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  1. I would gift this book to my son. He is 11 years old. I know it’s not a graphic novel, but hopefully he would give this book a chance. I think it would be incredibly beneficial for him to read a Christian book that would help him to build his character into the man God wants him to be. I love that my son is empathetic and inquisitive!

  2. Tania Kallish says:

    I would gift this to both my sons: 9 and 15. They both have their own dreams and goals. They are both leaders in their own fields (the oldest is a Junior Karate Instructor and Head Trumpet in the marching band) (the younger one is the only boy on his dance team which automatically makes the other boys at the studio not on team look to him for inspiration) and I really think this would help them to keep the important things first and help them be better leaders and grow into men of character.

  3. Roxie Flynn says:

    I’d absolutely gift this book to my son who’ll be entering middle school. I love his beautiful, kind heart, his gift of making others feel comfortable around him and his ability to think things through with wisdom for his young age. Love this kiddo! ❤️

  4. Carla Rae Shaw says:

    I would like to enter the draw to win the book! I would give this book to my 12 year old son, my middle son of three boys. He is so thoughtful and thinks so deeply about things and I love that about him❤️

  5. Melissa B says:

    I would love to gift this book to my oldest son, Eddie who is 12. I love his passion for reading and sharing his stories, he could really benefit from a great character building book like this!!

  6. I would like to have this for all five of my boys, ages 1 – almost 14. But especially right now for my oldest who tends to be the leader of the pack. I love the positive leadership qualities that pop out here and there. He loves books and has a very creative imagination. I feel like this would be a great resource to encourage his passions in a Godly direction.

  7. I would gift it to my son William. I love his willingness to pray and lead others in a life with Jesus.

  8. Wow! This excerpt spoke to me! I want to gift “Mission Possible” to my son, Luke. He is a senior in high school and preparing to leave for college soon in the fall. Although this is written for “
    young readers”, I think it’s perfect for an easy read with so much meaning for someone his age too. I’d love for him to read it before he leaves. One thing I love about Luke is his ability to challenge himself athletically and in daily life. He’s not afraid to step out of his comfort zone to face a challenge he has set or that has been bestowed upon him.
    I think this book will speak to him.

  9. Olivia Hoffman says:

    I would gift this to my youngest, 10 years, who is an avid reader and currently navigating how to be different (with special needs) in a culture that praises conformity to what is typical. I love Tim’s message that God still has a beautiful purpose for his life! Thank you for always sharing such great resources!

  10. Cathy Randazzo says:

    I would love to read this book with my 13 year old son. He loves Jesus and reading his Bible, which I am so grateful to God for. He’s been going through a lot lately – growing quickly, maturing quickly, family dynamics, learning outcomes and consequences of his choices and actions – and he would love the encouragement of this book. I bought him Tim’s devotional for Christmas too! Thank you for considering us. Love to you and your family! Cathy

  11. Monica Putnam says:

    I would like to give this book to my granddaughter Lilly and she is an amazing athlete and student who could use some encouragement from someone other than me #momlife lol

  12. Traci Perez says:

    I would love to gift this book to my oldest son. He just turned 10. It is hard to choose only one thing I love about him… He is such a wonderfully sweet and caring person. And he still loves to get hugs from his momma, and give them as well ☺️ I am also so glad that he loves reading for pleasure!!!

  13. Lori Funk says:

    I want to gift this book to my grandson, Thomas (10). One of the many things I love about Thomas is his compassion for his younger female cousins. He speaks gently to them and watches out for them. They love him so much!

    1. Ohhh that is the best. And think what a good husband he’ll make one day! 🙂

  14. Jan Markham says:

    I would love to gift this book to my two sons 12 & 11. They both are two amazing kiddos and want them to continue to grow in their faith. They both play football and lacrosse, my older son is currently reading Tim’s book Shaken, he’s a wonderful inspiration and role mold for these boys.

  15. I would gift this to my sports loving son who has such a giving heart.

  16. I have 3 boys who are inspired by Tim Tebow. I would probably at some point buy this book for them anyway. If I won it, I would challenge my 10- or 12-year old to pray about a friend to give it to—the boys know a few who are struggling, and they try to be leaders and confidence builders. So glad to know about this book being published. Thanks for your amazing and real yet uplifting example as a mother. You inspire me to do better!

