Baked Pumpkin Oatmeal {The Perfect Fall Breakfast}
Post-publish note: This was a post from (quite a few) years ago, but I wanted to pop it up to the top of the blog…
Post-publish note: This was a post from (quite a few) years ago, but I wanted to pop it up to the top of the blog…
Tis the season to…BAKE!  🙂 I have these really fond memories of my mom’s baked french toast.  She used to make it for brunch on…
I’m trying to figure out if it is normal develop brand new tastes or cravings in the middle of your life. (?)  I’ve never really thought about it…
Was my mom the only one making these in the 70’s in the 80’s back in the day? (side note: When did MY decades start…
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