up. We would spend the week prior prepping food and decorations for the big party. Christmas music was always a must during the prep times.
1. Our family attends a Christmas Eve service at church and end the evening watching A Christmas Story (over and over).
3. I’d love to hear how Christian teens handle peer pressure relating to drinking, dating, sex, etc.
I listen to your podcasts and enjoy your weekly emails!
1. Praying before putting our Christmas tree ornaments on the tree. We give thanks to God for all of His blessings in every season.
2. We are currently doing the Jesse Tree advent and Star Wars Lego advent.
3. Was there a specific moment/event/person that made God real to your boys?
I am an email subscriber 🙂 I’d love to hear your boys talk more about their relationship with you. As a mom of teenage boys, I want to make sure we are building a relationship that we will both enjoy as they become adults.
1. Decorating the tree with our family while sipping eggnog and listening to Christmas music. We also have a collection of books that only come out at Christmas time — it’s so fun to see my bigger boys (teenagers!) pick up books from childhood and live that small boy Christmas magic ✨☺️
2. Don’t have a favorite.
3. What your boys think about how you talked to them about relationships/girls/sex, kissing, all the things.
Christmas tradition: Advent study
Every year I try to change it up to keep it interesting yet focused. This year I purchased Lindt chocolate advent calendars from Costco as a reward for daily reading in Uncovering Mercies at the Manger (not consumed website). They have a junior version for my 9y/o and teen versions for my teens 🙂 It is great discussion in the evenings. We started right after Thanksgiving to prepare for the Dec nights we might have to skip. So far, everyone is loving this year’s advent study.
Topics from your boys: Maybe this has been covered already (apologies if it has), first relationships with girls—everything from “asking her out”, to hanging out, to break up. Navigate that journey and what did you learn or take away from that experience. Anything you wish you would have done differently? Also, what other books/authors have you or are you enjoying (fiction, just for fun).
Tradition: Carried o er from my childhood, each of my boys gets to pick out any ornament of their choice each year. (So far we’ve got a sparkly candy cane, a giant popsicle and one that says Happy Birthday Jesus). It’s always interesting to see what their little minds gravitate towards.
2. We’ve been listening to Treehouse Schoolhouse “A Connected Christmas” especially Mary Did You Know on repeat since Thanksgiving! 🤗
3. I’d like for your boys to share how we as parents can help grow or hurt their bonds with their siblings! Also, how to be the cool Mom that they always come back to! 🙂
I love your new podcast name! Looking forward to listening every Wednesday!
1.One tradition we have in our family is decorating our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. We try to buy an ornament every year from our vacation spot so it brings up great memories while decorating.
2. We have an Advent calendar and my son puts a charm in each day.
3.I would love to hear your sons speak about how they keep God in their lives daily.
Hey I’m a subscriber and a hard core boy mom fan! Congratulations on your new book and brand!
I’d love to hear some on marriage and how to show a united front even if you didn’t agree. And the value of your husband and your mutual respect has thought your boys to respect you as well.
Traditions- when we decorate the tree my husband has this assortment of silly Christmas songs from chipmunks, all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth or hippopotamus for Christmas etc! So fun!
Love these chats!
My favorite holiday tradition started when I was little. Each year there was a different “Santa” that would pass out the presents to everyone. Growing up in a large family (7 kids) it sort of made us slow down and enjoy. We do this with our children now too. Plus, we added that we don’t leave our house on Christmas, any family members are allowed to come over, but I enjoy sitting in my Jammies and watching our children play with their gifts all day. All the other holidays we’re usually going house to house but this is one I won’t.
We started a “Names of Jesus” advent calendar that we have been loving. And we also do a nativity scene advent calendar, that started the first year my daughter was born. We love it! And the kids are so excited to put baby Jesus in!
I would love for your boys to answer “how they handle faith and friendship?”
Also, already an email subscriber 🙂
Hi Monica,
I loved this post, and it has been so much fun getting to become part of your “community!”