    1. Thank you so much, Melissa. I love your heart and your boys are a great age for this (and what a sweet idea to gift it to a friend!) xo

  17. I would give this book to my son. It sounds like a wonderful book for my son.

  18. I would give this book to my two sons, ages 11 and 14. They are at a very impressionable age, wanting to fit in, be “cool” etc. and I think Tim is an excellent role model for them. I love my youngest son’s determination. I’d he puts his mind to doing something he will definitely do it! I love my oldest son’s kind and tender heart. He always puts others first and is very caring.

  19. I would love to share Tim’s new book with my oldest son. He is starting high school next year and my prayer is that he would really focus on what kind of person he wants to be and represent! I love Parker’s tender heart and spirit of curiosity!

  20. Mackie Neely says:

    I would give it to my 9 year old son who loves sports, Tim Tebow and is growing in his faith! He is a great kid who has a lot of deep questions! I pray for wisdom to raise him well.

  21. I would give this to my two boys. They both love football and I would like them to have a good Christian football player to model for them. I love the different personalities God gave each of them and I look forward to seeing what God has in store for their future.

  22. I’d love for my 10 year old son, Jason, to read this book. He is naturally athletic and I believe he would feel a connection with Tim Tebow and would be excited to read a book by him, but even more importantly, Jason has been talking to me lately about wanting to grow more in his faith. He struggles with perfectionism and self doubt and I just had a conversation with him the other day about him being valuable and loved simply because he is – not as a result of what he does or accomplishes. I think this book would minister to his little heart and be a blessing to his life and future!

  23. My 11 year old son. He’s a huge athlete, but I don’t think he realizes how much of what he does well is by the help of God.

  24. Kimber mueller says:

    Man that excerpt was powerful and actually I needed to read it today.. if I won the giveaway I would give it to my nephew, who is 12 years old. His life hasn’t been easy as my sister (his mom) is a single mom. He loves sports, esp baseball.. and so I think a devotional by a player he likes would be helpful and uplifting for him to remember that God has a mission for him in his life and his life has a purpose even if it’s tough.

  25. I’d gift the book to my 12yo daughter. She struggles with self confidence and doubts, but she’s got a tremendous heart of service and compassion for others.

    1. Oh she’d love this book then. I’ll pray for her now, 12 is a tough age no matter what. 🙂 xo

  26. Jennifer Ponzo says:

    I would love to give this book to my 12-year-old son that has school struggles in hopes that it would build confidence for him.

  27. I would love to give this book to my two sons (11, 13). They are both at that age that they could use more role models who are Christian’s pushing them to follow God’s plan for their lives.

    1. ❤️ Those are the toughest years, and I’m sure you’re helping them get to the other side well!! xo

  28. I would give this to my 11 year old son. He has a go getter personality and would love him to be immersed in biblical truths from people he looks up to.

  29. Heather Baron says:

    My son Evan who is 12. Evan is amazing…friendly, kind, athletic and smart and trying his best to navigate being the youngest of 3 boys and finding his way in middle school.

  30. I have three boys – ages 9, 7, and 7, that I would love to gift this book to. Especially my 9-year-old as he is leading the pack so to speak. My boys are thoughtful, energetic, and amazing ;). And they are each others best friends. We also homeschool and I credit a lot to that. This book sounds awesome – thank you for the opportunity to be able to win one!

  31. I would gift this to my 12 year old son. I love his big heart of service-volunteering each week with the Cubbies at AWANA and monthly at kid’s church. He sings the silly Cubbies song to us and makes us laugh! 😂☺️

  32. I would gift this to my son who just turned 9. He is such a god big brother to his 5 year old sister. He wakes up with her to take her to the restroom at night and when she wakes up scared he will move from his bunk to hers and sleep next to her so she’s not afraid. He never complains about it. Love that big heart of his!

    1. Wow bless that boy’s sweet heart. 😉 I love him already! Good job, mom! (he learned that somewhere. ;))

  33. I would give this book to my 10 year old son. He has read one of Tim’s books and absolutely loved and related to it so much! What I live about my son is his compassion for others!

  34. I would love to gift this book to my almost 12 year old daughter. She loves reading and I’d love to encourage her to start venturing out from her regular picks to something with wisdom and life application. This seems like the perfect book. Thanks for sharing this giveaway.