1. As a mom of young boys my husband and I are in the process of creating our own Christmas traditions with our family unit as well as passing on traditions we grew up with! Personally, I love tradition so its so hard to narrow it down, so I’ll give my favorite tradition we’ve each brought to our family unit.
My husband’s family spend some time growing up in the Netherlands, so they celebrate Sinterklaas on December 5th, and we now get to celebrate that with our boys by giving them each small gifts to start off the holiday season. Of course as they get older we’ll be able to dive more into the story of Sinterklass and why we do it, but I think its great exposure to other cultures!
On a not so worldly note, something that my family does that I get to bring to our unit is making Christmas cookies (a tradition that many have of course) but ours have morphed into creating “ugly” or “weird” colors or designs! Something fun that inevitably gets everyone covered in icing!
2. Christmas playlist – sadly we are not very unique in this area, and stick to “Christmas hits” on pandora!
3. YES! I would love to hear from your boys in the subject of discipline (at all ages) – I would love to know how you and your husband handled the subject (which I’m sure if I keep hunting there is already a podcast or blog on the subject) but I would love to know what they remember about learning how to test the boundaries of what they could and couldn’t do and how your rules (or lack-there-of!) shaped them!
Hi Monica. This low-key introvert thoroughly enjoys soaking up your love & exuberance for Jesus, your family, & life in general. — 1) A long-lasting tradition of ours is going out for Chinese food on Christmas Eve. — 2) This year we are reading Paul Tripp’s “Come Let Us Adore Him” December devotional. Only 4 days in and we are having deep conversations with our 14yo son. — 3) I discovered Josh Snodgrass on YouTube (long playlist/no ads) the other day. He plays guitar beautifully. He can also be found on other music streaming services. — 4) It may have already been covered, but discussion on how best to encourage a teen suddenly “too tired” to attend church on Sundays. — And oh, yes, I’m an email subscriber. ☺️
Hi Jamie!! I love your comment (Chinese food on Christmas Eve — I love it! — Reminds me of a Christmas Story :))
I will def. check out “Come Let us Adore Him”!
Look for episode 175 on my podcast as my son Josiah responds to someone’s question about a teen who doesn’t want to go to church. I was a bit surprised by his answer and now I quote him often on this topic. Big hugs to you!
Hey Monica! I love the new name- congrats! One of my family traditions is to make Cardamon Braid bread. It was my first year making it myself and I felt so proud of the accomplishment. Needless to say, my family devoured it quickly. I am loving the She Reads Truth Advent playlist on Spotify. This season has been harder for me this year. However, it reminds me of the longing for hope that we are supposed to be reminded of. For your sons, I would love to know their thoughts on how a parent can best cultivate an open relationship where he feels comfortable talking to their parent about hard topics/events going on in their life. Also, how a parent can beat support their son/daughter.
Thank you for all the light you and your family bring!
this is all so good!! Thank you. And I’ve never made cardoon Braid bread but maybe this year I’ll try it. I’d need to make a lot though, because I know my kids will also devour it! 🙂 Big hugs and prayers for a sweet season. (love your heart!)
My favorite holiday tradition is going to look at Christmas lights as a family. There is one place that I used to go as a child, then took my daughter and have now taken my grandchildren so that one is extra special to me
LOVE THAT!! 🙂 ✨ ✨
One Christmas tradition we have is going with my parents and siblings and their families to cut down a Christmas tree! Snow, rain, or shine! It can be pretty chilly in Michigan. (One year, we still had frozen snow on the branches after a night in the garage and our carpet got all wet!) We get out there the weekend of Thanksgiving and find our fav. Then we go have yummy soups and my brother’s house to warm up and enjoy! The boys look forward to it every year to start off Christmas!
Would you kids be willing to talk about how they decided “What they want to be when they grow up”?
Thanks for your ministry!💕 Merry Christmas!🎄
Also- I love being an email subscriber!
I love all of this! and a snowy December sounds dreamy to us!! 🙂 Great Q for my boys, thank you!! xo
Our favorite Christmas tradition is loading up the van, packing up some hot cocoa, and driving the neighborhood to see Christmas lights. We have a few favorite homes that we make sure to visit year after year. And sometimes we find some really special surprises.
Favorite Xmas tradition is making Xmas cookies! I love Bing Crosby for music but love Pomplamouse’s Winter Wishes album even more. If love to hear you chat with Jen Oshman of the “All Things” podcast. Finally, I am an email subscriber!
Mele Kalikimaka!!!!
So fun! I’ll have to check out Pomplamouse’s Wintger Wishes! 🙂 And I’ll also look into Jen Oshman,. Thank you so much!
Our favorite Christmas tradition is lighting candles for Advent and our favorite Advent Study is She Reads Truth.
❤️ love that!!
Hi Monica!! I actually grew up doing Jotham’s journey & me & my brothers loved it!…this year I’m trying a new tradition with the kids…they are called Advent blocks…(https://goodkind.shop)….& there are little blocks with pictures that correspond to a Bible story & you read a different story every day! The kids love it so far! Great to get new ideas from other moms !
Thank you Amanda! I will definitely check that out and share it! Big hugs and Mele Kalikimaka!
Hi Monica!! I actually grew up doing Jotham’s journey & me & my brothers loved it!…this year I’m trying a new tradition with the kids…they are called Advent blocks…(https://goodkind.shop)….& there are little blocks with pictures that correspond to a Bible story & you read a different story every day! The kids love it so far!
Tradition: my husband and I give our grandchildren and children a new ornament and Christmas pajamas at Thanksgiving, so they have the whole month of December to enjoy!
Topic for discussion: as parents how do we take a stand when 2 of our adult children are having issues with one another. It’s heart breaking to witness, but trying to keep the middle ground has been difficult!
Email subscriber!
I love our annual gingerbread house making. It started when my husband and I were dating in high school and it’s continued on.
I’ve been enjoying Unwrapping the Names of Jesus.
A question I have is what was/is the most helpful thing for them to do when they are angry about something? I want to teach my boys a good outlet to direct their anger instead of blowing up.
We have a tradition of going through FamilyLife’s What God Wants for Christmas the week leading up to Christmas. Even though my kids are getting older, they still love doing this together before going to bed each night!
Another tradition we have is that each year we give each child a special ornament and date it. That way they’ll each have an ornament collection when they one day have a Christmas tree of their own!
I forgot to mention I’m an email subscriber.😊
1) A favorite tradition is out homemade sugar cookie recipe and we have a countdown box with little doors on it-it hold the advent ornaments and little events-read a Christmas story, make sugar cookies, get the tree, decorate the tree, Christmas party, play a board game, watch a Christmas movie etc.
2) We love the Jesse tree advent with the ornaments and verses. 🙂
3) My kids are still at home. But, my oldest just left for the Army. 😍 My question is how to lead and guide but not be overbearing. Also growing emotional, socially, and spirituality mature kids.
1. I live in Texas and for the last several Christmas Eves we eat Tamales- it’s a Texas thing and I love and look forward to Mexican food!!
2. I have Ruth’s new book for this year and am excited to go through it.
3. My oldest son is 11 and I would love advice on how to motivate him to take his schoolwork seriously. We homeschool, and it is hard to be both mom and teacher and always keep inspiring excellence. I’d like to hear what your boys have to say.
I enjoy your weekly emails.
Merry Christmas!
We love Jotham as well!
Look forward to hearing the interview with your boys. Any pointers from them about how mom can communicate with them well as they get older…
Definitely an email subscriber!
Thank you so much for the comment, Christina! I always love hearing from you (I know you’ve followed faithfully for years, bless you!). Great topic for my boys, I made a note! 🙂
My family tradition is making pizzA with homemade thin crust. My inlaws started the tradition about 47 yrs ago while they’re away with the airforce (and didn’t have much money). Now they both passed, I would like to continue the tradition and pass it on to my son
We do whatever Advent devotional I can put my hand on that year.
Would love to hear how your boys handle peer-pressure. I know you boys home-schooled and didn’t have that exposure much or do/did they get any peer-pressure from friends or within themselves?