  35. Elizabeth M says:

    Hello! My soon to be 11 year old son! His birthday is April 1!! Erik has the gift of gab and I love that he can strike up conversation with just about anyone. I think that will be a great blessing to him and those he encounters as he grows into a young man. ❤️

  36. I’d give this to my younger 2 boys 🙂

    1. Oops missed the what you love part- I love that they are best friends and they have each others back. Doesn’t mean they don’t always agree etc, but they always stay friends. Warms my heart.

  37. I’d love to give this to my 10 year old son E. I love his sense of loyalty and his love for God & others. He also has a tenacious spirit; he faces many challenges due to different diagnoses but they don’t really slow him down or dampen his positive outlook on life.

  38. Teresa Hoover says:

    My eleven year old is a wonderful boy – clever, creative, and thoughtful. He also struggles with trusting God and honesty. He loves to read and is interested in public figures – so I love that this book is written by someone famous who claims Christ.

  39. Ashley Matteo says:

    I want this give this to my son, Nathan (and then his younger brother Luke). I love that Nathan has shown great courage to hang back during his bike practice to avoid the vulgar talk of some of our high schoolers, who have turned into real punks. Instead, Nathan has turned to the 7th graders and has shown leadership and encouragement to them (while also avoiding the inappropriate language his old “friends” are now using).

    1. Aww, what a great kid. I love that and it will pay off in keeping his heart clean! 🙂 Big hugs to all of you!

  40. Becky Vickrey says:

    I would actually love this for a resource for the school I teach at. We are a Christian school working to teach Christ followers how to live for Christ.

  41. I would give it to my son, (10). I love that even though he thinks he’s an adult, he still loves to hug his momma and isn’t too grown to snuggle with me. 🙂

  42. This would be great for my son!

  43. Jenny Roethlisberger says:

    My 12 year old son could use this book- he’s got the gist of leadership but he needs some guidance to direct it towards good and not evil 😂

  44. Stacy Meade says:

    I would gift this to my 14 year old son Josh. I love his quirky sense of humor!

  45. Kim Stamas says:

    I would gift this book to my son, who is 11. I love my son’s heart for the Lord. I think this book would inspire him!

  46. I would love to gift this book to my 4 boys (ages 10-2) We are Tebow fans over here and would love to add this book to our library. My boys are leaders, comedians, justice seekers, and workers. It’s my joy to spend all my days leading them to Jesus… 🙂

  47. Ali Wallin says:

    I would LOVE to win this book for my ten-year-old PHIN!!! He’s a very bright, inquisitive, thoughtful boy, and I think this book will be the perfect read for him in this season of his life.

  48. Tiffany B says:

    My son, Elijah. He is sensitive, had such a tender heart. He is so thoughtful and doesn’t forget anything! He loves his family and God. I pray that he walks by faith all the days of his life.

  49. Christina says:

    I would gift it to my almost 11 year old, Evan. I love his tenacity. 😀

  50. I would gift it to my son Ellis, and I love his curiosity 😁

  51. I would gift this book to my 6th grade boy. I love how tender-hearted he is, and his heart for Jesus.

  52. Rachel Mooney says:

    I would love for my 13 year old son Nathan to receive this book! Nathan is amazing at all he does whether it’s playing soccer, basketball, tennis, or running cross country but his kind servants heart for others is what I love the most!!

  53. I would love for my middle school aged son Clark to read this! He is a natural leader and I love his heart for people and passion for entrepreneurship!

  54. Ashley H. says:

    I would love to give it to my oldest son Jack. He is just now starting to enjoy reading and I think he would really like this book. He is a positive guy and is really trying to make good choices.

  55. Ariel Weed says:

    I’d love to give this book to my son Connor! He’s so smart and witty! He’s about to start middle school and I want to do everything I can to set him up for success being the best version of himself!

  56. I’d love to gift it to my son Luke. I love that he is a confident 12 year old and I love how he sets an example for his three younger brothers.

  57. Vivian Sheppard says:

    I would give this to my son Levi. I love this kid for his passion for life and people. He is quite the conversationalist.

  58. My 9 year old son would love this book 🙏💙

  59. Well, I can’t just pick one… because my older boys are twins! I love the fact that both of them love to read now! So, this book would be great! They are used to sharing. 🙂

  60. Kate Rader says:

    I am so happy to see more great books for young people! I love that Tim Tebow is encouraging this generation. I would love to gift this to my 13 year old son. He teaches me so much about life and has a joy that I love!

  61. Would gift to my oldest son Evan. I love his enthusiasm for brackets and March madness right now 🙂