And I am an email subscriber. Thank you for the chance!
I am answering #1
My family tradition is making tamales as a family. We gather around the kitchen table and talk and laugh as we make dozens of tamales.
I am a email subscriber also.
A question for your sons to answer is how they handle social media.
I am answering #1
My family tradition is making tamales as a family. We gather around the kitchen table and talk and laugh as we make dozens of tamales.
I am a email subscriber also.
1. A tradition I love is pouring some hot chocolate and driving around looking at the Christmas lights in our neighborhood while listening to Christmas music. It feels like we are in another world, giving a moment to breathe and experience a little peace.
2. A book I love reading during Advent is Loving My Actual Christmas by Alexandra Kuykendall. It is a wonderful reminder to cut back on the unnecessary things that distract us during this season, and to focus on the real reason that we are celebrating. It talks a lot about managing expectations, which is a struggle for me.
3. I would love advice from your boys on how to help my sons (ages 8, 9, & 11) to manage their expectations during Christmas. Whether it is experiences that we participate in or gifts they receive, they don’t always know how to be discreetly disappointed when something doesn’t go as expected. Is there something I can do differently to help set them up for success in this area?
*I’m an e-mail subscriber!
Thanks so much!! Can’t wait to get your new book!
One tradition I love is that we always watch White Christmas together. My family growing up did as well, so continuing it with my family now is fun and meaningful and allows me to feel connected to my family even though I don’t live near them.
We’re doing Unwrapping the Greatest Gift for our Jesse Tree devotional this year. We’ve done it in the past and then took a break for a few years, and are back to using it again this year.
I’m not sure what question I’d ask your sons…perhaps just what they would say has been the single most impactful thing you and your husband have done as their parents to point them towards a consistent walk with Jesus? Not that there is a major formula or one special thing, but it would be interesting to hear their thoughts on it and compare answers since kids are all so different.
I’m an email subscriber.
Hummm. Three questions to ponder over one cup of coffee. Well, my boys always wait for their Mimi to come to town to decorate our tree. It’s their special time and our tradition. I get the tree up and the dang lights working. Only one strain worked this year. I won the war though and got 1400 lights on it before she arrived. Both in the summers of 2020 and 2021 we almost lost her, so we do all we can to keep this tradition.
Not sure we have a playlist, but we have some favorites. Dominic the donkey is a fav cause it’s funny. I always loved Susie Snowflake because I was her in the 3rd grade play. Snow wand and all. Honestly, we love it all and listen to the Christmas channel as soon as it starts.
Finally, topic of interests could be so many. You have done a wonderful job covering things. Have we discussed the pressures of playing sports, having fun, and the battle of perfection? What about handling bullying to your child and how to help them address it? We unfortunately experienced this already (physical) and I was so glad our son knew he could come to us and we would help him handle the situation. I’m also grateful the principal of our small Catholic school was amazing at addressing it all.
Still working my way on the course (purchased last year). Time is a minimum with two young boys, full time job and a disease keeping me on my toes.
Merry Christmas and best wishes for a fun filled holiday.
One of our favorite traditions is picking an experience to do as a family during the Christmas season in lieu of big gifts. We still fill stockings for them, but we’ve found that the memories of a family experience are so much more special than just another material item.
I’d love to hear from your boys when their faith began to become their own and not just borrowed from you and your husband. I know that can happen on a different timeline for everyone. Thanks, Monica!
I love getting your emails, esp the coffee dates!
Now that my son is older, he helps me set up the Christmas tree and I love it! My OCD kicks in when he helps placing the ornaments but it’s really sweet so I try to leave most of the clumps ha!
We started using the Read, Ask, Go last year after I saw you post about it. We love the time after dinner where we read through it. My son always asks about it and reminds us to do it so it’s awesome to see him want to hear of Jesus’ coming.
One thing I’d love to hear from your boys is what were key points of parenting that helped them to see Jesus whenever you and your husband disciplined them. Was it gentle words, was it consistency, etc. the balance of Law & Grace is tough sometimes!